Vampires can extract life force from human blood and turn it into their own life force, and life force and magic power are equivalent. The magic power condensed in a drop of Roy's blood, in Eltluce's opinion, is better than that of sucking hundreds of thousands of people. It is not a difference in quantity, but a huge difference in quality.

The Moon World has been mysterious and began to subside since AD. In modern times, the Great Source magic power has become extremely thin. In terms of the quality of the Great Source magic power, this place is not even comparable to the God Slayer World, and it is the decline of Great Source. As magicians have developed modern magic, delving into the mystery and details, instead of using magic in a crude way like the magicians in the godslayer world.

In the age of the gods in the moon world, the power of a magician's curse bomb could be equivalent to that of a bomb dropped by a modern bomber, and a magician in the godslayer world could also send a curse bomb with the same power as a high-explosive grenade, but the moon The modern magician of the world sends out a curse bullet, which is estimated to be the lethality of a pistol.

That's why modern magicians care so much about the role of the magic circuit. Since the big source magic power has subsided, they can only find a way from the small source magic power. The magic that she emits can be comparable to the magician of the gods in terms of destructive power, such as a certain magician in the future, she is such a typical example.

As a god-killer, Roy has been very different from the magic power of magicians from the very beginning. According to Enolai, he is simply... a living source, and his body is made up of him. The quality of magic power is comparable to or even surpasses that of the Age of Gods, and only with such quality magic power can the God-killer activate the power of God.

For a vampire, such blood and magic power is like a cat who sees catnip and can't refuse it at all.

"My concubine just wants to do one thing now."

Ertuluqi's wine-red eyes stared straight at Roy, which exuded fanaticism and softness like water. The light fragrance in her sandalwood mouth seduces people's souls, as if she wants to use her own beauty to make Roy completely. capture.

"what do you want to do"

Roy picked up the dinner plate that was eaten clean by the two princesses and asked casually.

"The concubine wants to **** your blood clean... No, just let the concubine **** a little, just a little bit, it will never hurt your life."

Dead Apostle Heiji stretched out **** and gestured at an extremely small distance. She begged in a low voice, as long as she can **** a few hundred milliliters of blood from Roy's body, it will be enough to kill Eltluqi by eight hundred. After many years of healing, she has regained the style she used to be in the world, and she no longer has to travel around the world with her knights and pets.

"is it okay"

Ertuluqi suddenly acted coquettishly. Heiji, a dead apostle, had never acted coquettishly at all. Her tone of voice and posture were so stiff that Roy shivered.

"Stop your delusions, Eltluqi... But if you listen a little, I can give you some blood every day. You promised to listen before and let me do whatever I want to you. You can, I think you should have a basic reputation in Ancient Red."

The smile on Roy's face sitting across from Eltluqi was extremely gentle.

Eltluqi's face changed for a while, she restrained her childish coquettish look, and became calm and calm, "...concubine really doesn't want to admit that kind of...because her emotions are out of control, but the concubine agrees. I want to know what you're going to do when I arrive, maybe you're really interested in the body of your concubine"

The ancient red suddenly raised interest, which made her feel a sense of freshness. In the past few years, no one has been interested in her charm as a woman. Magicians may want to study her body composition. The Church of Sanctuary wanted to kill and seal her even more. Only ordinary people might be obsessed with her beauty, and then they were torn to shreds by Heiji, a dead disciple.

And would a clergyman known as an 'angel on earth' have desires for her 'dirty' body of a dead apostle? "It's a little bit of interest, as a normal man's interest in beautiful women."

Roy didn't hide his thoughts, and there was no point in hiding.

"Do you want your concubine to give birth to an heir for you?"

Ertuluqi first thought of this, many magicians will pursue some special bloodline, especially those nobles, they will let some people marry, or become lovers or obtain them by other means, just to be able to let some people get married. The next generation gets better inheritance and genes.

Magicians place great importance on descendants, which is related to the future of the family and the inheritance of magic.

"If you think so, then the concubine can only regret it. It is undisputed that you are human, and although the concubine looks the same as a human, it is a different species after all, you...  ......The clergy of the church are still similar to those of hundreds of years ago, and they are not much different from magicians."

Ertuluqi said very seriously, she seemed to be saying that if the species are different, how can we fall in love.

"Erte Luqi, your thoughts are biased. I want to say that the noble feeling of 'love' can be regardless of race and gender. If there is love, it is acceptable even if you are not human or even a humanoid. "

Roy shook his head very firmly, telling that Eltluqi's thinking was wrong.

