Roy said slowly, in one sentence... almost denied the entire ghost race.

In front of these......there are some young people in the ghost clan who dare not speak. They want to refute excitedly, but they are stopped by the more stable old ghost clan, so they should not be impulsive and careful. Listen to the words of this... the highest priest of the Witch Cult.

"Look at your current living environment, the entire ethnic group has only a thousand people, most of them are old and young like you, sick and disabled, and now your most important stronghold has been discovered by the humans who hate you, even if you this time So what if you stop the human attack, next time you will lose all chances."

"...Like now you want to evacuate, but where can you evacuate, abandon the station that has been in operation for hundreds of years and go wandering, waiting for you must be the end of death, I can guarantee that within a hundred years The inner ghosts will definitely become history!"

Roy spoke lightly about the future of the ghost clan. Although the ghost clan in front of them was angry, some rational and intelligent ghost clan were silent because they knew What Roy said was correct. When they joined the loser's side in the demihuman war decades ago, when their stronghold was exposed, what greeted this race must be the result of death and genocide.

But even if they knew that, no one was willing.

"This... Supreme Bishop, please explain what your purpose is. As you said, the current ghost clan has no excuse for bargaining."

A vicissitudes of life old ghost clan elder stepped forward, hunched his waist, and said respectfully.

"You are......"

"I am the patriarch of the ghost clan now. I am old and incompetent. I chose to join the demi-human clan to participate in the war. It is the culprit that made the ghost clan so down."

The old ghost clan said with a bitter expression.

"Your choice is right, it's better to say that you are very far-sighted, you saw the dying future of the ghost clan decades ago, so you want to make a gamble. If you win the ghost clan, you will get a new life. If you lose, you will be now. As a result, and unfortunately, you were on the wrong side of the war."

Roy folded his hands and fingers in front of him, his expression seemed calm, but he was implicitly commenting on the choices and actions of this... ghost clan chief.

The old man smiled bitterly again, nodded and admitted Roy's words, he just... stood in the wrong place in the choice, which brought such a big disaster to the ghost clan, but he did the right thing, because in the demihuman In war, as demi-humans, they can only stand on the side of demi-humans.

"Give you a choice, and it's your only choice right now. Join the Witch Sect and become a vassal of the Witch Sect. I will shelter you and allow you to continue living in these mountains. I think you don't want to see ghosts either. The demise of the clan, and the brutal slaughter of the children like just now.”

Roy suddenly pointed his finger at the twin sisters of the ghost clan. Rem, who was secretly looking at Roy from behind his sister, was shocked and stepped back with an "ah".

Even Ram didn't have the courage to protect his sister before, and took a few steps back in fear with his sister. It was really Roy's aura that was too heavy and terrifying, even if Ram was called a genius of the ghost clan, Facing the coercion and self-confidence of the superior who was like a sea like a sea, she also felt a sense of fear and depression from the deepest part of her heart.

"Lord Supreme Bishop, do you want our ghost clan to submit to the Witch Cult and become a member of the Witch Cult, will you provide us with a safe living environment? Stay here, and there will definitely be more human soldiers to attack in the future.”

If it was in the past, Ram who pointed his finger at the ghosts as a treasure, their expressions would definitely not be the same as they are now.

But this... ghost clan patriarch knows that the life and death of the ghost clan is not important to any individual ghost clan, no matter...

Whether it is the life of the patriarch, or the prodigies and geniuses who have high hopes, are pawns that can be discarded in the face of the life and death of the entire race.

If the entire ghost clan was wiped out, then even if one or two ghost clans survived, it would be meaningless.

"I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that when humans continue to attack, the Witch Church will abandon you. You can rest assured about this. Although I am called the highest bishop in the Witch Cult, I have a name. You must have heard of it."

Roy smiled at the ghost clan chief and said, " name is Roy.

Crowley, are you at ease now?"

"Lugnica, the Pro-Dragon Kingdom's Speaker of the Society of Sages!"

After hearing Roy's name, the patriarch of the ghost clan's expression changed greatly, his horrified expression was about to come out, and at the same time his heartbeat was thumping, and an indescribable sense of fear rose from the deepest part of his soul.

The speaker of Lugnica's 'Sage Society' and the highest bishop of the Witch Cult are actually the same person. This is definitely a secret that only a few people know, and now their ghost clan also knows it, this is not good news, even The patriarch of the ghost clan felt that if he refused Roy's proposal, the Witch Cult would kill them all in the next moment, so that the secret could continue to be a secret.

