Having lost the meaning of life, Felix, who even lived like a walking corpse, couldn't think at all, and was bewitched by Subaru Nayuki, who was already familiar with the road.

"We should find a way to rob the prison, and we must rescue the Karsten family. For this reason, we need to cause a riot in Lugnica, Felix, because you are not from the Karsten family, so you have not been arrested. Going to prison, now it's up to you whether the Karsten family can still exist. If Kelsius knows about it, he will definitely be grateful to you. You have to think about the sacrifice of Korsten and how she used to take care of you. of!"

Subaru Nayuki grabbed the shoulder of the cat-eared boy and said persistently.

Crusher and Anastasia were out, Priscilla gave up on her own, and now the last hurdle on Emilia's road to becoming king is... Feirut, or Reinhardt standing behind Feirut .

Nayuki Subaru has also conducted many meticulous investigations on Reinhardt, but in the face of this knight with excellent character and almost no shortcomings, Nayuki Subaru found that he had nowhere to start, and she was denied by Elsa for pure force. ,, According to that... female vampire, even if everyone goes together, it is definitely not Reinhardt's opponent, so Subaru Nayuki can only find another way and decide to mentally attack Reinhardt!' One step, just one step away, how can I give up when I'm about to win! Nayuki Subaru clenched his fists, for Emilia no, now Nayuki Subaru doesn't know what he is doing, it's better to defeat all Emilia's enemy, helping the king has become Nayuki Subaru's obsession. This is the weak Nayuki Subaru's way of trying to prove his strength in this way.

No one can look down on him, he is not said to be incompetent and furious, he has defeated everyone, even the weak himself, he can fight with his embrace of death.

Felix's dejected eyes gradually became emotional, Nayuki Subaru-sama was right, even if I sacrificed my life for the sake of Lord Cure, I must let Cure's relatives live, not: Cure Xiu-sama's sacrifice became a joke! "Sad Nayuki Subaru, what should I do"

With a goal, Felix rekindled his motivation.

Seeing this, Subaru Nayuki showed a happy smile.

...In the mansion of Lugnica King City, Roy is also reflecting.

"I taught Anastasia not to sacrifice herself for greed and ambition, and this applies to me, too, I have to remember that what I am doing now is a means, not an end... A woman, a thirst and desire for power, and has since lost herself."

Roy secretly warned himself that he could use all kinds of despicable and shameless ways to make others devote himself, but he must not regard it as his own purpose, just to play with the other person's body and mind. Always remember that this is just A means of fulfilling his real, great dreams.

The means can be shameless and noble, but the purpose must not be just to satisfy one's own... pathetic desires.

In this way, no matter whether others like him or hate him, Roy can honestly tell himself that he is a man, not a beast.

But thinking of Kurosumi obviously hates it.

He hated him, but had no choice but to compliment him, reluctantly showing a smiling face to greet him when he entered, and shouting loudly as he couldn't bear the feelings of his body in the humiliation, it was as wonderful as the Angry Witch, thinking of Anastasia for the sake of To curry favor with him, to flatter him, and to serve him with all his might when his hands and feet were shackled in prison, Roy felt that this was really the source of a man's depravity.

Behind Roy, Aiwass' toes were slightly off the ground, his whole body was shimmering with light, his wings were open, and when he saw Roy's aftertaste, he just... chuckled: "... man Desires are nothing but genetic chromosomes, and in the body it's just a sense of serotonin in chemical reactions."

"...The reason why men are lecherous and interested in women is just a natural choice made by genes in order to obtain a high rate of return. It is a need for reproduction. This part of Aleister's genes is far beyond the norm. People are powerful, so he has women constantly, has countless lovers, and you are deeply influenced by him."

Roy, who was in memory, raised his brows. He turned his head to look at the holy guardian angel behind him, and said dissatisfiedly: "...you are an angel in the mysterious world, can you not talk about science without these 600? When you say this, I feel dull, as if I'm just a carrier of genes, and I'm being driven by them to live."

"Although I belong to the mystery, I am an angel of the material world, so you can also call me a 'physical angel'. As for your idea, you are not wrong. You may be... a parasite controlled by genes."

"so what"

"So you can completely discard the genes that make up humans and transform yourself into other forms."

Roy rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and clicked his tongue: "...Sorry, I still want to be a man, especially I want to be a man!"

What will happen if you give up being a human? Maybe even these desires will be lost.

Aiwass just smiled and didn't continue to say anything, she just wanted to tease Roy, no matter...

