"As for my sister, she has been seeking death after she can't beat me. She is treating me as a fool. There must be something wrong with such a person who seeks death. Of course, I won't really kill her!"

Aozaki Aoko glanced at her sister who was lying on her own, and said mockingly.

Roy knew why Aozaki Chengzi wanted to let Qingzi kill her. As long as this body of her dies, that... the ineffable thing that was sealed in her body by her will be temporarily unsealed, and then it will be... Aozaki Aoko and that... monster fight, no matter what...

Whether the monster defeated Aozaki Aoko, or Aozaki Aoko defeated the monster, that's what oranges like to see.

If Aoko kills that... monster, then all the consequences that may occur after the death of the monster will be borne by Aoko alone, but obviously Aoko Aozaki, or the current Aoko Aozaki is not stupid at all, and mature enough to not Was easily irritated and didn't do what the orange said.

Roy raised his brows and said admiringly: "...Compared to that...childish girl, you are now a mature and good woman who can be counted on, Miss Aozaki! But You are not afraid that this is orange deceiving you, she is using this method to let you let her go"

"Ha, I'm too lazy to think about whether there are nesting dolls in here, anyway... now she's the loser, I'm the winner, no matter...

She has no conspiracy and tricks to deny, this fact!"

Aozaki Aoko smiled generously and directly saw the essence of the matter. The smile was very charming and admirable. At the same time, she also kicked her sister who was lying under her feet, with an extremely bad and casual attitude... .... "Is this the magic of the Aozaki family, let the future self come to the present..."

Maris Billy frowned and said, feeling a little unbelievable...I can't believe it, this kind of magic is too...weak! "You ten years ago. Still the same as you ten years later, down!"

Aoko Aozaki glanced at Maris Billy, seeing how she knew the... astronomical monarch from ten years later, then she looked at Roy again, and said strangely: "... ..but you and I haven't seen it before. When did the Holy Church have a supreme bishop? It's not a multi-departmental organization that operates in parallel, so how can it be unified?"

Hearing her words, Roy didn't have any reaction, but the celestial body monarch was stunned, and said thoughtfully: "...this Aoko Aozaki is a magician from a parallel world, could it be that the magic of the Aozaki family is still there? Involves 'parallel dimensions'"

But soon, Aozaki Aoko, who was as dashing as the wind... gave up the guess, she glanced at the cohabitant at Roy's feet, and saw the miserable appearance of the witch, she was... furious. :4.

"...I don't care what the supreme bishop is, what a mess, since you dare to come to Misaki City to **** the spiritual veins and make Youzhu look like this, then we are... enemies, come on, let us I'm here to be your opponent, and let's make a big fuss before my magic power is gone!"

"You have a good relationship with this witch, Miss Aoko."

Roy also followed Aoko's example and kicked the witch under his feet, as if he was kicking some cargo.

"Ha, although Youzhu's personality is awkward and arrogant, full of girlish heart, and occasionally has a brain for love, but she doesn't admit it, but no matter what, she is also my friend!"

Aoko Cangsaki said carelessly, not caring at all about the blue and white face of the witch lying on the ground, it just... exposed the privacy of her friend.

Aoko Aozaki, ten years later, is really bold and fearless.

Chapter 170 The Magician and the Magician

Ten years later, Aozaki Aoko was calm and calm. She didn't have time to ignore Yuju Kuonji's glare at her, but focused all her energy on the man in front of her... the self-proclaimed Supreme Bishop of the Holy Church.

I have never seen it or heard of it at all. If the memories of Aozaki Aoko now and her memory ten years later overlap, Aozaki Aoko would not even be able to believe that there is such a person.

She doesn't care about the astronomical monarch Animusfia. In the future she knows, this monarch has hardly appeared in the clock tower, and his daughter has always performed the duties of the astronomical monarch. However, according to Aozaki Aoko's understanding of the combat power of several other monarchs, it is also possible to roughly infer the strength of Maris Billy.

Not his opponent at all, this is the conclusion of Aozaki Aoko.

In fact, it is accurate to say that the current Aozaki Aoko came from twenty-six years later. The so-called ten years are just the self-proclaimed Aozaki Aoko, and it is her misleading people. After twenty-six years, she is going to My friend Rafe.


On the way to Flaulos' funeral, the friend she shared with her sister Chengzi committed suicide inexplicably, but left them a suicide note.

And it is... On the way to visit friends, she received 28 requests from her past self through magic, thus passing on knowledge, experience and understanding, and it came to this time period.

Because what she experienced twenty-six years ago is now just a matter of returning the cause and effect.

