Roy folded his hands in front of him, bowed slightly, and said with a light smile, and then he just... stretched out his hand with his back to the queen in front of him.

Her Majesty the Queen took his hand, bowed down reverently and kissed the back of his hand lightly, which was completely opposite to the general kissing ceremony where men pretended to kiss the back of a woman's hand. This is the believers seeing God's spokesperson on earth. The most sincere courtesy ever.

There are even some crazy believers kissing Roy's shoes on the ground, but generally unless they are good-looking believers, Roy will refuse to do so.

After Her Majesty's kiss, the four princesses and princes stepped up to his hand one after another. When it was Anastasia's turn, the eccentric Her Majesty the Queen secretly blinked her big jewel-like jewel. eyes, and then took off his white silk gloves, and gently touched the back of Roy's hand with those gorgeous petal-like red lips as a gesture of respect.

The moist feeling that was like a little bit of water made Luo feel that it was not like the piety of the believers facing the Patriarch, but that there were some tender feelings that girls could not tell.

After completing the etiquette, Roy walked inward at the reception of the queen. The four princesses were very reserved along the way. Even the most noisy Anastasia showed her etiquette as a princess. Not to mention the cowardly prince Alexei, in front of his sister and mother, he never dared to speak much.

"Your Majesty, we have known each other for almost fifteen years, and I still clearly remember your baptism of Anna at her christening ceremony. After so many years, you are still so young and beautiful, ah, please forgive me for using this beauty." words to describe you, but I really don't know what language to use to praise you."

"...This is incredible. Do you have some kind of magic? Even though I do my best to maintain it, there are still crow's feet."

The queen touched the corner of her eye, and sighed softly, with deep envy for Roy in her tone. Even if a forty-year-old woman is taking care of herself, she no longer has the youthful beauty of a girl... .....In the Queen's opinion, Roy should be around forty years old now, but his skin is like that of a 16- or 17-year-old boy, no, it should be said to be as smooth and tender as a baby, with sufficient collagen It's incredible. If it wasn't for the inappropriate status, she would have asked Roy how he maintained his skin and what cosmetics he used.

"It's not magic, it's a gift from the Lord, ma'am!"

Roy shook his head to correct the queen's words.

"I was wrong. Magic is something that only witches and demons use."

The queen said apologetically.

Then she looked at her youngest son and said dotingly: "... Alexei's hemophilia is very serious, it is your blessing that allows him to live like a normal person, His Majesty originally planned to It is to let him follow along to understand the battle on the front line. This is what he should do in his identity, but I feel sorry for his weak body. Alexey is left in the summer palace, and I don't know my choice. Is it willful?"

Hearing that he was mentioned, Prince Alexei shrank his neck.

"Prince Alexei is still young, he should enjoy his happy childhood, not those... adult intrigues, your choice is not wrong, Your Majesty the Queen!"

Roy said meaningfully that this decadent empire was coming to an end. He felt that instead of letting the... kind little prince experience the pain of the adult world, it would be better to just enjoy a rare childhood like this happiness.

"You're always so talkative, Your Majesty!"

Her Majesty the Queen's mood suddenly disappeared, and she said happily.

"Come to Summer 3.

The 5th house is not easy, so why don't your majesty live here today."

Her Majesty the Queen said with some hope.

Roy took out a pocket watch from his arms and looked at the time, it was just after noon, he thought about it before replying: "...this time I promised Anna to take her out to play She only came to the summer palace, she sent me so many letters, if I didn't say anything, it would have chilled Anna's heart."

Hearing Roy's words, Her Majesty the Queen suddenly became jealous of her youngest daughter. Could it be that I am so old that my majesty doesn't like it. She looked at Anastasia's inheritance from her and Nicholas II, However, her beautiful appearance, which is better than blue, is suddenly a little bitter.

The other three princesses also looked at their sister enviously, only the corners of Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia's mouth twitched, if the environment here was not right, she would have jumped up to celebrate.

Chapter 86 A date with the princess?

"Hurry up, Mila, you're putting on makeup too slowly, it's not good to keep the godfather waiting outside for a long time!"

In the bedroom in the summer palace, the Russian Grand Duchess Princess Anastasia urged her professional make-up maid Mila, who was very dishonest when she sat on a chair covered with soft crimson cushions, and would use: Those big eyes as bright as sapphire looked out the door anxiously, as if afraid that the people outside the door would come in and urge him if they couldn't wait.

"His Royal Highness Anna, please don't move around, make-up is a technical job that needs to be carefully crafted, and you don't want to go out with your majesty with an imperfect make-up, it will not only lose the etiquette of the royal family, but also It will bring shame to His Majesty."

" know there aren't many dating opportunities like this."

