
"Ms. Natasha, please run quickly!"

"I, I will hold them back!!"

Accompanied by heavy breathing, an elven warrior fell on the street, holding his bloody chest, and opposite him were hundreds of fallen believers!

At the same time, a blonde, green-eyed female elf gritted her teeth and pressed her white hands on the warrior's chest.

"Dore, don't give up, I still have hundreds of natural energy!"

"Although natural energy cannot fully exert its original strength in the abyss environment"

"But I will try my best to save you!"

"So please don't give up, keep fighting!"

"We are about to reach the junction of the market area and the harbor area. When the time comes, the commander's army will come to save us!"

But at this moment, accompanied by a ghostly cry, an extremely ugly fallen believer with a face that had been corrupted by the abyss and full of maggots took the opportunity to pounce from the corner of the street, grabbed Natasha's golden hair, and shouted in an extremely creepy voice:

"Your face is so beautiful, I will cut it off and stick it on my face, and then I will be as beautiful as you!"

Upon hearing this, the warrior beside Natasha immediately exerted his last bit of strength, knocked the fallen believer away, and then pierced the fallen believer with the spear in his hand.

""Thank you, Dore!"

But before Natasha could express her gratitude to the soldier named Dore, her eyes were immediately filled with fear.

Because Dore, who was protecting her in the last second, was now firmly grasped in the palm of a huge hand.

The next second.

With the sound of the skull cracking and the body being crushed, countless foul-smelling elf plasma instantly splashed all over Natasha's body.

In fear, Natasha raised her head and looked at the monster that crushed Dore with trembling.

This is a stitched monster composed of several creatures!

He has a completely deformed and terrifying face, three arms and four legs.

Maggots and pus are all over his body.

But each of his arms, legs, and even muscles were all created by the fallen believers through the evil magic of the abyss.

Although Natasha could not understand how to use this evil magic of the abyss.

But this monster, with the blessing of this evil magic of the abyss, possessed a powerful strength comparable to that of a small giant.

His strength was so strong that even a fifth-level warrior like Dore could not resist him.

In fact, the same kind of monsters had killed dozens of powerful elven warriors similar to Dore in the previous pursuit.

Although the elves have always been known for their agility and superb swordsmanship.

But this group of stitched monsters happens to be their nemesis!

Thinking of this.......

Natasha looked at the monster's ugly and deformed face and could not help but feel completely desperate.

With all the guards around her dead, she knew she could not escape.

Although she knew very well that Commander Mark would issue an emergency mission for the entire region because of her value, her fate was likely to end here.


She didn't regret it!

She didn't even regret the death of those guards.

Because as an elf scholar, she discovered an extremely important secret knowledge about the fallen believers during this scientific research mission!

And this secret knowledge is likely to change the outcome of several war zones in the future. Natasha's thin body stopped trembling.

And a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth!

And at this moment, she was actually feeling lucky.

She was feeling lucky that when she was on the run, she hid the results of her research in a unique way of the elves.

As long as someone behind the Alliance of All Races can find her research results, then all her efforts will save hundreds of millions of lives!

Thinking of this.

Natasha, who is not good at fighting, took a fighting stance towards the monster in front of her.


"You dirty idiots from the abyss!"

"No matter how brutal, bloodthirsty and terrifying you are, sooner or later you will be driven out by us, all races!"

"Come on!"

As Natasha roared, the stitched monster grinned and stretched out its hand towards Natasha!


Boom boom boom!


But at this moment.

Accompanied by the roar of the chainsaw sword and the sound of heavy objects hitting the wall.

A huge mecha slammed into the wall next to Natasha.

And while the mecha was protecting Natasha, the chainsaw sword in his hand fiercely chopped the powerful stitched monster in front of him!

While the fallen believers on the periphery were still surprised by the sudden arrival of this mecha, Yao Yuan suddenly opened the muzzle on his abdomen and aimed at them.

Boom boom boom!

After a round of firepower coverage, this group of twisted and disgusting fallen believers turned directly into pieces of meat all over the sky, covering the entire block.

And at this moment....

As the mecha's palm slowly rose, Natasha, who had escaped death, saw the face in the cockpit clearly.

"long time no see!"

"Ms. Natasha!"

Natasha said in shock.

"Yao Yuan!"

"you...How did you come to the Fallen City War Zone and save me alone?"

Faced with Ms. Natasha's question, Yao Yuan smiled.


"Ms. Natasha, you should call me���Commander Yao Yuan"


"I didn't come here alone!"

"I came with my human warriors!"

At the end of the street, there were thousands of human players.

At this moment, they were very excited because of the appearance of the new NPC!


"What a great beauty!"

"Damn, a real elf beauty!"

"This figure and this appearance are absolutely amazing!"

"Take a photo, take a photo!


Unlike Yao Yuan's glorious appearance, this group of human warriors gave Natasha a very strange feeling.


Appearing in an SS-level war zone


Is this really not a dream?

Natasha looked at Yao Yuan's young and handsome face and became puzzled.

Moreover, is there something wrong with the mental state of these humans?


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