He restrained the pleasing smile on his face, and said with a corner of his mouth: "...Che, what are you proud of!"

Complaining in a voice that only she could hear, she went into the bathroom, opened the bag in her hand, and took out the maid outfit she bought today.

"Ah, ah, you even let me wear this kind of clothes to work, you wait, when I find out your problem, I will send you directly to prison!"

Shirai Kuroko gritted his teeth, but obediently changed into his clothes.

It didn't take long for Shirai Kuroko to walk out of the bathroom, and just as she walked in front of Roy, she heard the sound of "click" and "click".

"Hey, what are you doing!!"

Seeing that Roy actually took out his mobile phone to take a picture of her, Shirai Kuroko jumped like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Since you've even put on a maid outfit, you don't care what's being photographed... But you don't need to care, this photo doesn't threaten you, and even if you send these photos to those close to you, they probably won't. I don't think there's any problem, anyway... you're a pervert, and it's not surprising that perverts do anything."

Roy looked up and down Shirai Kuroko, and saw her... brown hair combed into a cute double ponytail, her delicate pretty face had both upright awe-inspiring and the reserved pride of the eldest lady, her eyes Wei Wei looked to the side, it seemed that she was still a little ashamed of herself wearing such a suit, but the shame of this young lady made people feel more tasteful.

The black and white maid outfit is a classic style, but the clothes are a little bigger. It is estimated that Shirai Kuroko bought it and didn't try it on. Of course, she couldn't try it in the store. On top of the small brown leather boots, a pair of clothes were worn. The slenderness of the white stockings and the slenderness of the Tiantian.

Although it is not as slender as Bee Eater's slenderness in terms of proportion, and it is not as perfect as Mim Aiyu, this pervert is actually really pretty. If you don't look at her character and only look at her appearance, it will definitely make many boys endure it. Delicate and feminine that can't stop peeping.

Shirai Kuroko didn't know how beautiful Roy was in her heart, she only had the word 'perverted' in her mind, she was so angry that she glared at Roy and said, "...how are you talking about me! "

Roy thought about it carefully. It seems that the current Shirai Kuroko still doesn't know Misaka's perverted heart. He didn't say much, and pointed to the kitchen: ... the cleaning tools are there. , and hurry to work."

As he said this, he looked at his watch and said again: "...it's almost 7:00pm at night, I'll give you three hours to clean up, then leave quickly, I want to keep one The elementary school students are at home, people think that I am the same pervert as you, of course you don't have to worry too much, if you don't clean it, you will continue to come and work."

Shirai Kuroko, who had already walked into the kitchen and picked up the broom, had blue veins on her forehead, and her small hands clenched the pole of the broom. She used so much force that she almost broke the stick, and Roy was so angry that she died.

But thinking that he agreed to come to work for the sake of 'redemption', if he didn't do well, who knows what excuse this guy would think of to make things difficult for her, so he could only endure it forcibly.

But she couldn't help but replied: "...does bullying elementary school students make you so happy?"

"What kind of elementary school student are you, you are just a pervert."

Roy looked up at Shirai Kuroko slightly, then ignored her and continued to lie on the sofa, like a young master doing nothing.

"By the way, congratulations, classmate Shirai, I just posted your photo on the Internet, and it won unanimous praise from everyone, although those... enthusiastic netizens reply something I can't understand, The screen is full of elementary school students, maids, white toadstools, etc. It's strange to say that I have eyesight."

Roy's eyes pretended to be puzzled.

Kuroko Shirai, who was researching how to clean up, jumped with her two ponytails, and ran over in horror to grab Roy's phone, "...Where did you send my photos to? went!"

"Don't worry, it's a serious website, you have to trust the network security of Academy City."

As soon as Roy raised his hand, he escaped from the **** of Shirai Kuroko, but of course Shirai Kuroko didn't want to admit defeat like this. He wanted to see what kind of mess Roy had posted, so he just... used his own The ability, the whole person disappeared instantly, and appeared next to the mobile phone held by Roy's right hand.

But Roy seemed to have known that she was going to do this for a long time. Just when Kuroko Shirai was about to grab the phone in his hand, the phone in his right hand was switched to his left, which made her flinch.

