Even the dead disciples who didn't need to breathe were in the pain of suffocation. Even the water demon Smiley who had escaped long ago jumped out of the river. The appearance of a drowning person, not only her, even Eltluqi and Elquite, who had just been killed far away, were all kneeling on the ground, their faces flushed and it was hard to breathe.

It was simply the Carnian torrential rain that lasted two million years in the Triassic period, and it turned into a world-destroying flood that was drowning all living beings, only the one named Roy.

The place where Lawley's man stood was the only ark, and countless people reached out to grab him, to get close to him, to board the ark to welcome the arrival of the new world.

One punch will bring people the end of the world. This is the power of the peak of human beings that can wipe out all things! "Boom ——————"

The illusory and real waves were fiercely photographed, and in an instant, the three hundred soldiers of Sventovit were... swept up in the flood that swept the 'world', their bodies were torn to pieces, and this... not The **** of obedience is like a strong man, like a small boat floating in the sea of ​​rage, riding a white horse with extremely slow movements to where Roy is, and he is still charging! The unyielding will of the **** People are moved, but at this time, His figure leaves people with the deepest sadness. As the main **** of the Slavic system, it is so difficult to even move forward in this violent wind and rain. What kind of order is that? Man despair scene.

In the end, the knight on the white horse was still unable to get close to Roy, and was slapped under the ground by a huge wave. The thunderbolt disappeared, the waves that swept the world disappeared, and the world became a The sunny, snow-capped Siberia snowfield, but in the eyes of others, he has just... experienced a life and death test at the end of the world, except... Roy is still standing, All the ancestors of the dead disciples, all the monarchs of the clock tower, all kneeled on the ground at this time and coughed loudly, celebrating the rest of their lives.

"Then... what is that? Is this a reproduction of the flood of destruction recorded in the Bible?"

Even the most arrogant clock tower monarch, Bathemello, was horrified and shaken, and no one could answer him, because all the magicians were suffocated at this moment and even lost their memories.

"Cough...cough...and what is the hero of the concubine body, this is really almost killing the concubine body."

Elterluqi kneeled on the snowy field with her tender knees under her long skirt, but the biting cold couldn't make her less frightened. She looked around and swallowed secretly, believing without hesitation that if Roy was willing to do so just now. If so, he can definitely kill all the creatures in this Siberia in one move, no matter what...

Are they...the ancestors of the Dead Apostles or those...ordinary humans.

Where the **** is this monster coming out of? The concubine is really powerful, and it is: His subordinates have stayed for a whole year and have not been killed. At this time, should the concubine feel lucky? I was kicked by a donkey in the head , would want to trouble him! Roy walked forward leisurely, as if he was visiting the scenery in this uninhabited Siberia. Except for Wang Li's, he couldn't stand even if he didn't follow it. Sventovit, now almost incapacitated, was lying under the snow.

This trick of Jacob's sibling "Noah's Ark" is actually a blow to the spiritual body, no matter...

Whether it is a dead disciple with immortality or a **** of disobedience who descends in the form of a spirit, neither can block this punch that directly hits the soul.

"It's really strong vitality. It should be said that it is worthy of being a main god. Even so, it is still not dead."

Seeing that Sventovette was still under the snowdrift: struggling hard, Roy just... shook his head and gave him a cruel smile, "...Since he's not dead, then come Try this trick I just finished researching, just to use you as an experiment, feel lucky, Sventovik who doesn't follow!"

Roy's eyes suddenly overlapped, and in his eyes, jealousy, arrogance, laziness, lust, gluttony, lust, and anger began to roll violently. It seems to have fallen into eternal catastrophe, and the power contained in the original sin is also infinitely superimposing and climbing.

Chapter 74 The Tunguska Explosion

"Well, is this the limit? Although theoretically this can be superimposed infinitely, it's just that with my current ability, at most... it's superimposed to such an extent."

In Roy's eyes, the shattered and reborn, as if caught in the endless Asura, the original sin that infinitely rises in the duel of each other's conquest" finally reached a current peak.

