The tone was like another ridicule, but there was also kindness towards Satila, reminding her not to be too stressed out.

Satila's delicate body paused for a while, she shook her head, and whispered to Echidona: "...even if everyone doesn't blame me, I...I blame me myself. My own, I will be very happy if I can help you, and everyone seems to need my help."

The envy witch's words made Echidona breathless. She felt that Satila was right. Except...Camilla and herself can take care of themselves, the other witches are... useless. , Satila's work is really necessary.

"Then it's up to you."

Echidona didn't say much.

Roy just used the knife and fork cake with a smile, and the taste buds enjoyed the silky smoothness. For Echidona's anger and Satila's retreat, it was a drama of two beautiful girls uniting.

After a while, Echidona calmed down, and she began to think about the witch's life and direction. The greedy place of this generation of **** witches is 'knowledge', so there are many witches' backbone, but there were seven in the past. When witches are extremely emotionally crippled, that's when they are really one.

"Lord Roy, the time flow rate of the mental image world is different from that of the outside world. When you leave the mental image world, the outside world is only a moment. You must take back all the witch factors as soon as possible, and don't let them fall into other people's. in hand."

Echidona's advice is always very reliable, even if her advice is sometimes difficult to accept in the process, but the result is always on the bull's-eye.

"I was about to ask you, whether the witches and your witches can fully control them. If I give the witches' factors to others, can you take them back at any time?"

Roy asked solemnly, this is a very important question, if the witch factor cannot be completely controlled by the witches, then Roy must be cautious. Make your own enemies.

The so-called witch factor can be said to be... the core of the witches, the power of the witches is... from this, it is like something innate in this world, it is the embodiment of the rules of great sin, the witch is It is because of the witch factor that it is called a witch, and it represents a sin.

"Please don't worry about this, besides... witches, there are people who can accept the witch factor and gain power, but the witch factor is the witch's property after all, only when the witch dies, the witch factor will It is passed on to the next witch, even if it is someone who is not suitable for the jealousy witch factor, she will still be a jealous witch."

Echidona unknowingly scolded Satila again, but Satila was a witch of jealousy, not a witch of anger, so she wasn't angry either.

"...I and the other witches are now in a state of soul, which does not mean death. The witch factor is always something that belongs to us. Even if you give it to others, what those people get is only' The Witch's Blessing is not the Witch's Power, so don't worry, you can use the Witch Factor as you like, and if necessary, our witches can withdraw the Witch Factor and Blessing at any time."

Echidona's words were approved by other witches, and this detailed explanation gave Roy a reassurance, so that he could make the most of the witch factor.

Giving the witch factor to the right person means... granting the other party's protection. For example, if you give the **** witch factor to others, the other party will get the "Blessing of the **** witch". The ability of that … blessing varies from person to person. , Although it is in the category of 'strong desire', each person has different abilities.

It's like the power of the **** witch 387 in the past is definitely not the "Book of Wisdom", it may be some kind of very powerful offensive power, but Echidona is different from the previous **** witch, so her combat power is very low.

"With the help of your witch factor, things will be much easier... By the way, Donna, you have one more thing to do for me."

It takes a lot of hard work for those who can do things, these... Among the witches who can do things the most... Only Echidona is the one who can do things.

"What do you want me to do"

Echidona asked casually.

"I remember that you will have made two degraded versions of the Book of Wisdom"

"Well, I gave those two books to Beatrice and Roswaal respectively."

"So Na, you can use your power to make more, the degraded version of the degraded version. I will use the power of the "Book of Wisdom" to change the lives and will of others!"

Roy's expression was half-smiling, and his words were quite dangerous.

However, witches are not kind people. They are all emotional products, and their three views are different. Even Satila and Minerova, the two witches who give the impression of goodness, are actually Actions are also harm to the world, just like Satila's overly persistent love, which is not something ordinary people can have at all.

"This is easy to handle, as long as I can make that kind of... inferior things in an instant."

Echidona didn't ask what Roy was going to do, and agreed directly.

At this time, Satila said hesitantly: "...Lord Roy, about the 'death return' you want..."

