At this time, the two of them, Yilong, were getting together and didn't know what they were talking about. When they saw Roy coming, they all looked at Roy.

"That's...Miss Satila!"

Fryugel saw Satila in Roy's arms, his eyes lit up and he rushed over immediately. The loss of vitality made him weak physically, but at this time he seemed to be full of energy.

However, when Frogel approached Roy and felt that Satila in his arms had lost her breath, the excited eyes dimmed again.

"Miss Satila even..."

Freugel's expression was a little incredible, and then he said bitterly: "...Are the other witches already dead?"

"Well, their bodies were all destroyed by Pandora."

Roy's expression was not sad at all, and he said very calmly.

Those...witch's soul is in his heart, in fact, he didn't die at all, the death of the body is not a big deal to witches, anyway...witch's flesh is nothing to mortals special.

"Pandora, the Fake Witch!!"

Fryugel gritted his teeth, his gums were almost bleeding from the bite, and his eyes were full of resentment, "...We were all deceived by that...damn woman, and paid such a high price. !"

He looked at Satila in Roy's arms again, clenched his fists, and said painfully: "...even such a powerful Miss Satila... if it weren't for us, Miss Satila won't die either."

Fryugel's expression was very desperate. He believed that it was the battle between himself and Satila that exhausted Satila's physical strength and magic power, and she would be defeated by Pandora.

To a certain extent, he was right.

But Roy comforted him at this time: "...don't feel too guilty, Fryugel! Although all the pain was caused by Pandora, if we didn't join forces to defeat Shah before Tira, then the envy witch will devour the whole world, and the consequences may be even more terrible than now."


Fryugel was angry in his heart, feeling that Roy's mood was too calm.

You and Miss Satila have a better relationship than me. Why am I so sad and sad, but your feelings have not changed at all? It's really not worth Miss Satila's feelings! He wanted to scold Roy, but he didn't. He opened his mouth and felt that he had no right to say it, and Roy was comforting him, it would be too much if he said something unpleasant.

In the end, Fryugel, who had been holding back for a long time, said in a slump: "...You are also eroded by the 'Blessing of the Dragon'."

"Well, although it is better than you, the situation is not optimistic."

Roy nodded and said, he did not have it, such a powerful ability as 'the protection of the dragon' must have fatal side effects, even if Roy, as a godslayer, avoided all magic power, his vitality was also greatly lost.

It's just that the physique of his "Body of the Holy Son" makes him invisible from the outside, and the lost vitality will not be replenished. If this continues, he will easily feel fatigued mentally and physically, so Roy also decided to look for it later. It takes time to activate the power of "Rest of the Son" to resurrect himself full of blood.

But Fryugel didn't know this, he just thought that Roy's lifespan was also greatly reduced, and inexplicably felt much happier.

This is human beings, who do not suffer from the few but suffer from inequity. If everyone else is okay, only one has to do it.

, then naturally there will be resentment, but if everyone is miserable, they can face it calmly.

"The battle ended a bit quickly, and our protection was also withdrawn relatively quickly. Although we still lost most of our vitality, at least we won't die tragically right after the battle. Anyway, we still have a few more years to live."

Fraugel said with a bitter expression.

"Reid over there decided to forcibly confer his protection on the sword in his hand at the end of his life. Porkenica promised him to do everything he could, using the secret method of the dragon to transfer the protection, and at the same time Porkeny Card will also give the 'Blessing of the Dragon' to that sword, so that Reid's descendants can continue to pass on, which is Polkenica's compensation to Reid."

Fryugel is actually a very familiar person. When he is not a chicken, he is a very easy person to get along with. He will talk a lot to people. I told Roy about what the card discussed.

The swordsman over there also smiled heartily, patted the long sword hanging on his waist and said to Roy: "...From today, this sword will be called the "Dragon Sword"!"

"As for me, I don't think Reid thinks about future generations like this, and I don't have any offspring. Reid's doing this will make his soul dissipate and become the subconscious of the sword, and I still believe in souls. Reincarnation said, so this method was decisively rejected."

"...By the way, Roy, do you have any request for Polkenica? It said it would give the three of us enough compensation. This time, we helped it perform its duties with our lives."

Freugel said again.

"I have nothing to ask of Polkenica, that's all."

............Roy refused with a smile, he has already got the greatest benefit, sometimes it is not good to be too greedy, he is not... a **** witch, he knows that enough is enough.

Besides, he really had nothing to ask for Polkenica, because he was stronger than Polkenica.

"Ha, you're too noble, I'm too embarrassed to do it, I'm asking Polkenica to let it take care of Shaula for me, in this world, only Shaula makes me a little worried. "

Freugel stood on tiptoe and patted Roy's shoulder. This sage was a little short, but Roy didn't refuse his familiarity.

"By the way, Red and I decided to travel together in the last days of our lives to see the world and the land. Polkenica promised us to travel together, how about it, Roy, do you want to join in? us"

Fryugel remembered something, and asked again.

"The world is so big, and I want to go and see it... well, then I'll walk around with you."

Roy thought for a while and agreed with Fryugel's proposal.

Next, he will have a long free time, at least a hundred years, so Roy is not in a hurry and decided to relax.

He also has to get used to the idea of ​​an immortal species that can live for thousands of years.

"Haha, Red and Polkenica, I've got another travel companion!"

Freugel waved and laughed at the man and the dragon.

Since then, in the journey of the sage, the sword saint and the dragon, there is also a godslayer.


Chapter 142 The legendary four heroes, the Dragon Kingdom!

Time flies by in the blink of an eye, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the territory of the Kingdom of Lugnica, on a plain, the three of them were standing quietly here, and a gust of wind blew, bringing a commotion.

"Your Majesty Freugel... his life is coming to an end."

A stalwart man with a full beard stared at the...a somewhat frail figure in front of him, just...sighing.

Beside the middle-aged man, Roy was wearing a sacred red vest with the sleeves of his hands close in front of him, just like a holy clergyman, giving people a gentle and compassionate feeling, making people unconscious when they saw him will regard it as a representative of 'goodness', and thus will have a good feeling in the heart.

"Won't your majesty go and say something to him?"

Roy looked kind and calm, with an elegant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Next to Roy is the king of Lugnica, the Lionheart Kingdom. No, it should be called Lugnica, the pro-Dragon Kingdom now! Three years ago, Roy and Red, Fryugel and Polken Nikka steps on "Nine Eight Seven"

On a journey to travel around the world, in three years, three people, three and one dragon have been to the northern polar regions, I have seen the holy king and king of the Holy Kingdom of Gustik, and they have been to the city-state of Kararaki. As a traverser of 'Wasteland Hexin', in the Flakia Empire, he has also met the gods and emperors of the empire, and has faced the pursuit of the imperial army, but with the strength of three people, three and one dragon, he is naturally safe and sound. , On the contrary, the empire was almost broken.

Because of the influence of Roy's power of "seeing the face of God", he always feels holy and compassionate. In addition, he has defeated the envy witch and saved the world. He has helped many people when he traveled around the world. Poor people, so they also got the title of a 'Saint'.

Roy doesn't care about this title. He thinks it sounds better like 'Godslayer', but in this world, the title of Godslayer is really not suitable for use.

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