This made Roy a little regretful, but as he expected, this was just a new development of the golden sovereign technique, and it was just wishful thinking to reach the final stage overnight.

"But even so, it's enough for me."

Roy stepped forward slowly, and the overlapping power in his eyes was about to come out, completely annihilating the **** of disobedience that had fallen into the deep snow in the distance.

At this time, Sventovit's body suddenly fell into a trance, and the whole body turned into nothingness, as if completely disappeared in this world.

"Well, the instinct at the moment of life and death makes you realize the new method of using power again. This is to hide yourself in the imaginary space."

Roy raised his brows, the previous Sventower would only summon 300 soldiers to charge back and forth. In terms of modern mystery, this can be regarded as a new trick, but now Roy has appeared. A strong enemy, and three or two moves 477 times put him in a desperate situation, even if this... the **** of disobedience is not sane, but under the power of the main god, he has also realized a new way to use his abilities at a critical moment.

"Hahaha!! But even if you hide in the imaginary space, you can't escape, Sventowert! Or it is precisely because you ran into the imaginary space that I can expand the scope of the experiment. I am still: Worry about the unpredictable consequences of this trick used in this Siberian land!"

Roy laughed loudly, and with his laughter, a mosaic appeared on Roy's right shoulder. These mosaics were like stacked building blocks growing up one after another, and finally turned into a dip-dye. Gold, exuding endless sacred breath, seems to contain all the mysterious 'right hand'! When anyone looks directly at this mysterious 'right hand', it is like facing the supreme and only god, it is like a miraculous descending to the earth. Saiya, will save the world! "What is that!"

At this moment, all those who collapsed and stared at the mysterious right hand on Roy's right shoulder felt numb. The many techniques and mysteries that Roy showed since the appearance of Fu has surpassed these modern people. The understanding of it makes people suspect that even in the Age of God, it is unique and one of the highest mysteries.

This incredible right hand faintly gave people an air that was close to the root, but seemed to be more magnificent than the root, making the magician begin to wonder if his perception was... wrong, but no matter... ..

What that right hand is, and what kind of ability it possesses, is no longer something that people and mysteries of this age can observe and explain.

Roy's holy right not only has the ability of "light", this move was originally used as the final battle method, this right hand should have many other things, but it was difficult for Roy in the past to use his right hand. Development, it can only be used as the final weapon, but today's Roy has finally developed other abilities of this right hand.

For example, this right hand can greatly increase the power of the spell like the tower's 'Shock Rod'. Although it is not as exaggerated as ten times, it is enough to increase Roy's power by another level.

The heavy pupils in Roy's eyes were separated again, and the power he superimposed to the limit was directly poured into the 'Holy Right'. He stared indifferently at the empty space in front of him. Reality and see everything in imaginary numbers.

"Even if you can be turned into a spiritual child, prepare to be turned into ashes here, goodbye, Sventovit, the disobedient!"

The Godslayer made his last prayer for the God of Disobedience, and then the inexplicable and inexplicable right hand on Roy's right shoulder was... a gentle wave.

The power of "Original Sin in the Golden Supreme Heaven" superimposed to the limit, with the wave of the right hand under the multiple amplification of the "Holy Right", was directly punched by Roy into the imaginary space where there are only numbers and no physical existence.

The Siberian snowfield was very calm. Everyone only saw Roy's holy right wave, but nothing happened. Just when the people watching all this were full of doubts, the space suddenly shook.

Under the terrified eyes of people, the space above the vast land of Siberia became unstable, and there were deep cracks, and dazzling golden light overflowed from the cracks.

"This is... the void space has been shattered!! How is it possible, how is it possible, how much power is needed to burst the imaginary space!!"

The monarch of all the basic divisions, Bellantrio, shouted in disbelief.

For magicians, the space of imaginary numbers is not particularly mysterious, and even some magicians themselves have the rare attribute of "imaginary numbers".

