The Hourglass

123 EXTRA: The Luck

"Shin, why do you want to move here?" a mature looking woman asked.

"Yuna, you should know my superpower is right." Kang shin said.

"Yeah, according to what I see and what you told me, Shin, along with the various encounter you had!" Kang Yuna's eye squinted at the last word she said.

"Ah hahaha, well here I found this herd looking thing, I think it's good for you." Kang Shin pulled out a tomato like fruit that is glistering with light.

"Is this really safe?" Kang Yuna asked but just as Kang Shin was about to ask another cheery voice sounded out.

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"Shin! Shin what about me?" a little girl hugged Shin from out of nowhere.

"Here I have one too for you, So Young." Shin pulled out a banana looking fruit with four side and each side have a different colour ranging from, yellow, red, green, and blue holding the banana Kim So Young looked at it curiously while leaning against Kang Shin.

And from his magical bag (Which is actually an ordinary bag) Kang Shin pulled out Treasured Natural resources that could make others green from envy, each one of them could be counted priceless even more now, some could increase the chance of safely breaking through, some could naturally increase body quality, upgrade cultivation stages, and more if it were made into pill the effect would be more pronounce, oh! Maybe he or one of his girlfriends -wifes to be will be one all the sudden, in the fact there is one, well there is three more fruits that he pulled out.

Kang Shin took out a carrot, in fact it doesn't look like a carrot it looks like a jade that coincidentally looked like a carrot with a very smooth surface that you could see the reflection of yourself in it.

Kang Shin then waved at Christina who sneakily took a glance at them, seeing Kang Shin' signal she ran toward him and gave her two hand in begging look to Kang Shin who promptly gave it to her.

"Oh, yeah even so why did you move here again Shin?" Yuna asked.

"Huh! Actually, I didn't want to move from Bro-Michael but I felt that I along with you guys would be put in danger if I stayed there." Kang Shin said with a sigh.

"Shin, then why you didn't tell Bro-Michael?" So Young asked.

"Because the moment I was about to tell Bro-Michael about it I felt danger." Kang Shin said.

"Shin, are you sure, your superpower isn't Future Prediction? Also why are you calling Master, Bro-Michael?" Christina asked.

"No way! Big Bro said my power is Super Duper Bullshit Luck, I don't know why the name is so weird but basically I am really lucky." Kang Shin said while nodding.

"Wait! What's with that name? it's the first time I heard it! Also why are you two calling Young Master with Big Bro or just plain Master?" Yuna asked.

Even without anything meaningful to talk or play, they peacefully laid there on the grasses while the farmers tending the Qi Plants, of course even in these peaceful situations some 'Happy' accidents couldn't be helped between the four of them.

A little far from them, a farmer was accelerating the Qi Plant's fruit growth but his eyes literally and metaphorically turned green from envy while looking at the small hill supporting the four lads there.

'Fuck! Fuck those Luck Wielder, not only they are always bound to got rare Treasures even those who want to snatch it became a new source of Treasure for them, not only that they have some fucked up instinct that is practically future prediction, fuck me, it's really unfair, yeah really just fuck me in my male body or female body, fuck you too, the most fucked up thing is that there is an automated retaliation from The Luck itself when you killed one of them whenever the Wielder itself is weak or strong, previously at my peak more than half of my bodies got killed while my soul in it got destroyed without any chance of recovery,

In the first time I want to kill an enemy of mine that is super lucky I brought three fourth of my entire body and then after I successfully killed him, just then our battle 'coincidentally' awoke a herd of primordial beast a hundred meter away, the second time me being more cautious already searched the area and only send a third of my body along with other force but the Luck Wielder's blood awakened a nest of Super Bug that for some reason had died or hibernated there, for some other reason the bugs could identify my bodies and they feed on soul although there is some tens of thousands other causalities before the bugs suddenly died down on its own,Fuck… calm down me, as a very cool villain I shouldn't be this agitated yes, cool down, cool down, yes, kukuku… yes that's right boy if you really did tell that to Five-Star Talent Wielder I will kill you, well you can be counted as Five-Star Talent Wielder too since you wield Luck but no, in my game you don't count!' the farmer forced himself to look away from those rowdy bunch before the glimmer in his eyes vanished and the farmer just continued to accelerate the Qi Plant's growth as if he didn't mutter those complains in his head, perhaps this farmer didn't but the one who had devoured his soul did.

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