"Ha, are you really a cleric? This idea is an absolute heresy! But if you use magic, you can indeed solve the problem of reproductive isolation. If you need an excellent bloodline, the concubine thinks that this true ancestor may satisfy you more. Although I don't want to admit it, my concubine is... a failure compared to her."

Speaking of which, Eltluqi's expression was not calm, her blood-red eyes even had a faint hatred, it was her mixed blood that made her father neither love nor love her mother, the true ancestor despised her and laughed at her, Considering her a filthy and depraved filth, the ancestors of the Dead Apostles did not accept her, thinking she was the remnant of the True Ancestor.

"Forget it, bullying an idiot is fine, even the Lord won't forgive me."

Roy smiled and rejected the proposal of Altlucchi.

"Hahaha!! Although you are annoying.

, but the concubine found that you still have some concepts in common with the concubine."

Eltluce laughed happily, only the White Princess, who was their topic of conversation, looked blank.

"Okay, Eltluqi, don't use this method to test my thoughts. I said that you have a relationship with the Lord, and I hope you can return to the arms of the Lord."

Roy took out two sets of nun clothes from behind him, "...Now you are my prisoner, and you have asked me, from tomorrow, you will be a nun in this church. !"

Eltluqi looked at the two sets of nun clothes silently, not knowing for a while what the mysterious man in front of him was thinking.

Because he didn't know what he was thinking, Eltluqi didn't know how to deal with it.

It's really mysterious and intriguing, no matter what...

It's his idea or his history.

Chapter 34 Now you are called the Mist Branch of X!

It was a little funny to let her, the Heiji of a dead apostle, wear a nun's uniform, and she really wanted to reject this proposal that made her feel very shameful and dignified, but when she raised her head to talk to Luo Yi looked at each other, and after seeing the serious expression on the other side, Lord Ji Jun was just... a sudden, inexplicable a little did not dare to refute.

'Forget it, although the concubine doesn't want to admit the decision she made when her emotions were out of control, if she refuses even such a trivial matter, wouldn't it appear that the concubine is too dishonest.

'Alterluqi thought about it carefully, and felt that although Roy's request would make her humiliated, it was still within the acceptable range. Zhihong, the black Ji Jun of the Dead Apostles, can someone make irresponsible remarks about what clothes she wears, and after finding a reluctant reason for herself, Ertuluqi is... reluctantly bent. He lowered his waist, picked up Roy's nun clothes on the table, and just... sat there and didn't move.

"What are you waiting for, Elterucci?"

Seeing that Eltluqi was motionless, Roy just... asked.

The ancient red raised her dreamlike face, glared at Roy and said, "...Do you have to watch your concubine change clothes?"

The subtext go out quickly, I will naturally change into this dress.

However, Roy shook his head and said with a very thick skin: "...Since this is my request, and you have agreed to Ertuluqi, why do you want me to watch you put it on with my own eyes? This nun dress will do."

Ertuluqi's eyes widened, and she said incredulously: " don't want to see your concubine change clothes, right?"

"What if I said it was you 670"

Roy raised his eyebrows and teased the princess with a half-smile.


Eltluqi gritted her teeth, her body trembled, her face changed, and in the end the countless words turned into a helpless sentence, "...I really can't do anything about my concubine."

Hei Ji of the Dead Apostle really doesn't know where the man in front of him jumped out. Say he is a clergyman. Many of his behaviors and words are far from the clergy. He is not a cleric, but most of the time he The kind of kindness and holiness that he showed, he was more religious than any other believer.

In the false world before, Eltluqi had already discovered the source of Roy's power, which was definitely the power of Michael recorded in the "Bible", but since the establishment of Crusades two thousand years ago , There has never been a so-called angel. The angels in modern times have been changed for a long time, and most of them are used in the magic symbol of magicians. On the contrary, there are not many concepts of angels in the church.

At this time, even Eltluqi was doubting whether it was really God who sent his own archangel to the mortal world, otherwise, why have people with such powerful angelic power never heard of it in previous history? said.

If you want to say who is born with such power, Eltluqi absolutely does not believe it, the source of that power must contain mystery, even if it is born, there is definitely a "cause" before it is born.

"There are two clothes here, is this one for me?"

Just as Eltluqi was worrying about gains and losses, thinking about whether she really wanted to change her clothes in front of a man, Erquite, who was beside her, inserted herself between the two of them, and curiously pointed to another nun's dress on the table. .

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