"Ah, it seems that you know me, that's the best thing... Don't be suspicious, this time it's Lugnica's royal family and other nobles who came to slaughter your ghost clan, and it has nothing to do with me. No, it can even be said that I am on your side, and only I will be on your side!"

Roy continued to say with a smile, but his smile brought only the deepest horror to the patriarch of the ghost clan.

The expression of the patriarch of the ghost clan changed, and finally he lowered his head, knelt down to Roy and said, "...Our ghost clan is willing to submit to the Witch Sect, and we are also willing to listen to your dispatch."

As the patriarch knelt down, the other ghost clan obeyed and knelt down even if they were unconvinced. Obviously, this patriarch was very prestige among the ghost clan.


smart people!"

Roy applauded the... old patriarch, the words of the ghost clan chief were like a name-calling, asking Roy to dispatch the ghost clan in the name of the Witch Cult, as long as the ghost clan did anything to the witch for the Witch Cult To teach something beneficial means that the ghost clan and the Witch Cult stand together, and with the reputation of the Witch Cult, the ghost clan has nowhere to go.

"Because you are so smart, I can also guarantee that your future life will not be as miserable as it is now. The Kingdom of Lugnica will trade with your ghosts, just like Lugnica and the elves. That way..."

"...Don't think how terrible and bad I am, in fact, I have a dream, that is...hope that human beings and all the demihumans can coexist peacefully, but I spent four hundred years of time, and it didn't finish it."

Roy suddenly sighed, and he raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky, invincible......sigh.

His words are sincere and contagious, and people will automatically believe it, and this is what he really thinks.

As Aiwass said before, Roy's actions over the past few hundred years have always been the coexistence of good deeds and evil deeds, and he does have such a great idea.

Although running a big country is like cooking a small fish, even Roy can't eradicate the conflicts between races. Zhao Nuo and Zhao Li have completed the angelic art for 400 years. He has completed the unity of seven sins, but he cannot Complete such an idea.

Class conflicts, racial conflicts, disputes of interests, and quarrels between countries are sometimes more difficult than personal detachment. The contradictory perceptions in other aspects also comprehend more truths.

Compassion is evil, but Roy really sympathizes with those who are at the bottom of the society, sympathizes with those ...... lost lambs, and is willing to create a better for them living environment.

This may be the will of God to treat humans as lambs and he as the shepherd.

'My will is absolute, and my actions are too overbearing. Maybe if I want such an outcome, I should change to a more moderate ruler. Theocracy and kingship always have to be separated.

' Roy suddenly fell into deep thought.

If he wants to become the **** of cross religion, he needs to understand the relationship between man and god.

Ram and Rem secretly raised their heads to look at the man in front of them, always feeling that he had a lofty dream that was beyond their reach, yet they longed for worship.

Chapter 170 A day served by twin maids

In front of the huge historic mansion is a lush garden, with countless flowers in the garden, bees collecting honey among the flowers, and among the trees circling the old house planted, birds chirping and hunting for food. insects on the tree.

In the center of the garden is a pond full of lotus flowers. Frogs croak constantly, cicadas chirp constantly, and beautiful maids in maid costumes are walking in the garden, cutting branches or applying fertilizer. A sight of harmony.

This is the power center of Lugnica, the pro-dragon kingdom, and the main residence of the Crowley family.

Roy was sleeping in his luxurious and exquisite master bedroom, with a thick and soft mattress, a bed curtain filled with light gauze, a light breeze blowing in from the window, shaking the bed curtain and spreading like a mist in the darkness. .

When the clock in the bedroom pointed to the middle, Roy opened his eyes on time.

The darkness could not stop Roy's sight. Through those strange double pupils, Roy just... saw the maid beside the bed... who was also on time and had never been late for ten years.

"You're awake, Lord Roy!"

The maid with short azure blue hair standing beside the bed saw Roy open her eyes, and the corners of her frivolous and charming mouth twitched slightly, but soon the girl was...with a restrained expression, very strict and solemn hands folded 007 On the abdomen, bowed with eyes closed.


When the other maid standing beside the bed curtain heard her sister's voice, she just... pulled the bed curtain beside the window forcefully, pushed the window with force to reveal a gap, and with a small white and elegant hand slid from the food beside the window. A handful of bird food was caught in the basin and sprinkled on the edge of the window outside the window.

Immediately, the birds that had been prepared on the branches rushed up, singing and snatching the delicacies at the window edge, the flapping wings, the melodious birdsong, and the rustling sound of the wind blowing the branches through the window in the bedroom. It brings a natural and fresh taste.

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