And now the black cat witch, even if she has Mina.

All Mathers' memories are the reappearance of the other party's body and spirit, but she is more like a child who has not been in contact with society, with simplicity and innocence.

Although Lilith is actually a baby now... After Roy heard Lilith's words, he rubbed his palms and laughed: "...As expected of my dear elder sister, it is true to me understand."

Seeing Roy being so cheeky, Lilith said she didn't want to pay attention to him, but I'm not complimenting you! Mina.

Mathers was stunned, and finally understood what Roy meant. The widow's pretty face blushed slightly behind the black veil, as if a little shy, but he did not resist Roy's coveting of her.

She just picked up Lilith, who was lying in the stroller, with a mother's kindness and sternness: "...It's time to eat Lilith, otherwise Roy and I will be angry. ."

Lilith was helpless for a while, she could only hold the bottle with her two little hands with baby fat, and drank the milk from the pacifier.


Mathers held Lilith in his arms and shook his arms gently like a cradle. He also stood up and walked back and forth in the living room. No matter how he looked, he looked like a kind man who was coaxing the child to eat. Mother.

Roy feels that life is very leisurely now, because the little ants and little bees are still in school: they live in the school during weekdays, and only come to his house on weekends. Of course, lunch and dinner on weekdays are still served by The bee-eater and the honey ant Aiyu are nurtured.

The only people who live at home all the year round are her sister Lilith and Mina.


Every weekend night, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko will come to his house to clean up. Shirai Kuroko is no longer there, and the previous punishment has expired, but for her elder sister, Shirai Kuroko will still come over on time. Roy does housework.

This is also a buy one get one free.

And Roy is living the life of the young master of Academy City in such a leisurely manner. Every day he is not wandering in Academy City, or... teasing all kinds of girls around, and at the same time restraining all his wisdom and knowledge, for the last moment prepare for.

Just when Roy was thinking about it, he frowned suddenly and faced Mina.

Mathers and Lilith said: "...I'll go out first, you stay at home."

After speaking, Roy's figure just disappeared on the sofa.

"what happened"


Mathers looked at the missing Roy and said worriedly.

"Don't worry about him, as long as he doesn't face the devil, he won't be in danger."

Lilith muttered while holding the bottle.

......A single-eyed girl stood quietly in the crowd on a busy road in the seventh school district of Academy City, her emerald-colored one-eyed staring at the two people in the restaurant across the road, whispering. Dao: "...that's the fantasy killer of this era"

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 164: Illusion Killer and Demon God

In the small restaurants on both sides of the road, Accelerator sits on the sofa in front of the dining table, his left hand rests on the back of the sofa, his legs are crossed, and his crutches are placed in the corner.

In four months, his crooked neck was healed by himself, but the organic damage to his brain made Accelerator still unable to control his balance, and he still needed crutches to walk.

He held the handle of the coffee cup in his right hand, sipping the cold brewed iced coffee in the cup, and after smashing the bar, Accelerator said dissatisfiedly: "...Tsk, these... ...the coffee from the coffee beans is not as good as those...instant coffee, or canned coffee."

Disgusted, he put the coffee cup on the table, and Accelerator looked at the spiky-haired boy sitting beside him, who was also his current landlord and cohabitant.

Kamijou Touma looked at the table full of food, many of which were thrown by Accelerator after one bite, he wanted to cry without tears, and said distressedly: "...I said Suzuko Yuriko, don't waste food like this, if we continue like this, we will have no money to eat next month."

When Accelerator heard Kamijou Touma's name, he had blue veins on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth: " many times have I said, I'm not called Yuriko Suzuka, and I don't look like a woman. , you have chosen such a feminine name at will."

Kamijou Touma rubbed his head and smiled dryly when he heard the words: "...Who told you not to tell me your real name, Accelerator is just... a code name instead of a name."

As for whether the other party is male or female, Kamijou Touma has a lot of say in this point. As the two cohabitants, Kamijou Touma naturally saw an important part of Accelerator, and can be sure that he is a man.

The reason why Accelerator is called Lingke Yuriko is actually to stimulate him, and use the way to make him tell his real name, but it's a pity that Accelerator is not fooled at all. , and it won't matter after a while.

"Does the name matter?"

Accelerator leaned back on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling and asked.

His own name or something, in fact, he has long forgotten, since he was very young, people called him Accelerator, and he took this code name as his own name.

Kamijou Touma noticed the loneliness that flashed across Accelerator's face, he was nervous, opened his mouth, and finally said: "...No, the name is not important, compared to the name This kind of thing, that person is the most important."

His expression was very serious, and his words were very firm.

Accelerator glanced at Kamijou Touma with a slanted glance, cut it out, and didn't continue talking on the topic, but changed the subject: "... I can't blame my uncle for wasting food or something. Ah, if you hadn't lost my uncle's bank card, why would we be so worried about money?"

Accelerator Kamijou Touma's unfortunate experience has already been realized. During the four months he lived with him, Accelerator has seen the miserable life of Kamijou Touma, and he is even so cheerful that Kamijou Touma can live to this age. , I admired that I didn't even want to commit suicide at all.

It's just that although this misfortune will not infect Accelerator, it will infect Accelerator's objects that come into contact with Kamijou Touma, which makes Accelerator unable to spend even if he has money.

Fortunately, this unfortunate effect on Accelerator's items was not as serious as Kamijou Touma's, so that Accelerator's bank card could occasionally be used, and the two of them barely managed to survive.

Fortunately, Accelerator was not a person who likes to spend money in the past. He wears the same clothes every day, and his only hobby is...drinking canned coffee.

As a result, he was the first in Academy City to save the money, otherwise Accelerator, who has lost his ability with cerebral palsy, would have no source of income at all, so he might have to work part-time if he wanted to survive.

However, these four months have indeed been the most relaxed and happy days since Accelerator became conscious.

Those who don't need to contact Academy City are... those little gangsters, such a beautiful life even makes Accelerator wonder if he is still in Academy City.

He turned his head and glanced at Kamijou Touma, this good man brought a light to his dark and heavy heart, even Accelerator himself did not expect that he, as a villain, would be able to be redeemed here.

Accelerator has never had friends, but Kamijou Touma felt friendship for the first time, which gave him a determination to protect others. If this friendship can be maintained like this, then even if he loses What about ability? In Accelerator's heart, the so-called honor of being the first in Academy City, how could the friendship with Kamijou Touma be so precious.

Kamijou Touma over there didn't know what Accelerator was thinking, he just asked the waiter to bring the packed lunch box, and the food on the table could at least be eaten again. As for Kamijou Touma, he must not waste it at will.

While waiting for the waiter to pack, Kamijou Touma opened his phone and checked social media.

Hey, what is this Doraemon fanga? It seems to be about Fat Tiger and Xiaofu. Kamijou Touma opened the comic with interest and glanced at it, and immediately his face turned green, so he quickly put away his phone, he is now I can't wait to dig out my eyes and wash them.

"What's wrong"

Accelerator noticed Kamijou Touma's ugly expression as if he had eaten shit, and asked in confusion.

"No, nothing!"

Kamijou Touma hurriedly waved his hand, he didn't want Accelerator to see this thing, especially when he thought that the two big men were living together now, uh, no, he couldn't think about it any longer.

Kamijou Touma quickly patted his face.

Although Accelerator was strange, he didn't care, he was not a person who likes to meddle in his own business.

After packing, Kamijou Touma and Accelerator who were leaning on crutches walked out of the restaurant, and then the two suddenly stopped, and a girl dressed in extremely strange clothes blocked their way.

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