"I love you, Lord Roy..."

The envy witch Satila lowered her head, her face full of resentment and jealousy turned a little dazed, she slowly raised her head, there was a bleak absence in her cyanotic eyes, as if Losing the meaning of life, everything in her seems to disappear here.

The heart is so painful, the heart is so painful, the heart-piercing feeling, the pain that almost breaks my body, it is difficult to breathe, it is difficult to breathe, and it is difficult to accept.

Why can't I control the tears in my eyes, why do I have to burst into tears here, obviously Lord Roy is in front of him, as long as he stretches out his hand, he can grab him, touch his skin, touch his his warm body.

I want to lean against his gentle embrace, to listen to his gentle and powerful words, to look at me with pampering eyes, to wipe the tears from the corners of my eyes, and then to 'hehe' With a smirk, he hugged him tightly, listening to him say that simple sentence in the most gentle words - I love you, Satila.

But it is such a simple request, as long as he says such a simple sentence, I am satisfied, but why, why is such a sentence, even if it is a lie, Lord Roy can't say it himself The envy witch saw the future, saw Lord Roy laughing happily surrounded by the six witches, watched him being fed fruit by the six witches, listened to their numbly warm and soft words, and talked numbly. words to the extreme.

There is no self, there is no self in this picture, Lord Roy's eyes have lust, laziness, arrogance, lust, anger, and gluttony, but there is no jealousy, only her! The witch of jealousy is just this picture The viewer of the beautiful scroll, not the person painted in the painting, she can only watch the man she loves living with six other women who are also witches, no one wants to look at her, No one noticed her existence, as if the envy witch was the least important person.

Ah, I'd rather you ridicule me and ridicule me than you just ignore me like this, Lord Roy, Lord Roy, please look at me, just look at me!! This is jealousy The scene that the witch saw in the future completely distorted by the fake witch Pandora was enough to make the jealous witch desperate and crazy.

No, this is Pandora's conspiracy, Mr. Roy is definitely not such a heartless person, he will never do this, definitely not... Satila's personality shouted forcefully in the heart of the jealous witch It's like a lost soul, but Satila and the witch of jealousy are the same person. Even if the deepest sense of reason in her heart tells her that it's all an illusion, Satila's personality gradually sinks into this one that makes her. Unacceptable, only hopeless in the future.

"Master Roy...I love you...because you gave me the light, you took my hand and left the slum and told me the outside world."

"...It's you who put on gorgeous clothes for me, took me to taste delicious food that moved me, and even because of my elf's blood, you will find fruits for me wherever I go."

The envy witch looked up at Roy's figure fascinatedly, her beautiful eyes couldn't help shedding clear tears, the tears blinded her eyes, flushing the nauseating resentment, like the dense mist rising from the blue waters of the lake, provoking The infinite love of man.

"I love you, Lord Roy, I love you... It was you who hugged me on that dark rainy night, when I was shaking alone, and held my hand all the time. Don't tell me I'm not alone."

"...I got so much from you, I am grateful and repaid, the only thing I can do is... I pour out my love for you, you see my love It's a deep, deep, love that has always been in my heart, I want to express it!!"

The envy witch tightly covered her heart, with a look of pain on her face. It was heart-wrenching, heartbroken, and grief-stricken. That sadness was even fiercer than jealousy, impacting everyone present. of the heart.

There was even a witch who was emotionally moved and cried out under the influence of the jealous witch's grief.

"So, I love you because you gave me everything!!"

As if she had finally spoken out the words in her heart, the envy witch's expression softened, and a sad and expectant smile appeared under her sad pretty face.

"Who the **** is the **** witch!!"

Echidona was shocked by the envy witch's confession, she took two steps back uncontrollably, and shook her head sharply at the jealous witch: "...Your dedication is more than mine. It’s more like a witch of lust, you must be mistaken, in fact, you are the witch of lust, right, Satila!!”

Satila's anticipation and greed for love are as much as Echidona's thirst for knowledge.

Echidona knew that she was defeated, completely defeated. In terms of feelings for Roy, she could not even be compared with Satila, unless she changed her **** in one direction, from seeking knowledge to Roy. Love, but Echidona knew that she could never do this, because the **** witch would never change her **** target, and if the target changed, then she would no longer be the **** witch.

Echidona clutched her heart, showing a pained expression like Satila, like a heart attack patient, and let out an uncomfortable snort.



Roy looked at Satila with a complicated expression, this is really a stupid half-elf, this is actually a half-elf who treats his feelings so sincerely.

He approached her with a purpose, his feelings for her were mixed with disgusting selfish desires, and the time he spent with her was only three years of effort.

Satila clearly knew her selfishness and purpose, but she still gave everything unreservedly, holding the most sincere emotion and the love of a girl in front of him, without a trace of cover up.

Even Roy can't think of Zhao? Zhao, Satila's treatment of feelings is so indescribable.

But Roy knew that such a self, who approached her selfishly, was not qualified to accept this feeling at all.

"Don't talk, Lord Roy!!"

The envy witch shook her head vigorously, she showed a beautiful and stunning smile to Roy, and then the smile turned into a dark color, "...I know, Lord Roy, you are confused by them Mind, I don't blame you, I really don't blame you, it's all their fault, especially Echidona's fault, this shameless woman!"

