It was as if hundreds of tons of high explosives were buried under the earth, and it exploded suddenly with a loud noise. The punch that was enough to subdue the dragon smashed on the earth, and smashed the ground directly into a huge In the deep pit, the remaining power not only continued to spread, but even caused a wave of shaking, and countless trees were broken and buried under the soil.

And Hecht also floated back like a paper man in front of the gust of wind caused by this huge force, barely escaping his life.

Just like 070, he floated back for nearly a kilometer before landing on the ground. Looking at the huge pit in front of him with a diameter of hundreds of meters, Hecht just... swallowed his saliva, and cold sweat broke out on the bridge of his nose.

"I understand a little bit about the power of your power. You just used this trick to crush all of Roswaal's bones."

Roy nodded leisurely, and didn't care about Hecht dodging his own punch. If the opponent was killed by his own punch like this, it would be too boring.

Regardless of....

How this devil was excluded from the scope of the 'sinister witch', but its power is real, and it represents the high-end combat power of this world. According to Roy's approximate estimate, he is fighting. In terms of strength, it is also lower than the sloth witch, and stronger than other witches-except the jealous witch.

Moreover, the witch power possessed by the devil is one of the strongest powers in this world. It is almost the origin and composition of this world. Its mystery is extremely high. If it is taken out alone, it will definitely be higher than the power and authority of the **** of disobedience. It's a pity that the Roy he faced was not an ordinary godslayer, but an existence that had already surpassed godslayers.

"What the **** is going on with this guy's power, I have never seen it at all."

Hecht was a little horrified, and found that he was too big. He also understood why Pandora asked him to test the power of this man. His power seemed to be outside the scope of this world's system at all. Hector had never What I've seen, the power of that punch can probably be called power.

"Fortunately, I listened to Pandora's words. I can try him with those monsters first. Although those monsters are not strong, they are very troublesome."

Hecht's body floated into the sky again like catkins, and Roy was walking in his direction step by step. Roy did not speed up, but was using this method to put more pressure on Hecht.


Suddenly, Roy noticed the emergence of a large life force. Although he was not good at the type of perception, it was impossible to hide the sight and perception of so many lives appearing at this distance.

"Squeak, squeak..."

It's the sound of teeth rubbing against something.

Roy stopped and looked around, only to see a large white and furry thing gushing out from the crumbling ground and the collapsed woods.

There are more than 1,000 rabbits. Each rabbit looks very small, but it is different from the cuteness of domestic rabbits. These rabbits exude heterogeneity. Bloody, cruel breath, they have scarlet eyes and sharp rabbit teeth, they gather together like army ants, swallowing all organic matter they can see, no matter...

Whether it's a sturdy tree trunk or a green grass, they are all swallowed up by these... Rabbits in an instant and turned into food in their mouths.

The most bizarre thing is that as long as the rabbit eats food, it will undergo mitosis, and asexual reproduction will differentiate a new white rabbit from itself, and when the food is not enough... ...The rabbits began to kill each other and devour each other again, and then they were splitting infinitely, to the extreme.

Duotu, one of the three major monsters created by Daphne, the gluttonous witch! "You should know what these little guys are, these things that Daphne made are very difficult to kill although they are not strong in themselves. Ra can't control these... The magical beasts made by Daphne, but Duotu has no reason, only the instinct to eat, they will eat all the life in sight."

"...And as long as you use this instinct, you can lure Duotu and devour everything in front of you! Ah, ah, it's so sad, it's so heavy, everyone in this village will be tortured. These....the rabbits are clean, blue, blue, blue ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

The melancholy devil Hector floated in the air, covering his head and continuing to fret, and the rabbits who were killing each other saw Roy at this time, their eyes gleamed like a thousand troops Like, rushing towards Roy with an indomitable momentum, the smashed earth also raised dust.

"Watch out for these.... bunnies!!"

Roswaal, who was lying on the ground and was trying to relieve his injuries, let out a terrified cry when he saw these ...... cute rabbits.

He knew that if these ...... rabbits flocked into the village and crossed his body, then there would be absolutely no living things left within the radius of dozens of kilometers.

"Daphne really made some troublesome things. When I go back, I must ask her to compensate me. I decided that since she likes to eat so much, let's give her some protein."

Facing the charge of this cute white rabbit, Roy stood there and just chuckled, and he also mentioned Daphne, the witch of gluttony.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be mysterious surging in those strange double pupils. When Roy opened his eyes again, his eyes swept around, and invisible power spread out in an instant.

The momentum of those...running rabbits came to an abrupt halt, and they all froze in place like sculptures.

For a while, the surrounding air seemed to be no longer flowing, and time seemed to stand still.

"What is this"

Regardless of....

Whether it was Demon Hector or Roswaal who saw this strange scene, they were all stunned and didn't know what happened.

