Chapter 198 The Sinful Man

"Da da da......"

The sound of heels on the clean floor echoed in this luxurious palace.

Hundreds of women in the palace were shivering. The older ones hugged each other and looked at the door of the palace with horror and resentment, while the younger ones were dazed. After the expressions on their faces, fear also poured out from the depths of their hearts.

It wasn't until the figure completely appeared in the sight of many girls that the suspicious voices of 'Ai ai' sounded one after another.

Contrary to what these girls thought, the one who came here was not the master of this palace, that...a lustful bishop with a perverse temperament, like a lunatic like a lunatic, who came here was a woman who was imprisoned here. A man the children have never met.

Gorgeous and slim crimson robes, short silver hair that goes slightly beyond the ears, the man with a kind smile on his face is like the warm sun rising in the cold winter, slowly melting all the cold in people's hearts.

"Who are you... Who are you? This is the mansion of the Witch Sect's strong-willed bishop. If you enter here by mistake, leave immediately. If you wait for him to come back, he will definitely kill you."

Among the group of women, there was a strong-looking woman who walked to the front and said anxiously to Roy who came here.

Because of his lust, the bishop of **** always likes to go around to arrest those women... who have been married and take them as his wives, although the bishop of **** is not because of lust. What he will do to these women, but also to completely imprison them and not let anyone touch these women, it will arouse his jealousy as a man, and at the same time protect his heart'.

"It's really a kind girl, even if she is imprisoned here, she is still thinking about me, a stranger..."

Roy said softly.

Sloth Bishop Hughes had too many things to do and couldn't take care of the things here, so Roy had to come here in person to get these...... Caught by Regulus girls liberated.

"Get out of here, today will be Regulus.

Xerneas' death, you are free."

Roy declared to these girls very solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, these girls didn't have any joy, but chattered, you said to each other: "So you know that this is the residence of the strong bishop."

"Impossible, we can't escape the captivity of the forcible bishop."

"He cast a spell on us to make us his 'wife,' no matter what. . . .

He will find us wherever we go, and we will end up miserably."

"The bishop also hides his heart in our body. No one knows whose body the heart is, and as long as the heart is there, he will not die."

"You... are you going to crusade against the bishop of strong desire? If you can prove that you really have that ability, we are willing to sacrifice ourselves so that his heart can no longer hide, as long as you can destroy the bishop of strong desire. To kill and prevent more victims from appearing, we are ready to die!"

That... The woman who talked to Roy before, after hesitating for a moment, just... gritted her teeth and said these words of death, even if Roy saw the death in the eyes of these girls and the desire for Regule After his hatred, he froze for a moment.

I don't know that what Regulus did to them should not be physical torture, but a kind of mental torture, which would make so many girls have such hatred against him.

"Your worries are superfluous, and you are going to die, and I know better than you about the ability to force the bishop... As for his heart and curse, I will help you to lift...! "

When Roy's voice fell, the buried right hand was... slowly stretched out and grabbed it forward. The time of the entire hall seemed to be stopped, as if the black and white paintings were drawn from bright colors, the whole world All are fixed.

Followed by all the girls, there was a strange black mist, which contained the sinful aura of witches. These black mists were issued by Regulus. The curse on these girls.

When all the girls were covered with black mist, one of the girls suddenly screamed. She knelt on the ground and covered her chest, whose heartbeat was starting to speed up, with a painful expression on her face. It went quickly, and a vigorous beating heart was pulled out by Roy's hand.

This heart is not the girl's, but the filth that Regulus parasitized in her body.

All the girls felt their bodies lighten, the curse that went deep into the bone disappeared, and the terrifying heart was found and dug out by the mysterious man in front of them. After seeing this scene, These... The girls who were frightened couldn't help crying.

They hugged each other and celebrated the rest of their lives. The whole palace was filled with cries, which made people feel sad.

For a long time, the woman who spoke to Roy before, she should be the eldest sister of this group of girls, this girl dressed like a maid wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, knelt on the ground and walked towards Roy Da Li said: "...Thank you, thank you for saving us, we can't repay your kindness."

"Thank you for saving us... I, I can finally go home."

"Wuwuwu, I was just married when I was arrested by the bishop of lust. I don't know what happened to my family and my husband."