The imaginary space can be said to be the reflection of the world, a special phase in which the flow of time is extremely unstable, but it can accommodate objects and life. Many powerful magicians can even use the imaginary space as a storage space. It is difficult to calculate the orientation in the imaginary space, and there are even magic and methods to banish others to the imaginary space.

Directly blasting part of the imaginary space with a powerful force is enough to frighten the magicians, and what shocked the magicians the most was that Roy was able to calculate the position in the imaginary space and find the Sventowert who could not hide. In the specific place of the imaginary number space! This is an abstract ability that requires terrible computing power, rich knowledge and understanding of the imaginary number space! Seeing that the cracked mirror pattern is still there: it expands, and the golden color overflowing from it is more and more luster. It was so thick that it seemed that the volcanic movement of the ancient times was splitting the continent, and it was already a terrifying energy explosion that mortals could not resist.


Bather Mello finally gave up the restraint and pride of all nobles. He bled so much from the broken arm that his face was pale, but at this time Bather Mello's face turned from pale to pitch black again. The last force hissed: "...all magicians get ready for a blast of energy...then, let's all run away!"


As soon as the voice fell, all the cracks were completely shattered, and the color of gold pouring out from it soaked the sky and the earth, as if the world was transformed into a golden star, transformed into a golden sky, after shattering the imaginary space, The remaining energy of Roy's blow poured on the land of Tunguska in Siberia, and a round of the sun rose, and then turned into a violent energy storm that swept everything around.

In an instant, the Tunguska River was evaporated, and the violent shock wave shattered all the glass of all human gathering places within 600 kilometers. Lake Baikal, 800 kilometers away, caused waves, and more than 100 million trees within 2,000 square kilometers. Trees were burned to ashes.

The terrifying impact swept across the Eurasian continent, and the sky during the day turned into a blazing sun star. When the color of the gold faded, the entire Eurasian sky turned into a dull red, until seven days later this dark red. The sky is receding.

The big explosion that occurred in the Tunguska region of Siberia at the beginning of the 20th century, until the 21st century, no scientist can explain it perfectly, and no one can describe the magnificent landscape except...

And this scene, known as the "Tungus explosion"!

Chapter 75 The Changes of the World

The dust settled, leaving this Siberian snowfield with a scorched trace. The snow on the vast continent melted, and the snow and flames merged together, like a thick slurry, and the vegetation within a radius of 100 kilometers has been connected. The roots were burnt, the bare earth was exposed to the air, and the twisted and cracked gap was still there: smoke and fire, a dense patch that looked extremely twisted.

In the end, most of the energy of the huge bombardment caused by Roy's wave was absorbed by the imaginary space, and only a small part leaked on the surface of the planet, turning the uninhabited world of Siberia into a forbidden area for life.

Among the wreckage, there are some figures staggeringly crawling out of the rubble. Among these figures are magicians, dead disciples, and clerics of the church, but the overall number is no longer the same as the initial mighty one. In contrast, the ancestors of the dead disciples who were feared in this era were buried on the land of Tunguska.

The clock tower magicians farther away were almost dead and injured, and only a few survived. This is a huge blow to the society of magicians. You must know that this is half of the elite of the clock tower, and Roy's indiscriminate wave of his hand almost made the clock tower completely annihilated here.

The biggest noble of the clock tower, Bathermelo, who has always given an elegant and arrogant appearance, was almost burnt to the skin at this time. As the largest noble, he also fulfilled his duty as a noble in the shock just now. With a resolute attitude, he stood in front of many magicians and absorbed most of the damage.

The severe pain made it difficult for Bathemello to stand still. He knew that the magic circuits in his body had been burned in the explosion of true ether just now, and now he was only able to survive with the effect of magic engraving.

I felt the magic engraving of the Barthemelo family. Although it was partially damaged, the loss was not big. This is the luck of the misfortune. This battle is really not a crime of war, but God wants to kill him. A terrifying monster that doesn't resemble a primate, he has done his best as the master of Bathemello to keep the magic seal.

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