Think of the princess of the real ancestor all the way from St. Petersburg.



Running to Siberia, Roy is... can't help laughing, even if Elquite can run at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, it will take a small day to finish it.

"An elegant noble like a concubine should sit in a warm carriage, enjoying delicious food and wine, and traveling all the way to the battlefield, but a idiot like Erquit who has absolutely no Brunstad royal temperament, She should use the method of running, anyway... her brain has grown on her body."

Eltluqi lifted her hood, and her radiant face made the dark room with the curtains drawn full of radiance and radiance.

She sat on the edge of the bed with a clear voice, her two calves swayed back and forth, her jade feet were tight, her shoes were hanging on her toes, and her pink snow feet gently slapped and touched the soles, thinking of Elquite The idiot who ran all the way to Siberia in the deserted wilderness, just... 'Puchi' laughed, the smile as delicate as a flower was beautiful and flawless, and the faint scent of blood permeated this small room middle.

There were only the two of them in the room, Roy sniffed the body fragrance of Ji Jun, who was eclipsed by the moon, and suddenly asked: "...Now that you have left the church, why don't you run away, Luqi! "

"Well, do you want to leave the concubine?"

Eltluqi said subconsciously, but as soon as the words fell, she felt that her tone seemed a bit wrong, and the room became quiet for a while.

Chapter 55 Do you want to be my puppy or cat?

Roy's gaze towards Eltluce was very strange, and there was an elusive playfulness in it.

The dead disciple Ji Jun, who is not easily shy, is a little embarrassed. Her beautiful legs are sitting on the edge of the bed, and her whole person seems to have changed from an aggressive posture to a conservative one. Roy knows that these small movements are actually human Self-defense mechanism, even though Eltluqi is a dead apostle, but in some behaviors and habits, it is no different from human beings.

"Why do you want to run away with your concubine? Could it be that you want to deceive your concubine in this way, and then grab your concubine to find a reason and excuse to continue bullying people."

Eltluqi's eyes were hesitant, and Roy's eyes were full of distrust.

"I am in your eyes... that kind of person"

Roy smiled, but he was also a little helpless in the face of Eltluqi's affirmative gaze.

It is estimated that the impression of her bullying her is too deep. Let this... the black princess of the dead apostle be a soldier, no matter what advice she makes, she thinks it is a trap, a conspiracy, and an excuse to bully her.

"Do you want my concubine to tell you about your bad behavior over the past year? It's really the concubine's greatest misfortune to meet you. The thing I regret the most is why I went to the church out of curiosity in the first place, and ended up in such a miserable end."

Eltluqi sighed slightly, so that she didn't show a pitiful expression like an ordinary woman. For... Ancient Red, no matter what...

No matter what happens, she will try her best to keep her pride, that kind of behavior of using a woman's pitiful cry to deceive others' sympathy is something she hates.

"This is called curiosity killed the cat. This time, let's keep your memory long, Luqi... In the future, if you don't understand the situation, don't try it without any preparation."

Roy's tone was much softer, as if he was imparting life experience to Eltluqi, although he seemed to be less than one-third older than Eltluqi in terms of age.

"Are you describing the concubine as a cat? I don't hate the cat concubine.

, Kathy Paluger is a cat too."

Eltluqi touched her head subconsciously, as if there were two cat ears growing there. Under her long black silky hair, her two delicate and soft ears moved, but...... .....brings a little cuteness and sweetness to this... arrogant princess.

"I also like cats very much, of course I also like dogs, so can you be my kitty, Luqi?"

Roy's words suddenly became bold, and his tone became frivolous.

"Oh, concubine is not... your cat."

Eltluqi sneered.

"Then it seems that you don't like to be my cat, Luqi, you like to be my dog."

Roy sighed, showing how bold you are, a look of invincibility...sigh.


Eltluqi was silent, and the veins on her smooth forehead were sticking out. If she hadn't known that she couldn't beat him, Roy would have been shattered by her bones at this time.

Seeing the arrogant and awkward twist of the ancient red, Roy just... raised his brows, and suddenly started talking about business: "... those two of your subordinates It should be nearby."

Ertuluqi frowned slightly. She mentioned black and white knights for some reason. She was a little flustered, for fear that Roy would also be interested in her two knights. With the scheming appearance that Yi has always shown, it is estimated that he will soon be seen through if he lied. It is better to tell the truth than to be bullied by him using excuses at that time.

Thinking like this, Eltluqi nodded slightly reservedly, "...they are in the Siberia region."

The Siberia area is vast, and such an answer is... telling Roy that they may or may not be nearby.

Roy pretended not to know about this little cleverness of Eltluqi, this Princess of the Death Apostle still loved her subordinates very much, he nodded and said: "...except for the two of you. Knight, the dead apostles who belong to you must have also come to Siberia."

As one of the two dead disciple kings, the ancient red cannot rely on himself and his two or three subordinates, so he must have a large number of directly subordinate dead disciples like Bai Yigong.

"Well, the concubine's dead disciples have also come to the Siberia region. Oten Luoxie made such an invitation, it is impossible for the concubine to turn a blind eye."

After saying these words, Eltluqi seemed to be afraid that Roy would misunderstand something, and she explained one more sentence nervously, "...My concubine has already restrained those... ..Dead disciples, although some humans will become their food, but their concubines do not allow them to slaughter humans at will."

Roy said before that the dead disciples eat people and people eat pigs and sheep no different, just to meet the needs of survival, so there is nothing to say, but if they kill and abuse at will, then the nature will be different.

When Roy saw Eltluqi's nervous was funny that Heiji of the Dead Apostle would explain to herself because of blood-sucking and cannibalism. It seemed that she was about to change into her own shape. ah.

"Since your dead apostles and knights have all come to Siberia, as the lord you have not shown your face, this may bring down morale, so ah, Luqi, you should' run away and return to your subordinates , it's time to lead the dead disciples in the name of the ancient red!"

"...for a year by my side, I fed you a drop of blood every day, and now you have recovered from your 800-year-old injury. Although it has not reached its heyday, You don't have to continue your life on the run anymore, you should stand tall and proud in Tvham.

In front of Otenro, return the humiliation he has brought you over the past eight hundred years."

...... Roy's tone became more gentle, as if he was thinking about Eltluqi with all his heart.

'Do you really want to let your concubine leave? Ancient Red's heart came up with such a sentence, she really wanted to say it, but the words finally turned into, " Are you willing to let your concubine go?"

Similar words, but with different feelings, one is that she was left behind by Roy as a prisoner, and the other is that she stayed by Roy's side because of some inexplicable feelings.

It's just those... bold words that the ancient red did not dare to say, for fear that it was because of her own affection that the hateful man in front of her continued to laugh at her.

"I've already hinted it very clearly, when did you become as stupid as Erquite, Luqi?"

Roy leaned back on the chair, the elbow of one of his hands rested on the handle of the chair, and his wrist rested on his cheek and asked with a smile.

"Concubine can ask one more question, why did you suddenly let the concubine leave?"

Eltluqi asked cautiously with a hopeful tone.

"Of course, it's for you to bring your own dead disciples to fight against Otten Rocher. Only when the dead disciples are in civil strife can the Human Rights move forward steadily!"

But Roy's answer made Eltluci's heart sink gradually.

"Really, since you are willing to let the concubine go away, then of course the concubine doesn't want to stay here!"

The tone of the ancient red suddenly became indifferent.

And her changing mood made Roy feel quite happy and interesting.

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