"I've been caught here for years, and my kids should be all grown up by now..."


In the sound of crying, everyone told their grief, Roy sighed lightly, bowed slightly, and said: "...It is my responsibility for all of you to encounter such misfortune, but from today onwards , your nightmare is over, there are many valuable things in this palace, you should divide these things, and leave here before dawn, the money should be enough for you to return to your own home. There is enough wealth."

"My lord, you are serious. It is your gift that we can be saved. What does it have to do with you when we are caught here? It is just our misfortune and the viciousness of the tyrannical bishop!"

The girls were emotionally grateful to Roy, and Roy was silent, just listening to their words.

It is indeed Roy's responsibility for them to be caught here, because his connivance to Regulus is the source of the misery of these girls, although from a general perspective, Roy did this to save the witch, In order to correct the four elements to save the world, but what he did also caused the miserable life of many people.

He could only silently give these girls the 'blessing of humanity', so that they could be happier in the second half of their lives.

"Okay, sisters, don't waste your benefactor's time. The more time we waste here, the more trouble we're creating for the benefactor. Let's quickly find out the valuables here and share them equally."

The girls responded immediately and turned the palace upside down with the fastest speed, because many girls have been imprisoned here for a long time, and they are very familiar with the palace.

Then these girls began to divide things in front of Roy. Those who were imprisoned here for a long time took more, and those who were imprisoned for a short time took less, because everyone was a victim, and they supported each other together, so There was no uneven distribution of spoils.

After all the valuable things were distributed, these girls thanked Roy again and said goodbye. Not far from here is... a city, as long as they enter the city, they will be safe, and the beasts and monsters nearby, Luo Yi has already been cleaned up.

Not long after, Roy was the only one left in the messy and dilapidated palace. He looked at the heart in his hand and laughed at himself, "...Although I rescued these girls, but after hundreds of Over the years, many more people have been imprisoned here in despair until they die."

"...Although I act with the righteousness of saving the world, I am still a sinful man!"

If a train goes straight, it will kill five people, 5 people, and if it turns left, one person will die. What choice should you make when you can't stop? This is a famous question about morality and humanity, although the weight of life cannot be calculated To make an analogy, but Roy will not hesitate to choose to kill one person and save five people5, unless that person is his relative.

For the survival of human beings in the whole world, someone will always be sacrificed.

"But that's not an excuse, it's still a sin, but I'm willing to suffer such a 'big sin!'"

Roy whispered to himself softly, crushed the heart in his hand with a firm grip, and the foul-smelling and dirty blood spilled on the unclean floor under his feet, which also represented the start of the countdown to the death of the bishop.

Chapter 199 Two poor people

"Kill ---"

On the plains, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Mercenaries from the 'Hexin Chamber of Commerce', personal knights and guards from the Karsten and Astraea families, retired soldiers from Lugnica, united on this vast plain, and The Witch Cultists were engaged in a brutal fight.

Wearing dark cloaks and high hats with only a pair of eyes exposed, the witch cultists silently appeared on the battlefield. Although these witch cultists are not like the army It was forbidden by orders, and there were no rules and commands in the battle, but their extraordinary personal strength also brought a lot of casualties to the coalition forces that crusade against the Witch Cult.

Short daggers and shimmering scimitars appeared from time to time on the battlefield of the coalition forces. Every time they appeared, they would cause casualties to soldiers. Either the head was cut off, or... the hands and feet were cut off, and the stump was broken. The **** stench filled the battlefield, and this place was like... a slaughterhouse.

The coalition forces fought in a uniform group, the brave mercenaries were not afraid of life and death, and the roar of groups of earth dragons trampling the earth also drowned the witch cultists, but these... Like puppets on strings, they don't have any fear at all, even before they die, they will try their best to take away the life of an enemy.

Although the Witch Cultists have strong personal strength, on the battlefield, more united tactics and more precise command are more important. In addition to the lack of the number of Witch Cultists, compared with the heavy losses of the coalition, the Witch Cultists suffered more casualties. many.

In the past, the reason why Witch Cult was feared was not because there were too many Witch Cultists, but because of the mysterious whereabouts of Witch Cultists, people could not find the stronghold of Witch Cult. .. The witch cultivator has strong personal strength and is good at small-scale combat, so every shot will bring fear to the world.

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