"Ha, the hero who once defeated the jealous witch and saved the world has something to do with the witch-worship sect. It seems that the truth four hundred years ago is not the one recorded in the history books... ah ."

Upon hearing Wilhelm's words, Curius immediately began to question history.

This... men's beauty turned her head and looked out the window. The Karsten family's mansion was very high, and from this luxurious living room, she could see the light outside, it was the bright lights of Lugnica's capital city, It seemed that there were still laughter and laughter from the people reaching her ears.

Crusius hesitated again, but this time her hesitation was not fear, but a kind of self-doubt.

Am I really doing it right? No matter....

Whether that person is... a legend from four hundred years ago, no matter...

Does he have any connection with the Witch Cult? But under the leadership of the Crowley Clan, the people of this country have lived and worked in peace and contentment for 400 years. Even the enemy, the Phalakia Empire, has never broken through the border in these 400 years. Even the most contradictory demi-human war 40 years ago, under the leadership of the 'Sage Council' speaker, survived without any danger, and the national strength did not suffer much.

If, if I really want to overthrow his rule, and really let Lugnica give up the protection of the dragon, will I become Lugnica's sinner Cuerxiu clenched his fists and pierced his nails deeply In the tender palm, even pain could not bring her the answer.

Wilhelm just looked at the girl in front of him silently, not knowing what she was thinking, but Felix, a young man with cat ears, was a knight of Coursius.

However, Argyle knew what his master was thinking about in 400, but this lively knight didn't dare to disturb him at this time, because he was not qualified to make a decision for Curius.

‘No, no matter what, at least I want to know the truth, instead of being kept in the dark, like all the ancestors in the past four hundred years, who lived in deceit and lies until death.

'Finding a good reason and excuse for herself, Curius temporarily suppressed the clutter in her heart, and she smiled at Wilhelm and said: "...By the way, there is someone who wants to give Wei Wei a smile. Erheim, please introduce him, his name is Subaru Nayuki, and in chatting with him, I found that he is an interesting person with some unknown information."

"...Felix, can you bring Subaru Nazuki in?"

Curiosus looked towards his knight.

"Lord Curius, Subaru went to the Lugnica border today, which is said to be the border Borodsvall.

.Mezzas is looking for him."

The female knight with cat ears seemed to have a very good sense of Nayuki Subaru, smiled and said lightly.

"The boy who was called away by Uncle Border seems to be hiding something... Wilhelm, I can only introduce him to you next time."

Curse frowned and said to Wilhelm.

...Lugnica border, Roy's figure appeared in this territory belonging to the border Bomezas.

Chapter 189: The Great Elf Who Has Been Waiting for Four Hundred Years


Meiza, the disciple of Echidona, the witch of **** four hundred years ago, in this long period of time, he has also experienced four hundred years of smudges and lived to this age.

However, compared with Roy's pure existence with a long life, the method of soul transfer used by Roswaal is ultimately flawed. By the time Roswaal has been reborn sixteen times now, his soul has grown enormously. the absence of.

The soul has affected his character and thinking, and what it shows is... Roswaal is getting more and more crazy, and even the previous generation of Roswaal has become a woman, relying on marrying a man to give birth to new children, If it was the... shy and shy Roswaal who was here four hundred years ago, he would never have imagined that he would make this decision to marry a man.

Today's Roswaal can say that what has survived is just an obsession, the obsession of wanting to see Echidona again.

"Then what kind of relationship is it? It's not like love, nor is the relationship between teachers and students... It's better to say that it's just the excessive attachment of this person named Roswaal."

Stepping forward, using magic to cross the distance of the country, Roy is standing on a cliff, and in the distance is... Roswaal's mansion.

Although the territory of the Mezas clan is large, because it is located on the border, the population is relatively sparse, and most of the border territory is primitive jungles and mountain peaks.

Roy didn't think about it too much. There seemed to be a pair of wings behind him. With a slight incitement, he just came to Roswaal's mansion from the cliff.

Some maids can be seen working in the mansion, but compared to Roy's mansion in the capital city of Lugnica, the number of maids here is scarce and the quality is not high. Most of them are residents of nearby villages. For this... Borderers work to earn a living.

Roy walked in the garden in front of the mansion, and the maids who were working turned a blind eye to him, as if there was no such person here.

