"Actually, you are the second Pandora I know."

"Oh, that's probably the same name."

The way the pretending witch doesn't care.

"Well, it's naturally the same name and surname. In fact, that Pandora is my adoptive mother."

Roy closed his eyes and said, a petite figure flashed in his mind: Loli, that is a woman who looks young but is actually several thousand years old. Well, her hair is still purple.

"Foster Mother"

Hearing this sentence, the Pretentious Witch asked with some interest: "...then she must be a beauty."

As if boasting, the Pretend Witch said so.

"She is a rare beauty, and that beautiful body makes me linger now."

"Yes...is that so."

Pandora's smile became embarrassed again.

Hey, she's your adoptive mother, so you had **** with a seventeen-year-old girl immediately.

The wind was messy, and he was even a little depressed. He felt that he was out of tune with Roy because he was not enough... perverted. He even wondered if he should be more perverted in order to communicate with this man.

The two were silent again.

But soon Roy just... broke the silence and said: ".

...you seem very happy, Pandora."

This witch has been smiling ever since she appeared in front of him. At first Roy thought it was her habitual expression, but soon Roy discovered that this was actually the joy of the witch.

"Of course I am very happy, because I found that my power is useful to you. At the beginning, I was very afraid that my power would not work for you, so I was very nervous and worried, but now I am not worried anymore."

Pandora smiled sweetly, and the wind rolled up her thin white cloth cover, revealing a slender calf and her snow-white jade feet without shoes and socks.

"That's it, Hecht seems to have been toyed with by you from the beginning to the end."

Roy suddenly said.

"What's your opinion"

The pretense witch asked excitedly, her tone erratic.

"You asked Hector to test my strength. If my strength is not as strong as his, I will naturally be brought to you by him. If my strength is stronger than his, the devil will inevitably be in danger."

"Li Dezhao... At this time, you can use your power to save him. If your power is effective in front of me, that is what you want to see most, and at the same time you can save Hecht and continue. For your use, if your power is invalid, then you will give up Hecht and run away directly. You have obtained so much information from me, so you can naturally make a long-term plan."

"Oh, she is really a smart and dangerous woman, she really makes herself invincible."

Roy said with a sneer, but there was also a compliment to the pretending witch in his tone. This is an extremely smart, playful, and heart-wrenching witch.

"Crack, snap, snap... Feather"

The pretend witch Pandora clapped her hands and said happily: "...you got all the answers right."

"Then why are you so obsessed with me Echidona is because of the unknown, then what about you, the pretend witch Pandora"

Roy asked his doubts.

Pandora looked straight and asked: "...I want to know about the 'door' from you!"


Chapter 90 The Pretend Witch Who Was Pitted

Menroy was a little surprised when he heard this word. He didn't know what the 'door' was that Pandora was talking about. At the same time, he was also interested in this 'door'. To be treated like this by the pretending witch, this 'door' was obviously is something very important.

However, although Roy was surprised in his heart, he didn't show any expression on the surface. Instead, he said with a revealing expression: "...You really are interested in 'door'."

Roy's acting skills are too realistic. Even though Pandora has a delicate mind and has countless thoughts in her heart, she is only a seventeen-year-old girl after all. How could it be that Roy has experienced so many worlds and has always been above people. The opponent of the old fritters.

Seeing Roy's realistic expression, Pandora was overjoyed in her heart, she just felt that she had found the right person, this man really knew the 'door', and he should have understood it very well from his expression.

"Then what do you want to ask me about the Door, and if I can tell you, I'll tell."

Roy's pretentious gesture made Pandora even more convinced of the importance of the 'door'. If Roy said that he must know everything and tell her everything about the 'door', I am afraid this will make Pandora instead There was vigilance and suspicion in his heart, but Roy's fake appearance made Pandora feel that what he said was true.

'Hmph, my power is useful to you, as long as you really know about the door, how can I have 607 ways to get it out of your mouth.

' Pandora snorted inwardly, but on the surface she was still charming and charming, with a shy smile, which showed that she was also a good acting person.

After pondering for a while, Pandora slowly said: "...all I want to know is about the 'door', other things are not what I am after, as long as you tell me about Regarding the 'door', not only will I not stumble upon the 'Witches of Sin' in the future, but I can even hand Hecht to you if you need it."

Pandora sold her ally, the Demon, without hesitation, and at the same time she also wanted to use words to convince Roy of herself.

Seeing that the pretentious witch was still with him, Roy's expression didn't change on the surface, but he just rolled his eyes on the inside. You don't have so much nonsense, I don't believe a word of what you said, so you should say it quickly Let's go out the door.

Although he was full of slander in his heart, Roy said with a gentle smile on the surface: "...I hope so, I don't want to be an enemy of a beautiful lady like you, Pandora, if we can live in harmony, then It's the best."

The pretentious witch smiled shyly, her snow-white face was smeared with a blush, she raised her white-blond hair with her hands, revealing a neck as beautiful as a swan, and the looming collarbone under her neck was even more tender and attractive. .

After the two played each other's acting skills, Pandora said seriously: "...I want to ask you, where does the 'door' lead to?"

Hearing this, Roy was silent.

Seeing Roy being silent, Pandora was excited instead. She felt that Roy didn't speak because the place where the 'door' led made him not want to speak.

But for the pretend witch, no matter what...

What secret is that, she will definitely find it, and she will let you tell it! She aggravated her tone and continued: "...The previous generation of pretend witches have already discovered that this world changes every once in a while. There will be people who have no roots, and these people seem to come from 'another world'."

Having said that, Pandora quickly looked at Roy, and when she saw Roy frowned, she knew that she was right.

To this end, Pandora continued to make persistent efforts: "...these...the people who suddenly appeared in this world, many claim to be from the other side of the Great Falls, and ordinary people will It was just a laughing letter, but the former witch who pretended to believe it, she once explored the Great Falls, but found nothing, she was not willing to search, and finally found the 'door'."

"...After the previous generation of pretend demons, I became a new pretend witch, and at the same time I got the message of the 'door', so I have been observing the 'door', the secret I want to know ."

"But a man named 'Waste Hexin' suddenly appeared in the Western Continent, and he has nothing to do with the people of this world...  

The way of life and the way of thinking are completely different. Obviously, people in this world are also from the other side of the Great Falls. I thought I was looking in the wrong direction. Lugel appeared in a coma from the door and came to this world!"

At the end, Pandora's tone was all excited, her face flushed, obviously very excited.

Roy's heart moved at this time, and he knew what the 'door' was, which should be the most special place in the structure of this world.

This 'starting from zero' world is divided into two parts: the earth and the other world. The two together are the collective name of this world, and that... 'door' is likely to be... the intersection of the earth and the other world. Here! Roy has already investigated the world. There are many customs here that are very special and have nothing to do with the earth, but there are many habits that are very similar to the earth. This is probably the past... The 'traversers' brought changes to this world when they came to another world.

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