Kelly Saber clenched her teeth, thinking of that...the Supreme Bishop that always makes people dumb, that is...gritting her teeth.

Others may not know, but as Kelissa, I know very well, don't look at Laura.

Stuart looks like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, but her actual age is estimated to be more than enough to be her own grandmother, even her own mother, to call Lola.

Syat is fine for grandma.

But I have to say that the old woman is very powerful. If anyone is deceived by her appearance and appearance, she will really eat her without leaving a bone. The British royal family has been keeping a low profile for decades, but the old woman Still find every opportunity to fight the royal family.

Kelissa's mother, Her Majesty Queen Eliza, seems to have a close relationship with the supreme bishop, but Kelissa knows that it is only a political compromise. For the stability of Britain as a whole, the royal family must behave in front of the public and Puritanism. They are standing together, in fact Queen Eliza and the Puritan Supreme Bishop have been secretly testing and vigilant against each other.

Strong enemies are waiting, and there is that one across the sea... A thousand-year-old enemy, France, exists. Under the internal and external troubles, as the second princess who loves her country deeply, Kelissa also wants to find a way to break the situation. In the eyes of the princess, Kelissa believes that if the royal family can regain the sword of the king again and use the power of Katina, it will be enough to make the country prosper again, and even regain the title of the empire on which the sun never sets.

For this reason, Kelissa secretly entrusted many magical associations to search for Katina. Her Majesty Eliza, who is the queen, of course noticed her daughter's change and persuaded her in private.

Although today's Britain is not corrupt, but with the current world structure, it is impossible for an island country like Britain to rise again. Queen Eliza sees it very far and knows that if Katina really returns to the hands of the royal family, not only will it not It will bring strength to Britain, and may even stimulate the outbreak of contradictions and cause a riot.

It's just that Kelissa has an extreme personality and doesn't listen to her mother's words at all. She still goes her own way to find Katina. She believes that as long as she gets Katina and the power of the archangel, it is enough to protect the country and the country. let it suffer any damage.

But now the second princess is a little regretful, she never thought that Katina was indeed found, but was taken away by others.

If Katina falls into the hands of the Puritans, Kelissa is not afraid that the Puritans can use the power of Katina, but from now on the royal family wants to retake Katina. It is absolutely impossible, even that old woman of Puritanism may use Katina to bring down the majesty and face of the royal family, which will make the royal family lose their prestige before the knights, and may even make some members of the knights give up their loyalty to the royal family. .

"The Light of Rebirth... Mathers... Mathers... How is it possible, that... the leader of the Golden Dawn a hundred years ago, how is it possible that he is still alive!! In the records of the royal family , he is simply dead!!”

The more Kailisha paced, the more irritable she felt. She slammed the table and shouted in a low voice. Her beautiful eyes were dignified and majestic, as eye-catching as the countless soldiers who fought on the battlefield.

If an ordinary person stood in front of this princess, she might be frightened and incontinent under her anger.

After venting her inner anger, Kelissa just... took a deep breath and calmed herself down. As a military representative, she knows that the commander must not lose his mind and must know how to think carefully. Of course, this deliberation cannot be changed. Cheng flinched, otherwise she would be worried about gains and losses like her sister, doubting everything, and completely losing the demeanor of a king.

Because these three princesses have extreme personalities, they are very uncomfortable with each other. In Kelissa's view, her sister is too cautious and loses her spirit, but being a hero can't become a king, and her sister is too kind, It is easy to be deceived by subordinates, they are not expected to be queens.

Only one who is determined to forge ahead, is ruthless to the enemy, and is strict with the law, is the real leader who can lead Britain back to the top of the world.

Of course, Kelissa herself does not have the ambition to become a queen. Although she does things radically, her purpose is for this country. As long as the country can be prosperous and strong, she will not hesitate to sacrifice herself.

Regardless of....

Whatever her temperament is, she is worthy of her title of Queen of Britain.

After calming down, Kelissa began to think about how to solve the current problem. It is not her character to regret and complain blindly, and how to solve the problem resolutely is her usual practice.