It's Roy.

Crowley or Aleister.

Klee, they both have a strong and persistent pursuit of human feelings, and they are unwilling to give up their identity as human beings. Even though that guy from Aleister always said that he would use machines to replace human thinking, he never really gave up on himself. And as a human being.

The Holy Guardian Angel thought so.

"Master Roy, this is new information."

The vampire hidden in the shadow emerged from the corner, she couldn't see Aiwass behind Roy at all, just came over and put the paper in front of Roy.

Roy picked up the piece of paper and glanced at it... Burning it to ashes, he said with a smile: "...It's finally the last move, the chess game has come to the end, it's time to end it! "

Chapter 209 Fire in the Royal Capital

The burning capital was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and the buildings were completely destroyed by the raging fire, the bricks and stones were burnt to black, the wooden houses collapsed to the ground with a crackling sound, and people rushed to escape. , crying.

Heart-piercing cries can be heard everywhere in this hell, the children are calling their parents' names, the parents are looking for their children, the husband is looking for the shadow of his wife in the fire, and the wife is calling out to her husband, and Just in this tragic scene, people can still hear that... the laughter of the initiator in the raging flames.

The noble district of the royal capital was the focus of the fire, and even the mansion of the sage chairman was caught in the fire, and even the palace at the very center of the city was almost turned to ashes.

"How dare you burn down your concubine's house, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

In the middle of the moon, Priscilla ran out of the fire under the protection of her many knights. Except... her fair and beautiful face was slightly gray and black, she was not injured at all. But seeing that the house she liked was set on fire by someone, Priscilla was also furious.


Aldebaran and Schulte, who were guarding Priscilla's side, shouted and blocked Priscilla behind. The proud young noblewoman raised her slender eyebrows, and she didn't have any fear, even though she was in the sun at night. The protection of her will become very weak, but Priscilla is a powerful magician who is deeply hidden, and she has never worried about her own safety.

But when Priscilla saw the pair of figures walking out of the flames, she just... stopped her knight and let them come over.

"It's Ram and Rem, what's going on, why is there such a big fire in the king, is Roy-sama okay?"

Priscilla opened the fan and asked while covering half of her pretty face.

She didn't think anything could happen to Roy, otherwise the maids would not be able to look so calm.

"Master Roy said that the fire was also in his expectation, and we were sent to protect you, Master Priscilla."

The twins' ghost clan maid bowed slightly and said, and then Ram's wrist with pink hair was... With a wave, an extremely terrifying strong wind blew out, and the wind blade directly split the burning fire in half, Some criminals who were running around in the fire were also directly cut off in the middle.

Seeing that Ram had such a terrifying power in a single blow, Priscilla's knights swallowed. They all knew the two maids who had been with Roy, but no one thought that this maid would actually With such terrifying strength, if this ghost maid is willing, these knights are really not enough... Ram killed it alone.

"Since Mr. Roy expected the fire, why didn't he stop it... Forget it, he must have his own ideas, and he can still think about the safety of his concubine in the midst of the fire, and let you all protect the concubine. , Concubine is very happy, the house is burnt down, just burn it, just as concubine wants to build a new one."

Priscilla's brain circuit was really different from that of ordinary people. When she knew that Roy not only did not forget her, but also cared that she had specially sent a protector, the anger in Priscilla's heart disappeared suddenly, and she was elated in the fire. stand up.

"Okay, let's get out of here first. If there are blind pariahs who dare to disturb the concubine, then you are welcome to kill them all!"

Priscilla waved her hand and left her house with her head held high.

...In the prison, after Felix released the fire under his command, he came here for the first time, because the fire burned a quarter of the city's blocks, the noble district and the hardest hit area. , he... 'Blue Magician' sneaked in here with ease.

"Lord Karsten, I'm here to save you"

After Felix entered the prison, he soon found the place where the Karsten family was imprisoned, and shouted anxiously.

But unlike what Felix imagined, none of the members of the Sten family were happy. Instead, they all looked at him with cold eyes. Even Felix opened the door of his cell, but he didn't open it. home, which made Felix quite puzzled.

"Hey... Felix, you've been deceived, get out of here quickly, we can still pretend that you haven't been here."

Duke Karsten's face turned a lot redder, and when he saw Felix open the door of his cell, he just... sighed softly.

"But Lord Crusius..."

Felix was even more excited when he saw that Duke Karsten seemed unwilling to leave.

"Chursh is not dead!"

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