The maid Mila snickered, obviously knowing the temperament of Her Royal Highness, she said calmly, saying that in the heart of the princess, even if Anastasia was anxious, she was forcibly suppressed at this time. Sitting there obediently, not daring to move.

"Please wait a moment, I will try to speed up."

"Ah, don't worry, Mira! Compared with speed, I need to respect my godfather. This is the etiquette of the Russian royal family. Even my father here will agree with me."

Anastasia, who was in a hurry before, has now become the one who is not in a hurry. She has an elegant tone, and her tone is also unique to the royal family... 27 tones, no matter how you look at it, it is a person who makes people feel Dear Royal Princess.

Mila pursed her lips and almost laughed, thinking that such a well-behaved Her Royal Highness is really cute. When she is at home, when she is in front of acquaintances...a little devil's attitude, these... ......The maid has suffered a lot, but as long as it has something to do with Her Majesty the Patriarch, this... Her Royal Highness will immediately.

Become a well-behaved princess, like a quail hiding her head, no matter how you look at it, it is a girl's ignorant emotion.

'It's just, that's your godfather.

' Mira muttered in her heart, but her hands were not slow, and she dexterously painted light makeup on Her Royal Highness.

Not long after, Mila just... stood up and stepped aside, bowed and said: " are so beautiful by nature, as long as you simply put on your base makeup, now you are like... uh, as beautiful as a princess."

Mira wanted to praise the princess a few words, but she, who had not read much, used a nondescript description after holding it back for a long time.

"I was originally a princess, Mira!"

Anastasia stood up and said proudly, she took two steps back to the floor-to-ceiling mirror, where she made a circle like a little fairy, her skirt raised like a blooming flower.

I saw Her Royal Highness... the silver hair was scattered down like the Milky Way viewed at night, the hair curtain at the right eye was slightly longer, covering her beautiful blue eyes, the crescent-like eyebrows, small and small. The delicate Qiong nose, the beautiful red lips like cherry blossom petals, and the slender neck like a swan at the raised chin.

The light makeup adorns this beautiful facial features, making Anastasia look like a goddess who descended from the sky, and there is a young girl's tenderness in her nobility.

She wears a gorgeous long crescent white dress. Because Russia is located in the north, the temperature is relatively low throughout the year. The dress is filled with expensive velvet. The seemingly thin dress is very warm. Her waist as thin as a willow branch.

A few precious ornaments were hung around her waist, and on her head was a clover-like headgear woven with silver threads. It is said that this craftsmanship came from the royal family of an ancient oriental country and belonged to the secret of the royal family of the country. Lost.

Except.....extremely narcissistic people, most people will be dissatisfied with themselves, that is because of the habit of seeing them for a long time, especially many good-looking girls who always say they are ugly , let jealous.

The same is true of Anastasia. She doesn't think how good-looking she is. Instead, she often thinks that she is not good-looking, which will make the godfather reluctant to see her, but this time I saw Mira's carefully prepared makeup. , Even Her Royal Highness the Queen fell in love with herself in the mirror.

"Well done, Mila! I think it's time for me to learn some makeup techniques from you."

The noble princess praised her maid.

"It's my honor to get your compliment. It's a little cold outside. You should put on this shawl."

Mira said respectfully, and then... picked up the waistcoat hanging on the side and draped it on Her Royal Highness's fragrant shoulders, adding a touch of grace to the innocent girl.

"I look like this...a bit like my mother."

Anastasia touched with her hand the waistcoat made of extremely precious fur on her shoulders. The pale white waistcoat was embroidered with many beautiful little stars, which was gorgeous and exquisite.

"Now is not the time for you to admire yourself, Your Highness! Your beauty should be appreciated by the right people, and Your Majesty is waiting for you outside."

Mira without a trace urged Her Royal Highness.

"Yeah I almost forgot, thank you Mira for reminding me!"

Anastasia covered her mouth and snorted softly. She quickly pulled up the corner of her skirt and ran towards the door of the bedroom like a lively little animal. When she ran to the door, she lightened her steps again, wearing silver-white high-heeled shoes. Stepping on the velvet carpet, after taking a deep breath, he gently opened the door's handrail.

Pushing open the door to the palace corridor outside the bedroom, she saw her godfather standing under a picture of the Virgin Mary with his hands on his back, admiring it. Anastasia walked over tiptoe, just as she thought When he was about to scare the godfather, he did not expect that the godfather in front of him suddenly turned his head, and the excessively fast speed actually frightened Her Royal Highness.

Roy looked up and down at Her Royal Highness, and when he saw the beautiful and elegant female grand duke dressed like a little fairy, his eyes lit up, especially when he saw the slight bulge under her clothes, that is... Sighing that the girl has grown up.

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