It's just that the current situation also gave her a headache. With the power she currently has, it is impossible to solve the current difficulties.

Just when the second princess was having a splitting headache, a strange voice suddenly came from the bedroom that was supposed to be only the princess.

"Second Princess Kelissa, do you have any problems that are difficult to solve? Why don't you tell me about it, and let me share it for you too!"

That male voice had a kind of arrogance unique to the Scottish aristocratic tone, although Scotland was also a member of Britain, but the problems left by the nation in the past made the interior of Britain not monolithic, like Scotland, which was generally self-governing.


Hearing this unfamiliar voice, Kelissa was startled, she quickly turned around, Liu Mei upturned and let out a low voice, this princess is not angry, her voice is low and bold, and the terrifying sound is shocking here. In the bedroom, the whole space is full of chills.

"Didn't you just keep: reading my name, Your Highness Kelissa..."

Roy was sitting on the sofa with royal luxury style, his legs crossed, and his back was leaning against the soft sofa back: He looked at the second princess Kelissa proudly, and said with a magnetic voice.

"Leader of the Golden Dawn, Samuel.

Li De.



Kelissa raised her slender eyebrows, took a deep look at the box that Roy put in her hand, and asked in a clear and powerful voice.

But soon, this... Her Royal Highness just... shook her head, denied, and said: "...No, you are not Mathers! Mathers doesn't look like you, to say Golden Dawn Who do you resemble the most, it should be Aleister.

Crowley is right!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 81 Give you the blood of the Windsor Dynasty

"You are not Mathers, Mathers doesn't look like you, to say who you are most like in Golden Dawn, it should be Aleister.

Crowe is right!"

The awe-inspiring, sonorous and powerful answer from the second princess, Kelissa, made Roy startled for a moment.

Although he had long expected to be pointed out by others for pretending to be Mathers, Roy did not expect this day to come so quickly.

However, Roy was also slow and slow. He leaned gracefully on the back of the soft chair used by the British royal family, and stared at the mature princess who was twenty-seven or eighty-years-old in front of him. It took two more glances at the top, and then the eyes were withdrawn.

This princess has blond hair and a crown full of jewels, but unlike ordinary women in the royal family, Kelissa's hair is tied quite boldly, and although most of her delicate body is covered by The red dress filled with leather was concealed, but she could still see her slender waist and her beautiful mature color.

Noble and elegant, but also has a heroic appearance like a knight, it is no wonder that this... The princess has a huge reputation among the knights.

After appreciating the gorgeous and charming beauty of the second princess, Roy asked in a low voice, "...Why do you think I'm not Mathers, Your Highness Kelissa!"

The second princess, Kelissa, did not say much, but walked to the mahogany table with a confident and heroic smile. The table was carved with fine patterns, which shows that even such a simple table must be a precious antique. .

As a former empire on which the sun never sets, Britain once swept the world's wealth for its own use, not to mention the collections in the museums, the collections in the entire British royal family are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Kelissa picked up a yellowed cowhide bag from the table and put it on the coffee table in front of Roy.

The cowhide bag had top-secret file fonts, and the handwriting was handwritten. Roy opened the cowhide bag politely, and took out a stack of assembled books from it.






This assembled book has such a line written in cursive English, and the translation is... 'Golden Dawn Hermetic Order', which is the full name of Golden Dawn.

"Here are photos and basic introductions of all known members of the Golden Dawn. Although the birth and destruction of the Golden Dawn occurred at the turn of the Hanoverian Dynasty and the Windsor Dynasty, as a magical power in Britain, it is impossible not to notice that one rooted in this The state's secret society!"

This is the power of the rulers. Although the country is big, the tentacles of the rulers are everywhere. The Golden Dawn was founded in Britain, and most of the members were Britons, especially in that magician who had a daily life. , In the era of other professions of their own, even a secret association could not escape the eyes of the agency.

"Scotland Yard was aware of the existence of this organization not long after the establishment of the Golden Dawn, and Westcott, one of the founders, was the coroner of Scotland Yard, and his daily life was under the surveillance of Scotland Yard! "

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