Hecht fell from the sky, he stood in the middle of the rabbits, and when he saw these... The rabbit that should have eaten all the living things did not move, and carefully stretched out his hand Went to touch a multi-rabbit, that rabbit immediately.

It turned into a piece of white particles and shattered into the air.


Hecht looked at the particles remaining on his finger belly, and found that this thing turned out to be salt, that... mysterious man turned all the rabbits into salt pillars with just a glance! "!!!!"

Suddenly, the alarm sounded in Hector's heart, and he found that the man's strange pupils were staring at him, and what was even more terrifying was that the hair on the surface of his body had already begun to salt! The Eye of Doma', an existence that can be called a 'Rainbow'-level demon eye in the moon world, is a rare and rare thing even in the age of gods, and this demon eye is also the most effective way to deal with a wide range of creatures. Good use of ability, as long as you can't resist this magic eye, it will reproduce the miracles recorded in the "Bible" and turn all living beings into pillars of salt! Recommended,

Chapter 86 The Flood of Nabistin

"Well, so many rabbits have been solved. I don't know if these rabbits are still useful to Daphne. Let's not kill them for the time being."

Thousands of rabbit-shaped salt pillars stand on the ground, forming a majestic sight. If Roy wants to, he can activate a wide range of abilities at any time, regardless of...

Whether it is magic or power, it is enough to completely wipe out Duotu.

However, Roy really didn't know whether Duotu had any other use for Daphne, the gluttonous witch, and decided to restore Duotu after the demon was solved.

For other people, it is very difficult to recover the creatures who have been in the "eye of Sodom", but this does not include Roy himself who uses the magic eye. This powerful Roy has already played with ease and can Restore the original appearance according to your own ideas.

Roswaal, who was lying on the ground, stared at this scene in a stunned manner. His body with broken bones was trembling. This is a rabbit. This era has gradually been called the 'Three Great Demons'. There are so many rabbits who can't fight even if the army comes.

Even when Roswaal was in his prime when he was healthy, all he could do in the face of the many rabbits was to escape alive, but he couldn't kill them....... , but the man in front of him, with just one look, he turned this terrifying monster into a clay sculpture that even a child could easily smash.

Awe, fear, worry, panic, nervousness, etc... Different emotions appeared in Roswaal's heart, and his mind was complicated and unspeakable.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so depressing, so scary!! Melancholy, melancholy, I'm so hurt!!!"

The devil Hector looked at his arm, the outermost skin had already been salted, and when he touched it with his hand, that layer of salt was... The wind blew away, revealing the flesh and blood under his skin. Sprinkling something into the wound would have exacerbated the pain, not to mention this mysterious salt.

If Hecht hadn't reacted fast enough, as soon as he sensed danger.

With his own magic power and power to stop the continued salting, it is estimated that his body will become a pure salt pillar like a rabbit.

But even so, he couldn't stop using his magic power and power to fight against the magic eye "The Eye of Sodom", and the use of power for such a long time aggravated the devil's depression and made him commit suicide The thought almost took over the whole mind.

Hecht knew that he had to fight quickly, otherwise the opponent would just keep looking at him with his eyes, and when his magic power was exhausted, his energy was not enough... when he couldn't use his power, he would not be far from death.

But can he really defeat this unknown, holy, but unbelievably terrifying man? Hecht has already had doubts.

"Oh, it's still two strokes."

Roy took another step forward under Hecht's nervous expression. As Roy took this step, three pairs of mysterious and mysterious wings appeared behind him.

It is not the white feathers that people think of angels, but three pairs of six mysterious wings that block the sky and change the natural environment of the world. One pair of wings is light, one pair is flame, and one pair is flame. The wings are wind and thunder, which symbolize the holiness, flame and victory of the archangel! At this time, it was close to dusk, but with the six wings behind Roy unfolding, the sky turned into noon light, and the flames burned In the light, there is even more thunder, showing a supernatural shock to the world, but the devil Hector can't produce any good intentions, he only has fear, because those...light, Those flames, those... wind and thunder, actually turned into heaven and earth! "Here heresy, accept the trial!"

A cross appeared on the top of Roy's head, and he spit out the divine breath. This was Roy's "Lord of Light" power. A god, when combining power and digging the combined power to the extreme, now Roy can not only transform natural phenomena into a state of rapidity, but can even directly control celestial phenomena.

The sound of thunder and wind is like a war drum on the battlefield, roaring of victory. Thunder and wind are not very aggressive. They mainly symbolize the power of 'victory'. What can really bring great harm is that sacred Light and the 'fire' of the four attributes symbolized by the archangel! Endless flames and brilliance poured down from the sky, perforating, piercing, and burning, and the whole world seemed to fall into the ocean of light and flames.

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