Roy continued to coax the child.

Seeing Roy coaxing Emilia into a smile, both Filtona and Hughes breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the woods in front of him swayed, and a young elf walked out of it. This elf had... short black hair, a strong body, but his face was expressionless, like a rock.


After seeing this elf, Emilia, who was being held in Roy's arms, greeted him with joy.

A smile appeared on the stern face of the elf named Archie. After seeing other people here, he lowered his head and said: "...Lord Roy, Lord Felutona, you guys I'm here too! This is my dereliction of duty, I didn't stop Emilia-sama and let her get lost, but fortunately, Emilia-sama didn't have an accident."

This young elf is the playmate of Felutona and Hughes when they were young. When he was a child, he was... Felutona's guard, and when he grew up, he became Emilia's guard.

"Don't say it again, Archie, it's all my fault, I've been taught by Mother Filtona."

Emilia said aggrievedly, and Archie was relieved to hear that.

Emilia turned her head to look at Feltona at this time, with a very serious expression on her small face: "...No matter....

Who is my mother and why doesn't everyone tell me, but Mama Filutona will always be Amelia's mother!"

Emilia's words made everyone stunned, and then she laughed because of her sincere words and childish words. Felutona smiled the most happily. This... the patriarch of the elf clan can be described as the queen. His Majesty's beautiful elf glanced at Roy with a charming mouth, and her heart was filled with joy in vain.

I want to be not only Liya's adoptive mother, but also her stepmother! Inexplicable, this thought popped into Felutona's mind.

And now, it seems that half of the success has been achieved, at least Liya will not reject her... "In order to find you this little girl, everyone has not done any work."

Roy patted Emilia's little **** gently, and said to Feltona: "...before we were still discussing about trade, which concerns the fundamentals of the elves, For a while... let's continue talking, as for Leah, let Hughes and Archie play with her for a while..."

With that said, Roy put Emilia down from his arms: "...Lea, go play with Hughes and Archie, don't be naughty this time."

Although she was a little reluctant to leave Roy's embrace, Emilia still coquettishly said: "...I see, Dad! Go and talk to Mama Filutona about business."

Then, her eyes lit up again: "...When can I go outside the forest with my dad to see?"

"If you leave the forest, you will leave everyone here, Liya, are you willing?"

Roy asked amusingly.

The young Emilia really hesitated for a while, then shook her head and said, "...Well, then I'm not leaving the forest, but Dad, you have to come and see me often."

"I spend half the year with you."

Roy said angrily.

Emilia smiled and finally let Roy go and ran to Archie's side.

Filtona and Emilia said a few more words before leaving together with Roy.

When the two were far away, Emilia... greeted Hughes and Archie, and continued to run deep into the forest, but this time she ran slower, "... Hughes, Archie, hurry up and follow!"

"Come on, Emilia-sama."

Hughes and Archie looked at each other, and could only helplessly keep up, but they had not taken a few steps after chasing Emilia, just... saw Emilia standing there motionless.

"What's the matter, Emilia-sama?"

Archie Hughes stepped forward a little strangely, but someone was standing a few meters in front of Emilia. After seeing that person, their expressions changed greatly, and they quickly stood in front of Emilia.

"Amelia-sama, please stand back, this man is very dangerous!"

Hughes said cautiously.

Chapter 156 The Witch and the Bishop

Standing a few meters in front of Emilia is a young man who does not look big, with white hair, white skin, wearing a simple shirt and trousers, and a blue crystal-like jewelry hanging on his ear. On the whole, he is a simple and ordinary person from the outside, only the pure white of his body makes him look a little weird.

If he was in the crowd, people might not have any interest in this young man, but when he stood in front of Emilia, he had an unusually strong sense of presence.

He is the lustful bishop of the Witch Cult, Regulus.

Xerneas! "Why are you here, Xerneas!!"

Hughes and Archie looked solemn and stood in front of Emilia, blocking the beautiful princess from behind them.

Many people in the elves are members of the Witch Cult, so Hughes is the one who knows how terrible the person in front of him is. The strong faction in the Witch Cult has problems with human intelligence and emotional intelligence. The world outlook, outlook on life and morality are also completely different from those of ordinary people. It is very different, and therefore this person is a very dangerous guy, because he always plays his cards out of common sense.

Among the many sins committed by the Witch Sect so far, this man is the absolute main force.

Hughes didn't know why Roy would let such a person stay in the Witch Cult, and he was also given the Witch Factor, which gave him powerful power, but Hughes didn't dare to speculate on Lord Roy, he just thought that That might be what Mr. Roy had in mind.

"Aha, so Hughes, you are here too."

The bishop's fingers were inserted into his hair, and he looked indifferent, as if Hughes in front of him was just a small ant.

He really doesn't need to care about Hughes, because in front of him... a powerful bishop, Hughes, who is also low in talent among elves, hardly poses any threat.

"I should be the one asking you, why did you appear in Erior Forest!"

Hughes felt that he was in fear. Lord Roy and Lord Ferutona were not around for the time being. If the bishop suddenly shot, no one would be able to rescue him in time.

At the same time, he also wondered why the Church of the Stronghold came here. It was Lord Roy who asked him to come. Lord Roy never let those witch believers from the strong faction come here. Pass through the Forest of Elior.

"You guy is really a cliché, and it makes me angry when I hear it, and it's not the first time we've met. You should understand me a little bit. If you understand, you shouldn't ask me about it. ........... Superfluous question, you should have known me a long time ago. If you don't know me, it will be even more disappointing. We have known each other for a long time, and we can be considered together. A comrade who has gone through a mission."

The bishop of **** started chattering again, this man with low IQ and EQ was a guy with a problem in his mind, but in the end, he still stated his purpose, "...I'm here for her. of."

Regulus pointed to Emilia in front of him.

Hughes and Archie were stunned for a moment, and Hughes followed with a look that was as expected, but then he just... burst into anger: "...Do you know who she is?"

"It's the daughter of the supreme bishop."

The Sectarian said as a matter of course.

"Now that you know, you still dare to think about Emilia-sama"

Hughes thought that Regulus's old problem had been committed, and his desire was reflected in his possessiveness towards women. The bishop's favorite thing with a problem in his head was... forcibly arresting other people's wives and taking their wives. His **** manifests.

And then because of his strong desires, after taking other people's wives, he won't have any physical desires. That is to say, although three hundred years later, he has also robbed countless women as his wives, but he still has no physical desires. A virgin.

Because his **** is reflected in one aspect, which is the embodiment of greed, and the desire of the body is in the category of 'lust', to a certain extent, this bishop is also quite miserable.

Hughes thought that Regulus was attracted to Emilia's beauty.

Unexpectedly, the Bishop of Strong Desire asked very seriously: "...Hughes, I want to ask you, why does our Witch Cult exist? As for your previous rudeness, I will temporarily forgive you, Who told me to be such a generous person?"

When Hughes heard the question from the bishop, he was immediately confused. Why did the Witch Cult exist? Before Hughes came back to his senses, Regulus just... laughed and said: "... Of course, our witch sect exists for the sake of the witch, and now it is the witch who asked me to find this little girl, of course I have to do it!"

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