The simplicity of being a young girl has disappeared, and her whole person is much more stable. Occasional eye contact and her slightly frowning brows show that her inner thoughts are much more complicated than those of the past, which is due to the social environment. She has grown up through experience, and now she looks like those in the 21st century......a strong woman, or a 'hero of women'.

The only constant is her beauty.

"I haven't seen you for ten years, Miss Enolai, you have become more temperamental."

Roy smiled gently at the lady monarch in front of him.

Enolai breathed a sigh of relief, and was secretly grateful to Roy. What she feared most was... Roy didn't even see her. As the supreme bishop of the Holy Church, he had such a privilege, and If that happened, she would be really embarrassed, neither going in nor going back.

If you leave like that, you will not be able to explain to the clock tower. If you continue to grind hard here, you will be worried about your life. Fortunately, this... Crown One stands in front of him as he did back then. There will be a sense of relaxation like a spring breeze.

Enolai put her arm on her chest and saluted again, and then asked in surprise: "...Your Majesty, this is"

She looked at Her Royal Highness, who was following Roy. The amazing beauty of Romanov's princess was amazing even for Enola, who was a woman. For Balu Yereta, who pursues beauty, They can always look beyond the surface and see where the true beauty of a thing lies.

Anastasia also stared at Enola, with a stern and serious expression.

Where is the female magician who came out of here? How come I have never seen her looking for the godfather to do what she wants to be an old lover!

Chapter 113 Wind Commentary on the Murdered Monarch

Inola has never met Her Royal Highness. When Inola was caught by Roy in the church, Her Royal Highness was only a six or seven-year-old child. She lived in the palace, so the female magician naturally did not. chance to meet her.

The two stared at each other for a long while, Her Royal Highness's azure blue eyes were slightly hostile, while Enolai looked at her with only curiosity, which was the different senses brought by their identities.

"Her name is Anastasia."

Roy just said the name of Her Royal Highness with a smile, but did not introduce the specific things.

And Inola has guessed a lot from this simple name.

'It's the missing princess of the Romanov dynasty' Although Enolai has been in London for the past few years, she is still very concerned about what happened in Russia, or the entire Clock Tower is very concerned about what happened in Russia, Of course, their concern is not the regime change in Russia, but the high-ranking prince.

From Roy's well-known life history, Enola knows his relationship with the Romanov family. The youngest daughter of the family is called Anastasia. Roy is also the godfather of this girl. These are information on the bright side, and even some ordinary people who are a little concerned about current affairs know it.

'I heard from the local magician in Russia that the Russian princess is actually missing, not dead as the authorities say. If this statement is correct, then the lady in front of her is likely to be the missing princess.

'Thinking of this, the proud female magician also has respect for Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia. There are many European royal families in marriage. If you really want to trace the bloodline of this... Her Royal Highness, she can be related to almost all European royal families. In the Middle Ages, in order to obtain spiritual veins and land, magicians all had aristocratic status and loyal to the royal family, so in the face of such a noble bloodline, even if she was one of the monarchs of the clock tower, she had to repay enough. respect.

"Good afternoon, Miss Romanov!"

Enolai solemnly bowed to the Queen's Palace and tentatively said the other party's royal family name. Seeing that Her Royal Highness was just staring at him with a hint of hostility, but did not refute, Enolai made the final decision. 's determination.

"Then Miss Enolai came to St. Paul.



What's the matter with the cathedral looking for me? Could it be that you really miss the church life back then?"

Roy asked with a smile in his eyes.

The monarch of the Creation Section looked embarrassed, and her face was a little overwhelmed. She was taken into the church as a prisoner, and because there were two black and white princesses in the church at that time, she almost seemed like a The maid is also not taken seriously, and now it is mentioned by Roy, making her helpless in humiliation.

And Anastasia became more vigilant when she saw Enola's appearance, thinking back ten years ago that she seemed to be a child who didn't know anything about the godfather, that is... I complained in my heart why I was born so late! "I'm here to meet with you on behalf of the Eleventh Section of the Clock Tower... um... can we talk about it in a different place?"

It made Ino, a magician, uncomfortable in this church, she asked cautiously and carefully.

Roy smiled casually and said: "... Of course there is no problem, Miss Enola will feel very uncomfortable, there is a cafe next to the church, why don't you go there to discuss... Enola's intentions? , Roy knew with his butt... The Clock Tower came to worship the pier, and Qianglong directly crushed it, making the Clock Tower, a local snake in London, breathless.

Hearing Roy's words, Enolai breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't act like a cleric in some ways, his personality was really comfortable. As long as he didn't step on the line too much, he didn't seem to care about anything. , Compared to the intrigues in the clock tower, it is ridiculous that I feel the most at ease in front of the magicians' worst enemy.

Roy raised his hand, indicating that the agents around him don't need to follow him, just let Her Royal Highness stay by his side, and walked to a small cafe not far from the church. The monarch of the Creation Section followed Roy, she thought The next words, and Anastasia is close to Roy, staring at Enola from time to time like a dog that protects food, for fear that she is too close to her godfather.

Walking to the small cafe on the side of the road and sitting, Enolai recited the incantation of a small section of the project, and then the crowd who looked at this table from time to time... looked away, as if they didn't exist anymore.

This is a kind of staggered magic, the magic is not difficult but the operation requirements are very delicate, the monarch can perfectly activate it with a short spell, which shows the high level of magic.

