Feim can fight back and forth with the Magic Association by himself. This is simply impossible. The previous generation of Bathermelo's master also led a magician to hunt him down. How could he stop the entire clock by himself? Tower so many magicians!"

Kotomine discovered that something was wrong, not only him, but other church members and even Brahman.

The magician who fought with Fim also found something wrong.

Roy, who had been sitting on the horse and not participating in the battle, frowned and said to Kotou Feng: "...Give me the map!"

Kotomine was stunned, but he took out the map and handed it to Roy immediately.

Holding the map in his hand, Roy's brain began to mobilize his knowledge and wisdom, and soon he just... knew the reason.

"The real terrain here is not exactly the same as that recorded in 263 on the map. The geographical state has been changed. This is an oriental magic, and the arrangement of the 'formation' is completed by borrowing the natural environment. To some extent, this is similar to the magician's The temple is similar, but the formation or the temple here is too huge, and the whole land is part of the formation!"

"...Those... The magicians of the Clock Tower don't know anything about the oriental fairy system, so they didn't see the existence of this temple, Otten Roche is worthy of being the oldest The dead disciple is very rich in knowledge, and even has some immortal techniques that the East has gradually lost, but even so he wants to complete such a huge formation is not so simple, at least it is operated here. More than three hundred years!"

Roy's knowledge is very fast... Analyzed these... The reason why the dead apostle suddenly became so strong, and probably guessed what Bai Yigong used here. How long did it take to complete this arrangement.

The First Emperor spent hundreds of thousands of people building the First Emperor's Mausoleum. Although the formation completed by Bai Yigong couldn't compare to the First Emperor's Mausoleum, he was not able to mobilize as many people as the First Emperor. He must have It will take hundreds of years to build this 'formation' or 'temple'.

And under the blessing of such a huge formation, it is only natural that the Death Apostle can obtain such an almost invincible power.

"Completing such a battle is just an appetizer. I'm looking forward to the real purpose of Otenroche, but I can't make the dead apostles laugh too happy. Since that's the case, I'll join the game a little bit. In it."

Roy closed the map, he laughed, slowly raised his hand, and began to sing the spirit of words: "...Angel, sound the horn of the doomsday war!!"

Chapter 63 Listen to God's Will, Doomsday Judgment!

"Ohh Ohh ohh--------"

The loud trumpet sound resounded through the sky and the earth, and time seemed to stand still: at this moment, it was completely still, the wonders of the sun and the moon were imprisoned into a picture scroll in the sky, the cold wind blowing under the feet became calm and peaceful, and the floating snowflakes It freezes into ice crystals, even if it is the ancestor of the dead disciples who mobilized the magic city, the army of the dead who are fighting with the church, and the magicians of the clock tower who are in a hurry because of the collapse of the ground. Where the horn is played.

After Roy recited the words of God's power, he had an extra horn inlaid with gold and gems. When Roy reached the peak of 74 and entered the mortal's field, he stepped on the In the way of Providence', all of his divine powers are converted into 'angel spells' capable of destroying the world.

The power that once only summoned false angel spirits to fight has also completed its own transformation, and the first of the seven is the embodiment of power, and is a sublimated divine treasure! Bible.

In the records of the Book of Revelation, it was the archangel Michael who sounded the first trumpet, and although Roy is walking on the road of 'listening to God's will', his current personality is still Michael, even if 'Similar to God', but not the supreme and only God after all.

The first trumpet of the seven trumpets of the last days should be played by Michael.

Roy pressed the horn lightly to his mouth, his body was connected to the human principle, and the infinite magic power from the human principle poured into the horn.

"Ohh Ohh ohh------"

Desolate, cruel, holy, brave, dull, loud and so on... The contradictory voices are resounding in the horn, the horn seems to be telling the desperation of the apocalyptic land, the sad scene of human sorrow and the supreme hope Sad to see all this.

Immediately, the tone of the horn changed in vain, from lamenting the sadness of the apocalypse to a high-pitched tone, and the atmosphere suddenly became enthusiastic, as if welcoming the arrival of the savior, welcoming the redemption of the angels, and singing the praises of mankind in the last days The hymn of courage! The first angel Michael sounded the horn, just like the arrival of the alien law, the frozen scenery of this Siberian land began to change drastically, and the 'angel's spell' came here.

From the sky fell hail and fire mixed with blood, they were thrown to the ground, a third of the branches began to burn, and all the grass on the ground turned to ashes.

At the same time, an angel phantom, symbolizing the moon, appeared in the sky, the second angel Gabriel blew his trumpet, the mountain peaks surrounded by white snow began to burn, and the river that flowed was one-third of its size. for blood.

Immediately afterward, the third angel, Uriel, sounded his horn, and from above the dome, a giant star fell. It fell to the ground, emitting a flaming light like a lamp, and it fell into the sea and rivers, making the rivers turned into absinthe.

Then, the fourth angel, Sarah, blew his horn, and a third of the sun was covered by a black eclipse, a third of the moon was turned into darkness, and a third of the black mist covered the previous The miracle of the sun and the moon shining together has turned into the darkness of the end.

There is no fifth angel to sound the trumpet, and the doomsday scene is just a change in the Siberian environment. If the sound continues, when the seventh trumpet is played, the 'angel spell' will fully exert its effect, and the entire range of the spell will be in full effect. It will cover the entire planet and make this world really doomsday. This is the horror of the angelic art that can only be mastered by the 'peak of people'.

At that time, I am afraid that the "realm record" spirits will be dispatched in groups to fight the great devil Roy who is trying to destroy the world.

