"This is my first time, you must accept..."

Just when Roy was surprised by Her Royal Highness's bold speech, when he saw that she took out an egg-like object from his waist, he suddenly guessed that Her Royal Highness was too nervous, and he said half of the words. , which makes you a little crazy.

In fact, she wanted to say that it was her first time giving a gift.

Roy sighed secretly, wondering if he was going to be disappointed, but when he saw the things in Anastasia's hands, he became interested again. Could it be... the legendary Easter egg of the Romanov Dynasty

Chapter 89 Princess Eggs

It was a finely crafted golden egg, with beautiful diamonds and sapphires inlaid on the surface of the golden egg, just like Anastasia's bright and clear eyes.

Roy took the gold-blue egg, and he played with it with his hands. At this time, Roy had already determined that this was the famous Tsar's egg in later generations, that is, the Faberge egg.

These... Easter eggs were created by the famous Russian jewelry craftsman Peter.


Made by Faberge, only 69 pieces were made in his lifetime, of which 54 belonged to the two generations of Tsars Alexander III and Nicholas II. If you want to say that the last czar's family can be regarded as holy relics, I am afraid That's all... Easter eggs.

Roy still remembered the theatrical version of "The Magician at the End of the Century" of a certain anime he had watched. He was talking about... these... Legendary eggs.

To the Russians, the egg can bring health, beauty, strength and wealth, and it can be described as a national treasure of Russia. The shell of this most precious Faberge egg is made of gold, lapis lazuli, beautifully cut diamonds and sapphires. It is so successful that even people without artistic cells will think it is a delicate work of art.

Seeing that Roy was very fond of this easter egg, Anastasia showed a relieved look, she patted her succulent lightly, and said in a cheerful and proud voice: "...every year Fabe Reqing will always make two 2 eggs for the royal family. Last year, I begged my father to ask Faberge to make one for me alone. This egg is called 'Queen Anastasia Egg'. Open it and see it. It's beautiful."

Her Royal Highness said embarrassedly and shyly but urged.

Roy followed her words and opened the Easter egg. The Easter egg was about twelve centimeters high. After opening the shell, there was a double-headed eagle photo frame made of platinum and diamonds. The photo on the frame was Anastasia herself, the double-headed eagle. It is the symbol of Tsarist Russia, and the picture of the princess inlaid on it tells the owner of this egg.

"Godfather, I hope you can always carry this easter egg with you, as long as you open it, you can see my picture and think of me."

Anastasia said timidly, she anxiously pulled out a silver-white necklace from her neckline. The pendant of the necklace was an exquisite cross, and the cross was inlaid on a pocket watch. Roy remembered this. The cross was given to her by herself.

The Russian Grand Duchess carefully opened the pocket watch, which was not a clock, but a photo hidden inside, and Roy was familiar with the person in that photo, because this was his photo.

"My mother and my sisters carry your picture with us, we believe it will bring us good luck, it must have incredible power."

Anastasia said very solemnly.

Her Royal Highness may just think so, she doesn't know what she said is completely correct, based on idol worship theory, Roy's photo really has some supernatural power, especially when his photo is attached to the cross, such as the cross. When together, they will bring mysterious power.

"Every time I have nightmares at night, I do it. As long as I see your appearance, my heart will magically calm down and I will never have nightmares again. I think it must be the godfather, you and me, so I I hope I can protect you too, even if you don't need it, but that is my most sincere gratitude and love."

Anastasia bowed her head shyly, her jade hands of white silk gloves intertwined, and her heart was tense.

Roy closed the easter egg gently, carefully put it into his cuff, and smiled at Her Royal Highness: "...I will always take it with me, I won't take it, I will "Beautiful Leprechaun"

"Then you must open it every day to see...look at my..."

Anastasia was overjoyed and rejoiced, and demanded again.

"Yes, I'll open it every day to see your pictures...but I'd rather see you every day, ma'am, than seeing pictures."

Roy's tone was soft, like a gentle breeze, blowing in Anastasia's ear, making Her Royal Highness feel that the vodka she just drank was fermenting, and she felt a little drunk.

"If...the godfather wants to see me every day, of course I'm happy...I, I also want to see the godfather every day... Why don't I go to the church and give it to you? Is it good to be a nun?"

Anastasia sat on the sofa, her slender calves in white silk dangling back and forth, her toes hooked to the front of her high heels to keep them from falling to the ground, which was very rude to the royal family, but in the From Roy's point of view, this gave Her Royal Highness the agility and youth of a girl.

"Hahaha, His Majesty the Emperor and Queen will not let their precious daughters go to church to be nuns."

Roy said with a laugh.

Anastasia was disappointed, she pouted awkwardly, but Her Royal Highness also knew that Roy was right. As the Grand Duchess of Tsarist Russia, she could not become a nun unless something happened. major events.

"Don't be unhappy, Anna! I'll be by your side until you hate it.

On my day, I will protect you, this is my promise."

Roy's fingers lightly followed Her Royal Highness's long gorgeous silver-white hair, leaned over and exhaled warmly in her ear.

Anastasia's ears quivered because of itching, but her body outpaced her brain's reaction speed, and she blurted out: "...No, no matter....

Whatever happens, I won't hate it.


......"I believe in you, my goblin...well, the play is on, let's watch it."

The lights suddenly changed, and there were applause and cheers from nobles and capitalists all around and downstairs, St. Petersburg.



The most famous plays came to the stage, these... The actors first bowed to the royal box in the center of the second floor, with a gauze curtain, and then Tchaikov rang out. The play "Queen of Spades" based on Pushkin's novel of the same name is finally opening.

Just like the movie theater can't make loud noises, you must pay full attention when watching a drama. This is the most basic etiquette. Even though Anastasia still has a lot of words in her heart and wants to talk to Roy, she has become quiet at this time. , sat beside him and enjoyed the play together.

Slowly, she moved her body and got closer and closer to Roy. I don't know when it started, Roy felt that the tender and tender body of the young girl was already leaning against his arms. Roy chuckled and hugged gently. Holding the shoulders of Her Royal Highness, just like hugging his girlfriend in a movie theater, he focused his attention on the performance in front of him.

It's just that the girl he is hugging is not ordinary, she is the most noble and beautiful Grand Duchess of the Romanov Dynasty, Anastasia.


Her Royal Highness Princess Romanova.

Her Royal Highness didn't know what was going on in this drama at all, she just leaned in Roy's arms, smelled his scent, and wandered in a trance.

Chapter 90 The Uninvited Guest

This is the Queen's turn. The two favorite characters of the Lostbelt are... The Queen and Poppy, so I'll write a few more chapters.

After watching the famous Russian drama "The Queen of Spades", Roy took the Queen to St. Petersburg again.



Tasting her favorite 'common food' ramen at a Japanese restaurant.

It is difficult to see Japanese restaurants in other countries in this day and age, the whole of St. Petersburg.



There are not many, and the owner of this shop is a tall Slav, but he is married to a woman from the extreme eastern island country, even in the 21st century, such a marriage is not easy. It is more common, and it is even more rare in this era.

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