Shirai Kuroko refused to accept and used his superpowers continuously, but every time he was avoided by Roy like a prophet, making Shirai Kuroko suspicious of life.

"how did you do it"

She looked at Roy with some vigilance.

In such a close distance, every time she predicted the position she was about to teleport to and easily avoided it, but Roy himself didn't even move the position, which was no longer a result of luck.

"Who knows, hurry up to work, Shirai-san, time has passed again."

Roy smiled mysteriously at Kuroko Shirai.

Shirai Kuroko fell silent, Roy was not a prisoner, and she couldn't conduct any interrogation. Since he didn't say anything, she couldn't do anything about it.

It's just that Shirai Kuroko felt more and more that Roy was too mysterious, which made her anxious and full of thoughts.

Roy put away the phone, thinking that if Kuroko Shirai goes to Tokiwadai Middle School next year, and then there will be another urban legend about Miss Tokiwadai's maid career, I don't know if she will die socially.

Don't look at her character as being very casual, but she is essentially a daughter of a daughter.

Shirai Kuroko was muttering while working, and he didn't know if he was swearing. This apartment is not dirty, but the space is large enough. Shirai Kuroko is not a professional maid, so he is very slow to do housekeeping work. .

But Roy was not in a hurry. He was lying on the sofa watching TV, and there was a can of beer on the coffee table in front of him. From time to time, he used the master's eyes to check whether the maid was lazy and looked at Kuroko Shirai, making Kuroko Shirai's teeth almost clenched. Broken.

"Ding dong!"

Just when Kuroko Shirai worked hard for two hours, was so tired that he was sweating profusely, and was thinking of taking a rest, the doorbell of the apartment suddenly rang.


Roy asked casually into the walkie-talkie.

"It's me, Mr. Roy."

A voice as sweet as chocolate came in with a hint of timidity.

Hearing that voice, Roy directly opened a software on his mobile phone, and the door of the apartment was... opened.

Mitsuya Ayu, who was standing at the door, and Shirai Kuroko, who was wearing a maid outfit, suddenly met and looked at each other through the entrance, and both of them were stunned.

"Mitsu-senpai, why are you here?"

Shirai Kuroko asked in surprise.

"That should be what I asked you, Shirai-san! Why are you here wearing a maid outfit so late!"

Honey Ant Aiyu bit her lower lip and suddenly became stronger.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 111 The old scumbag!

Seeing that Mitsuya Ayu would ask herself in such a strong and angry manner, Kuroko Shirai was completely unexpected.

In fact, the reason why she asked Mi Ant Aiyu why she was here with a hint of concern was that it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Shirai Kuroko has already made up a dangerous drama.

However, after being questioned by Mi Ant Aiyu, Shirai Kuroko did not respond, and hurriedly explained as if she was afraid of being misunderstood: "...I am here to complete the entrusted housework, and Mi Ant-senpai, you were there that day. "

At this time, Mi Ant Aiyu was thinking about how she went to chat with the gangsters out of curiosity that day, and was finally entangled by the gangsters and was rescued by Roy. The Shirai classmate at that time seemed to have... misunderstood Mr. Roy and put the He took him to the Discipline Committee Branch, and at Mr. Roy's strong request, Shirai agreed to come over to clean up.

It's just because he suddenly saw Kuroko Shirai in a maid's costume at Roy's house, which made Mi Ant Ayu think crooked for a while, and became angry, so he didn't recall it.

Ah, by the way, that day seemed to be the first time I saw Mr. Roy... Thinking of this, Mi Ant Aiyu was a little distracted.

Seeing Mitsu Aiyu standing at the door in a trance, Shirai Kuroko's mouth twitched for a moment, and she began to wonder if there was something wrong with this...senpai's brain. It was the first time I saw Mi Ant Aiyu that day. A... senpai's way of thinking seems to be... different from ordinary people.

People in Tokiwadai are like this, right? Shirai Kuroko thought a lot about whether she should go to that school or not. Although she has a strong sense of justice, she is not a serious person, and she complains all kinds of things. Poisonous tongue is also within reach for her.

"Mit-senpai Miyen-senpai"

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