In the twenty-six years of her memory, Aozaki Aoko had never heard of the so-called Supreme Bishop of the Holy Church, nor Roy.

Crowley this guy.

'Is this the so-called parallel world? But the difference between this parallel world is too great!' Unfortunately, Aozaki Aoko at this time did not understand Roy, nor did he understand the entire magic world, so twenty-six Aoko years later can't deduce more things from her memory now.

But there is only one thing she can be sure of, the man in front of her is very strong! The blue pupils condensed, and the Miss Magician named 'Human Rocket Launcher stretched out her hand, and a huge magic circle appeared in front of her. Entwined with innumerable Numeral Patterns, and a storm lingered on her legs, Aoko Canozaki jumped up to a height of tens of meters and fired hundreds of magic bullets contained in the Numeral Patterns! Thea was about to send out a blizzard to stop these......magic bullets, but Roy blocked her and shook his head: "...Leave this magician to me!"

Although Her Royal Highness has the main **** spirit, but if she does not use the Noble Phantasm, she is really not the opponent of this magician. That is because of the huge gap in combat experience and the specialization of Aozaki Aoko's strange magic circuit. Of course, it is also Her Royal Highness. The magic level is too bad.

Aozaki Aoko's talent in magic is extremely low. Compared with her sister Chengzi, she is a world apart. However, her magic circuit has brought the performance of 'destruction' to the extreme, and can use a car engine as an aero engine. Special abilities to use.

That is to say, although this... magician does not have any fancy magic, the power used by each of her little magic has the destructive power of the magic of the gods! The hundreds of magic bullets seem simple, but they are combined together. The strength together can be equal to an artillery company, and even comparable to the astronomical science magic that Maris Billy used before. The destructive power of using small magics into big magics is the origin of her 'human rocket launcher' name. .

But this... the magic of the Magic Association is just so many... Roy's back has a pair of golden-colored giant wings entangled with wind, fire and lightning, and even appeared on top of his head. A circle of light, this is his external change after possessing the power of an angel.


Aoko Canozaki exclaimed in surprise, she has lived for so many years, and she is still the first real angel to walk on the earth! The wings behind Roy are folded together, forming a huge shelter, like a city defense fortress.

Hundreds of magic bullets fell on it, and the entire Misaki City was roaring with explosions and shaking, making people think that there was a war.

But this explosion had no effect other than... let a piece of shimmering feathers fall from the wings.

The folded wings spread out, and one of the huge wings swept away through Changhong, driving a storm. In the storm, there were thunder explosions, and the flames shone, making people no doubt that if Aozi Aozaki was swept by this wing. , will turn the whole person into coke.

But the wings directly crossed Aozaki Aoko's body, as if the person who jumped into the air was not a real entity, but a phantom.


Roy and the celestial monarch, who was hiding behind watching the battle, let out a light 'huh' and began to analyze the technique used by Aoko Aozaki, but while Maris Billy was still thinking about it, Roy He has already seen through the opponent's methods.

"Personally limited time travel, although you appear in the present", the real you may be in the "past" or in the "future", so an attack on the "present" cannot hurt you."

Roy said it clearly, and Maris Billy was surprised when he heard it. This ability is worthy of magic, and it is no longer a miracle that modern magic can accomplish.

But the magic of the Aozaki family is too weird. It involves the ability of time and space, but it's very similar to the second method.

"What if you see through my magic!"

Aozaki Aoko, who jumped from the sky like a roc, mobilized the magic power in the magic circuit. The heterogeneous magic power was compressed and integrated into her fist. This is the simplest strengthening magic, but it is used by Aozaki Aoko. She can tear down even a building with her bare hands.

She doesn't care that her magic is seen through, because if the other party can't find a countermeasure, it is useless to see through the effect of magic.


When Aozaki Aoko's fist was about to hit Roy, he was caught by Roy's raised hand, he smiled and looked at the magician in front of him and said: "...but Miss Aoko, the moment you attacked You always have to go back to the present. It seems that you have no means of directly invading the present in the past or future. If your magic can do this, even I will have a headache."


It was the sound of bone cracking, and Aoko Cangsaki's jade hand was cracked and blood was flowing.

The magician looked at his hand in amazement. In the alienated state of his own magic circuit, under his own strengthening magic, the other party could actually receive it with his bare hands. If you want to use a metaphor, then Roy grabbed it with his hand. The exploding rocket, the explosion of the rocket didn't even break his skin.

2 Are you a human dragon?"

The magician couldn't help asking.

"Maybe I'm scarier than a dragon, Miss Magician."

Roy's palm was empty, Aozaki Aoko activated the magic again and entered the state of 'personal time travel.

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