Roy walked into Roswaal's mansion like a ghost. The layout of this house is the same as that of 400 years ago, except that it is renovated every few decades. changes.

"Well, isn't Roswaal there? It seems that his "Gospel" told him about the arrival of Nayuki Subaru, a person from another world, so he put all the chips on Nayuki Subaru..."

Roy looked around and didn't find the aura of Roswaal, and the border man might have gone to the capital of Lugnica.

Roswaal's purpose Roy also knew that he wanted to kill the dragon Polkenica and use the power of the dragon to revive Echidona, although Roy wanted to tell him that Echidona actually didn't. Die, and even if he really dies, the power of the dragon can't be resurrected, but Roy also knows that... the man who is already stunned will never listen to him.

"In a way, you are also a lowly poor man."

After looking around and not finding Rosvall, Roy just... opened the door of a room casually.

The scene behind the door is not that of Roswaal's mansion, but a huge library full of books.

"Hey, I remember that Roswaal went out, and who came here again, and opened the door of the 'forbidden library'

In the depths of the rows of bookshelves, there was a voiceless young girl's voice with a hint of anticipation.

Beatrice sat on the high chair in the forbidden library, her eyes were filled with a hint of uneasy anxiety and anticipation, and she looked at the corner of the bookshelf.

'Is the person this time... Betty' she thought with anticipation.

Beatrice has been guarding the forbidden library here, obeying the instructions of her mother Echidna, and has been waiting here quietly for four hundred years.

"As long as the person you are waiting for arrives, your mission will be completed, and you can leave this forbidden library, Beatrice!"

The words of Echidona 400 years ago are still in my ears, and the beautiful figure she longed for is still vivid in her eyes.

As a great elf, in order to wait for this oath, Beatrice waited alone in the forbidden library for 400 years.

During these 400 years, she has seen the succession of generations of owners of the Mezas family. During these 400 years, some people who came to Roswaal's mansion opened the door of opportunity to come to this forbidden library. .

But none of those people was the one Beatrice had been waiting for.

They were greedy, they were hypocritical, they smiled and offered her a saving hand, but Beatrice knew that those people were not the people she was waiting for, they were so enthusiastic only because they knew The identity of Beatrice, a great elf! Those who are greedy only want to sign a contract with her to become a elf ambassador in order to gain the power of the great elf, even among these people there is some sincerity She really wanted to save her and take her away from the people who had imprisoned her for 400 years, but Beatrice knew that those people were still not the people she was waiting for.

As for who she's waiting for, Beatrice herself doesn't know...'Da, da...' The crisp footsteps echoed in the forbidden library, which was different from those who had been to the forbidden library. , The person who suddenly opened the door of opportunity and came in had no interest in the books here at all. He seemed to have known that Beatrice was here from the very beginning. He walked through the thick and long bookshelves and walked towards this corner.

Then, when a man in a red robe with a soft smile appeared at the corner of the bookshelf, Beatrice's blue pupils shrank suddenly and exclaimed, "...it's you. !"

At that moment, Beatrice's eyes flashed in a trance, as if returning to that four hundred years ago... when the Forbidden Library had just been built and she had just signed the contract.

"Four hundred years have passed, Beatrice, you are becoming more and more neither big nor small, shouldn't you call me 'Dad' when you see me?"

Roy stood a few meters in front of Beatrice, looking at this arrogant young girl with a golden spiral double ponytail and dead fish eyes.

The four hundred years have not brought any changes to Beatrice, she is still as childish as she was back then, without a bit of stability and growth.

Perhaps this is the nature of the great elves.

"Betty won't call you daddy!!"

The scene from four hundred years ago reverberated abruptly in Beatrice's mind, making her subconsciously say this sentence, and her small body also jumped off the high chair and stood in front of Roy fiercely. He was tucked into his waist, but because he was so short, he didn't have any momentum at all.

Seeing that her intimidation didn't seem to be of much use, Beatrice just... stared at a pair of dead fish eyes and climbed back into the high chair, took out a book from the bookshelf beside her, opened it, and looked at the contents inside. The content pretends to be good money and is a little adult: "...why haven't you been a dead bone to eat after you have been alive for 400 years?"

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