This is what Roy saw when he appeared here.

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Chapter 166 My Understander...

"This is what Silver Star has researched by borrowing the theory and power of that angel, isn't it...hmph, it's...a bit interesting."

Othinus's emerald eyes showed coldness and ruthlessness, and there was no sign of... Accelerator's twisted and crazy roar, or... Kamijou Touma was in a coma because of the severe pain and the phantom destruction. care.

She is like a high god, with her lofty will and mind that surpasses mortals, she overlooks all things and everything in this world.

Only when her eyes looked at Kamijou Touma's severed arm did Othinus' eyes become somewhat deep.

At Kamijou Touma's broken arm, there was a faint mist floating around. The mist was a strange mix of pale pink and azure blue. It looked a little hazy and dreamlike. The world is filled with a sense of delusion.

"Shenjing chasing the devil... It turns out that the silver star has always been there: it is this thing that is hidden, but in the face of a complete devil, even Shenjing chasing the devil is meaningless."

The demon gods are not very interested in this world that even their power can't bear. This is what gives mortals the opportunity to conceal and deceive the demon gods. It's not that mortals really have power that can rival the demon gods. It's just that the Demon God didn't intend to look at him.

But when the Demon God really wants to find out the truth, their eyes full of wisdom and knowledge are enough to see through everything.

Just like the current Othinus, after temporarily destroying the two dolls of Fantasy Killer and Liphan, he finally saw the deepest secret that Aleister had been hiding all along.

What human beings fear most is the unknown, which is the source of fear. For people and gods and demons, what they most desire and fear is the unknown.

And after seeing through the essence of Kamijou Touma, for Othinus, who knew the existence outside the world and saw Roy as the right hand, he lost his interest in Kamijou Touma.

"Hmph, if other demon gods are interested in the fantasy killer, then I'll give him to you.... Compared with the gods, it's more important for me to understand."

Othinus whispered, his eyes skipped Kamijou Touma, and he looked at Accelerator.

"The theory that the Silver Star constructed by borrowing the power of that angel is nothing but an alternative application of the aspect."

The corner of the one-eyed Demon God's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a mocking smile, which was a mockery of Aleister, a mockery of what he was after.

The existence of the Demon God is like the truth of this world. Since the Demon God is the truth, Aleister wants to bypass the truth and build a system that has never appeared before. It's just an alternative aspect created by using the power of the gods to ward off demons.

Aleister still hasn't escaped the shackles of the aspect in essence.

Aleister divides the development and change of the world and the power of human beings into three 3 eras, the era of Isis, the era of Osiris and the era of Horus. This classification method is a bit funny in the eyes of the devil, but this is Aleth. The theoretical source of the tower.

Unlike the Moon World that believes that the older the power is, the stronger Aleister believes that the power of the future is far greater than the present and the past. When the doomsday comes, the rule of the Crusaders will collapse, and human beings will be completely sublimated. And liberation, free from the shackles of religion, and thus become the so-called new human beings.

"When you use the theory of the Cross religion as a reference, it means that you can't break free from the shackles of the cross religion. Silver Star, you should take that step and go to the extreme of magic. Only when you stand in this position, can you See more things clearly, instead of speculating on the thoughts of the gods with mortal thinking."

At this moment, the so-called Aleister, the academy city where Othinus has no secrets at all, is the wisdom and power possessed by the complete Demon God.

Othinus looked indifferently and gradually lost his mind, like Accelerator who had completely fallen into the abyss. Aleister created a superpower system with the theory of "Book of Law", and realized the visualization of the force field with the reality of human beings. and researchable.

Regardless of....

How fresh Aleister's theory is, it can't surpass the world itself, the black wings behind Accelerator are actually just a way of using force fields, super power calculation formulas and magic techniques. There is no fundamental difference.

The so-called superpowers are just another kind of magic.

"According to the Silver Star's theory, your current power is probably only in the era of Osiris, no, it should not even count in the era of Osiris, it is more like a heretical **** has not been attributed to the Cross, and everything is still in place. It was nothing but the power of the age of Isis in the barren, dark and ignorant time."