"...Please wait, Mr. Roy, when I kill them all, when I kill everyone in this world, then there will be only the two of us left in this world, It's just me and Lord Roy...hehe...I'm so excited just thinking about this scene, you will definitely love me like I love you, definitely!!"

In the eyes of the witch, resentment and jealousy reached the extreme!

Chapter 115: The Crazy Love of the Jealous Witch

"Master Roy, Lord Roy, I love you so much! I love every inch of your skin, every hair of yours, your gentle words, your warm smile, even your I will hold every drop of blood in my heart to prevent it from dripping on this dirty ground."

The envy witch had blood and tears in her eyes, her hands clasped in her heart, and her lips trembled with trembling incitement, revealing desolate, eager and desperate words.

The dark shadows rising from the sky completely occupied this witch's castle. The many barriers that Echidona set up in the castle were torn apart almost without any resistance, and the crystal lanterns hung in the castle. All shattered with a 'crackling' sound, and the castle was completely plunged into darkness, without a trace of other colors.

And that's not enough... as if these dark shadows turned into sticky living things and continued to spread out, and soon... clinging to the structure constructed by Echidona, the lustful witch, to hide the castle above the Great Enchantment.

The shadow of the envy witch is like a rolling mill pressing on a thin piece of wood. It only lasted for less than a few seconds. The big barrier also turned into pieces, and the flames formed by many magic powers drifted in the sky. This is the witch. The Last Colors of the Castle.

When this great barrier is also broken, the witch's habitat is... 443 completely left the illusory space and was exposed to this world, without the trouble of the witch's barrier, jealous of the witch's power It's like a wild beast coming out of the cage, no longer need to be imprisoned in this small space.

Today, the moon and stars are rare in Japan, and a crescent moon shines in the sky, dyeing the earth with silver light, but the dark shadow of jealousy buried deep in the earth surges into the sky after a roar, and the black curtain seems to be a piece of A dense dark cloud completely obscures the clear night sky, and the stars and the moon have no light! Humans cannot see in real darkness. Any sight seen in the dark is actually a reflection of weak light. Although Roy has a special The ability to see foreign objects in pure darkness, but now, in his line of sight, only the surging of darkness and dark shadows.

The exclamations of many witches came from all around. Although witches possess many terrifying powers, witches themselves are not much different from ordinary humans. If they don’t eat, they will starve to death, if they don’t breathe, they will suffocate, and if they are killed, they will die. , In this pure darkness, even a witch who is different from ordinary people can't bear that kind of... terrifying depression.

Roy stretched out his hand, and a ball of light appeared in his palm. At the same time, there were other lights flickering around Roy, which were the light sources that Echidona had invited.

With the appearance of the light, the restless witches became quiet, Camilla shrank back with some fear, and Typhon, who was still young, was also trembling, looking at the jealous witch in front of her with pitiful eyes.

The pale but stunning appearance, the shadow completely transformed into the black dress of the jealous witch, the flowing veil seemed to slip from her waist, making her beautiful figure more and more charming, except... ..besides that beautiful face, everything about the envy witch's body was covered by shadows, and she could never see a trace of her snow-white skin again.

"...Lord Roy, I love you, Lord Roy, I love you! Do you love me, do you love me, Lord Roy!!"

The envy witch seems to have turned into a repeater, that's a sentence, but in her obsessive whisper, the shadows that spread from her body never stop, after the witch's castle was dipped in the sky, the dark shadow Along the endless grassland, she began to expand rapidly, trying to dye the whole world into her.

Roy took a deep breath. He didn't know how sensible Satig was, and whether the current jealous witch could think. Hearing the witch's humble and pleading words, Roy finally said: ". ...I love you, Satila!"

The slight whisper reached the ears of the jealous witch, the witch who was bent over and lowered her head suddenly suffocated, followed by the jealous witch's face... ecstasy appeared, she was shedding scarlet tears, that The shadow that is trying to swallow the world is also stagnant.

Just when Roy thought that things could actually end so easily, the jealous witch shouted with joy: "...Ah, ah, Lord Roy, you really love me, you really do love me. Mine! Then please kill all the witches around you......you only need me alone, I will not allow them to enjoy your love. Ahhh!!"

Roy said in his heart as expected, the jealous witch is still the jealous witch, she will not give up her jealousy just because of a simple declaration of love, and the only way to make her stop jealous is to... The source of jealousy breaks.

And now the envy witch is jealous of the other witches! "Tiratilla, wake up quickly."

The arrogant witch Typhon shouted in a weeping voice.

"Tila, look at what you are doing!! You will make the world into chaos and war by doing this, I will not allow it, I will not allow anyone to get hurt in front of me, please stop!!"

The angry witch Minerova shouted furiously.

"Sa...Tila...Please, please don't embarrass Mr. Roy, okay, if...if you can agree, I accept...accept You and I serve Lord Roy together."

The **** witch is like a scared little rabbit, she lowered her head and said timidly, but the words she said made people imagine.

Roy sighed secretly, knowing that witches really can't change their behavior with words, even at this time, the witches of anger and **** are still there: act according to their own witch instincts.

At this time, Echidona's expression was not good-looking, but she still said calmly: "...don't try to persuade her, Satila has already become jealous of us, and is envied by the envy witch, and you will have the consequences of this. You know it."

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