The 139th chapter is willing to die for you thousands of times

The other witches have no interest at all in these serious matters, they are happily sitting in their seats and eating snacks, while the sloth witch is lying on the ground, using her own power to 'can't... Hands' took the food and stuffed it into his mouth.

Satila was talking to Roy and didn't have the time to feed the gluttonous witch. Daphne reluctantly wanted to let Segmed feed herself, but for the lazy witch, even if she used her power, she would be lazy to do it. Will agree to Daphne's request, making Daphne depressed.

And the angry witch Minerova's anger has been restrained a little, at least it doesn't look like she is angry.

Only Echidona pricked up her ears when she heard Satila mention 'Death's Return'. In the previous battle with Satila, she was aware of the activation of 'Death's Return', but for... this The power of Echidona is also unknown, so at first she thought that Satila's power was 'Shadow Devour'.

"What's wrong with the return of death? Did you lose this power, Tyra?"

Roy asked quickly in his heart.

Today's Roy has completed the foundation of the "Golden Supreme", and then he just needs to progress the spell step by step, and one day this spell will be able to achieve the ability to shatter the universe.

And after the completion of the foundation of gold, what Roy will complete next is the foundation of mercury, and the return of death is the top priority.

If Satila really loses this power, Roy's plans will be drastically changed.

"No, no, I can still use this power. I want to ask you, Lord Roy, are you going to bless this power on you now?"

Satila waved her hands again and again.

Roy was silent at this moment.

Seeing Roy's silent expression, Satila's heart skipped a beat, and she asked anxiously, "...Is there something wrong, Lord Roy, don't you...don't need me anymore?"

Speaking of this, Satila flashed a loss in her heart. It is clear that Lord Roy needs Donna, so why doesn't he need me? The thought just came up, and a burst of jealousy surged in Satila's heart. She was shocked. Don't let yourself be thinking wildly, the envy witch is the envy witch after all, even in the depths of Satila's personality, there is an unimaginable jealousy.

"It's not that I don't need this power, it's just that I don't think you should impose this power on me."

Without waiting for Satila to ask questions, Roy just... explained: "...What I need is not Satila, you give me the power and let me have the ability to return from death, what I need It is to thoroughly analyze the power of 'death return' and turn it into a spell that belongs to me."

Roy's meaning is very simple, just like a smart phone, almost all modern humans can use it: but the operating principle of every hardware in the mobile phone, every software program cannot be understood, and what Roy has to do is not For the application of 'Death Return', he thoroughly parses this power principle, just as he decomposed and restored 'Dragon's Blessing'.

"And if you want to return to the analysis of death, you need to apply this power without limit. If you bless this power on me, I may need to use suicide to return to the state of death. I am not afraid of suicide, just... …”

It's just that Roy has a 'seat' in his right hand. Roy doesn't dare to guarantee whether the return will have any effect on him now, and he doesn't dare to gamble.

Satila is very smart, she immediately understood what Roy meant, " want to bestow this blessing on others and make him your test subject"

"Well, that's what I meant."

"Then you can use me as a test subject."

As soon as Roy's voice fell, Satila just... said without hesitation, "...I can bless myself with the return of death, you can keep killing me, keep killing me, no matter what. ...

Ten times, a hundred times or a thousand times, until you are satisfied.... Although death is painful, I have been able to face it!"

Satila's expression was firm, and on that beautiful face she was full of love for Roy. She was willing to die thousands of times for Roy, and she was willing to do anything. The mental breakdown and the pain of the body were not enough. Couldn't overcome the overflowing love in her heart.

Echidona on the side was shocked, opened her mouth slightly, and almost said that sentence again: who is the witch of lust! The other witches who were making a noise were also silent.

Even Roy was shocked by Satila's persistent and even distorted love, he opened his mouth, Satila's decisiveness made him feel guilty, and finally turned into a wry smile and shook his head: "... He's not a good person, and sometimes he's scumbag, but I still can't do that kind of thing."

"...Stop talking like that, Tyra, it will make me even more ashamed."

"But your purpose, Mr. Roy..."

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