"...If you look at Norse mythology, it was a period when Odin had not yet become the king of the gods and the world was ruled by giants with blood and cruelty."

Othinus felt bored for a while. The reason why she came to Academy City was...except for a certain reason, the most important thing see how Aleister was divided. Magic and science have brought about such a big change in the world.

It is precisely because Aleister separates magic and science that Othinus has so much trouble in forging the spear of the gods. Without Aleister, the spear of the gods would not need the power of science at all. Pure magic is enough to do it.

Science is the truth, and magic is the truth, but Aleister has divided the truth into two, so that Othinus must gather everything from both sides to complete the spear of the Lord God.

But now she is a little disappointed.

Just when Othinus wanted to crush Accelerator to death, she moved in her heart and turned her head to look in one direction.

On the side of the road, Roy, who was wearing a simple casual suit, had his right hand in his pocket and looked at Othinus from a distance of dozens of meters.

When looking at each other, Roy showed a gentle smile to the one-eyed Miss Demon God, and there was a faint miss in that smile.

At this moment, the indifferent and aloof demon god, she looked down at everything like a god, and in her emerald eyes filled with divine brilliance, surprise and tenderness also flashed, as if she suddenly changed from a **** to a human being.

"My comprehension..."

The devil's mouth opened slightly, although no sound came out, but Roy read what she was saying from Othinus' lips.

"It's you, it's you, it's you, it's you..."

Accelerator also recognized Roy, the man who took everything from him, but also let him see the light of redemption.

Academy City's first blood-filled pupil suddenly widened, as if a persistent and rampant evil spirit, let out a shrill roar.

"Ahhhhhh, give me death!!!"

Accelerator also regarded Roy as the accomplice of that... terrifying woman, the... criminal who wanted to kill his only friend.

The black wings behind it suddenly opened up, sweeping in like a hurricane, all the matter touched by these wings was instantly shattered, submerging everything with a destructive force that was more terrifying than atomic collapse. .

Seeing this, Othinus, whose face was full of joy, sank, and said angrily: "...Courtesy of death!"

The demon god, who was angry and shot, held it in the distance, and the hand of the **** was... The black storm wings that gushed out from behind Accelerator and penetrated the sky and the earth, grabbed it, and imprisoned it in the air.

Immediately, the Demon God's wrist flipped slightly, and the material that did not exist in this world at all, the wings that were more like phenomena a piece of thin paper, and were directly broken in an instant.

Accelerator screamed and vomited blood. Even the distorted hatred and will in his heart seemed to be crushed by the devil. His expression gradually became normal, and his bloodshot pupils also turned into ordinary black and white.

Academy City's No. 1 stared blankly at the sky, and fell down beside Kamijou Touma with a limp.

Fantasy killers, mysterious phantoms, and even deeper levels of gods and demons, together with Accelerator Accelerator, the master of the theory created by Aleister with the Book of Law, in front of the complete demons, they are nothing but one. A shattering ceramic doll.

After easily solving Accelerator and Kamijou Touma, Othinus turned to look at the person beside him. He was the real purpose of coming to Academy City, and everything else was just a matter of convenience.

My comprehension... Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 167 That may be your daughter-in-law, Aleister

In an unfinished building in the seventh school district of Academy City, a golden retriever with strange equipment walked in.

The golden retriever went to a corner, fiddled with the rubble on the ground, and immediately saw a dusty door appear among the rubble and the rubble.

The golden retriever walked into the door, but there was an elevator inside. It went up to the elevator and used its dog paw as a biological code, pressed the only button, and then the elevator started to descend.

Kihara's brain stem controlled the robotic arm on his back to light a cigar for himself, and the dog face said helplessly: "...Aleister is really able to find something for me, this is what I do for him It's the 63rd thing done."

The speed of the elevator was extremely fast, and in the murmur of Kihara's brain stem, the elevator arrived at the underground destination.

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