So Roy just blew four trumpets, confining the doomsday judgment to only the area of ​​Central Siberia.

But for mortals, this apocalyptic vision has also made people mad, desperate and sad.

The Templars and agents who were battling with the Legion of the Dead stared blankly at the sky and the earth that had suddenly turned into apocalypse. They even forgot that they were fighting with the Dead Apostles, each of them kneeling subconsciously. Start praying to the Lord on the ground.

As clergy, reading through the Bible is the foundation of the foundation, and that's why the clergy here know what this "seven trumpet" means.


In the book of Revelation, after the angel blows the seven trumpets, the end will come, the Lord will take away the tree of life and the holy city, and he will rule the kingdom of the earth forever, and after this end will be the Bible The most exciting and most desperate scene recorded is the final judgment! Believers will ascend to heaven to be with God, unbelievers will fall into **** and suffer eternal disaster, and for believers, ascending Going to heaven is their greatest desire, even if they sacrifice their own lives for this, because only by dedicating their lives to the Lord can they be qualified to go to heaven in the final judgment.

So at this moment, the clergy of the church were all kneeling and praying, and even a few Templars were killed directly by the dead disciples in the Legion of the Dead, and they did not resist.

The magicians of the Magic Association are also horrified looking at the changes in the surrounding environment, watching the sudden arrival of the doomsday, some magicians have trembling legs, "Bible" as the world's largest magic base, 'angels' have always been magic inseparable. The symbol, ironically speaking, in fact, every magician has read the "Bible" like the church to understand the meaning of angels, if they don't learn these... There are many magic tricks that will be released not come out.

Because of this, magicians also understand the origin of Doomsday.

Seeing that a magician actually wanted to learn the church's clergy and began to pray, the three noble monarchs of the clock tower looked at each other, and they could see the horror and anxiety in their eyes.

"This is just a spell, it's not that the end of the day is really coming, stand up quickly, there is an abnormality at the 7th, 11th, 19th, and 32nd points of the spiritual meridian, quickly adjust the disorder of the spiritual meridian, our The enemy is still ahead.


Bathermelo suppressed the irritability in his heart, he spoke in a calm tone, and continued to command the magician in an orderly manner. Ready to attack, but not far away, the Fourteenth Ancestor of the Dead Apostles summoned a new magic city.

At a time like this, how can one care whether the end of Zhao Zhao is coming.

"Recreate the Bible.

In the doomsday scene of Revelation, I have never seen a spell of this scope and intensity, and I have never heard of anyone in the church who can do it with baptism chants. Could it be that this was initiated by the mysterious Patriarch of the East, but What is the meaning of this technique? It is impossible to eliminate the dead disciples and magicians by relying on the natural environment of the apocalypse, and the scene of the apocalypse will also make the church lose most of its combat effectiveness. Is this a suicide threat?"

The monarch of all basic subjects.

Bellantrio's tone of voice was incredulous. He didn't understand the effect of this spell at all. No matter how you looked at it, it was a spell that would greatly reduce the strength of the Church of the Holy Church, and would have little effect on the Dead Apostles and Magicians. .

But the next second he just... shut his mouth, and even wanted to slap himself twice and curse his crow's mouth, because just after he finished speaking, a huge door appeared in the sky - the heaven The door is open! What emerges from it is a legion of angels!!

Chapter 64 The Apostle of Heaven

Angels lined up from the gate of heaven, their bodies shone with holy white light, their facial features were blurred, making it impossible to distinguish between men and women, and they lined up in front of the gate of heaven.

These angels lined up neatly, solemnly and solemnly, and the divine brilliance almost sprinkled all over the earth, making this apocalyptic scene seem to have been transformed into the baptism of heaven again.

The number of angels is not large. It is said that they are legions, but in fact there are only more than one hundred, but the breath of these hundred angels alone is enough to make the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead apostle tremble with fear. Frightened by it.

Kotomine also knelt on the ground and prayed at some point. When the members of the Sanctuary Church saw that a holy angel had really descended from heaven to the earth, that miracle would never have happened even in the age of God. When looking ahead, almost all the clergy fell into madness.

Cross religion became the mainstream religion in this land only after AD. In the whole world before BC, it was a chaotic era in which multiple gods coexisted. In 800 BC, King Solomon in the west and the Zhou Dynasty in the east were established. It symbolizes the beginning of the decline of the Age of Gods.

In the first year of AD, the so-called first magician in the magic world, the Messiah of the Crusaders came to bear the original sin of the world and attributed it to the sky. Since then, the true ether of the gods has completely disappeared, and human beings have finally become the mainstream of the world. Until AD 500, After the surviving Madam in 667 of Great Britain also followed King Arthur to leave the surface of the world, Humanity became the absolute leader.

Norse mythology, Greek mythology, Celtic mythology and even Eastern mythology can all be considered to exist in this world, but only the angels of the Cross religion in the world's largest sect have never really shown themselves in human beings. in front of.

Just because the rise of the Cross religion was after the AD, when it was far away from the age of gods, whether angels really exist has become a mystery, because in the mysterious world, angels have always been used as mysterious symbols rather than entities.

But now, in the desperate situation of the apocalypse, there is a real army of angels coming, and the breath of these angels also makes people extremely convinced that it is a mystery that is only possible in the age of the gods. Every one of these hundreds of angels They are all existences that are enough to make the ancestors of the dead disciples tremble, and that may be an illusion that only the ancestors of the dead disciples who are also in the age of gods can compete.

The members of the church looked at the figure sitting on the white horse in awe, no matter what...

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