Roy is not a real cleric in this world, and he has no resistance to magic at all. He sat opposite Enola, and when he saw the other side sitting upright, he was just... chatting like two friends who hadn't seen each other for many years: " ...Isn't there twelve divisions in the clock tower? Now there are only eleven divisions left."

For this kind of non-confidential matter, Enolai didn't think much about it was... Reply: "... The Barthemelo family of the Forensic Department was excluded from the twelve disciplines. , The magicians of the Clock Tower agreed that the law and politics department that does not study magic does not need to occupy these... Teaching resources, the modern magic department belongs to Noli Jiqing, but because many monarchs do not admit it The monarch of the modern magic division, so it is still excluded for the time being, but it will not be long before the clock tower will still be displayed in the form of twelve divisions."

Enolai talked about the current structure of the clock tower, but he was also slandered in his heart. The clock tower will become like this. It can be said that it is completely... You created it! But Roy, who is the initiator, has no self-consciousness at all. But in this way, the topic was brought up. Seeing that Enolai had been substituted into the topic by himself, he just... asked bluntly: "...Miss Enolai, you are here, in fact, ...ask the church's attitude towards the clock tower."


Seeing Roy being so outspoken, Inola's subconscious was... he straightened his back, leaned forward slightly, and felt nervous in his heart. The church's attitude towards the clock tower will determine the next century, or more. The way the two sides have been getting along for a long time, now that the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church has come to London, and the headquarters of the Clock Tower is also in London, which has simply become the most undercurrent in the mysterious world.

......If the church, or the... Supreme Bishop in front of him has an idea about the clock tower, and this group of magicians will also work hard, I am afraid it will be a mystery world war.

Just in Enola's nervousness, Roy did not answer her question directly, but instead asked with a smile: "...Why is it Miss Enola, you came to the church, in terms of identity, The dean of yours came to see me in person, and I was the best match, or Barthemelo's head was barely qualified. Of course, I didn't mean to say that Baru Yereta was not good, but no matter how you look at it, you should not be. The most suitable candidate."

The monarch of the Creation Section was expressionless, but she was crying in her heart. Why did she come and of course you killed her! Ten years ago, the news that she was caught in the Peter and Paul Church by the original Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church was long overdue by the Clock Tower The monarchs of the monarchs knew that if this was not a good thing, it would have caused a majestic blow to the entire monarch's lineage. It is estimated that this matter could even be known to the entire clock tower. Roy is famous, of course, because of his indiscretion in his private life. This beautiful princess of the Balu Yereta family has been captured and held captive for so long, everyone will think blindly, and even suspect that she is already in the shape of Roy.

In this case, the monarchs of the Clock Tower will naturally throw her into the wolf's den unanimously. To put it bluntly, it is... an abandoned son, even if the Balu Yereta family protests, all other monarchs can't help it. It was all this thought, and Balu Yereta could only silently watch his monarch go into the tiger's mouth.

But for this reason, she created the monarch of the division.

Lord Balu Yereta can't say it: door!

Chapter 114 A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost

After writing a few chapters, I went directly into modern times... Enola's heart was tangled and unspeakable, but how could Roy really not know why the clock tower sent her here, as long as these things are an IQ People without problems can guess with a little reasoning.

He looked at the monarch of the clock tower in front of him with a playful look. A woman's knight uniform of this era can reflect her awe-inspiring heroic temperament. The magician's blood selection for many years has made the descendants of these noble magicians not very special. Ugly, with a slightly heroic face, snow-white skin and arrogant eyes, Inola may not be as beautiful as Her Royal Highness, but there is not much difference, she is a beauty.

The monarch of the Creation Division was stunned by Roy's gaze, but as a monarch, as a magician, she quickly calmed down, the ethics of magicians are different from ordinary people, no matter... ..

It's nothing new for male or female magicians to become reproductive tools, and as long as you look at this, there is no "zero two three"


'I really don't look like a magician anymore.

' Enolai laughed at herself, after having this idea, her whole person's aura changed, and she was no longer as anxious as before, and possessed the calmness that matched her monarch's reputation.

"Your Majesty, I hope you can give me a clear answer!"

Enolai lowered her head slightly humbly, trying to make her tone less tough.

Magicians, especially the magicians of the monarch family, are extremely proud. They look down on the strength of their power and care about the study of the truth of magic. If Roy is also a magician, even if he is outrageously strong, maybe the idea of ​​the clock tower is Carry out 'seal designation', but unfortunately Roy's identity is a member of the sworn enemy of the Magic Association, the Sanctuary Church. In this case, the magician's trick is useless in the church, even if he is arrogant as a monarch They, too, have to bow their noble heads.

Roy still didn't answer Enola's question directly, he continued to talk about him, slightly ambiguous: "...Even if you have something to do with me, Miss Enola, in the eyes of others, but you are not. As a monarch, you are actually sent to the enemy's lair, which is somewhat unreasonable. It seems that you have no prestige in the clock tower, Miss Enola, even as the monarch of Balu Yereta, you can't convince the public. Those old guys at the Clock Tower don't care about you at all."

"But from another angle, this is also good news. The previous monarch of Balu Yereta let you take office early, so you can get more experience. When the members of the new generation become the mainstream of the clock tower, your The prestige will also be inexhaustible, at that time, except...Bathemello, even the Bellantrio family of the basic department will be dominated by you."

Roy explained, although he is not a magician or a member of the Magic Association, but he seems to be very familiar with the clock tower, and his words shocked Enola.

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