

After hearing what Natasha said, the angel warriors with wings flashing in the sky were stunned.

Because they themselves did not expect that their normal words would cause such strong dissatisfaction from Ms. Natasha.

More importantly, they were not wrong.

These humans are weak and humble.

But the leading angel warriors immediately realized something after seeing Ms. Natasha's serious expression.

She lowered her head slightly and said to the group of human players below her.

"Dear warriors, I am sorry for using such inappropriate words to you."

Can this be considered an apology?

This is too perfunctory.

Countless players who escaped death thought so.

But what they didn't know was that this time the angels apologized to the human race for the first time since the beginning of the world.

Because the high and mighty angels rarely apologized like this.���So after seeing this scene

, Yao Yuan couldn't help but sneer.


After apologizing to the human players, the angels finally couldn't hold back their pride and took the initiative to block the group of fallen believers behind them and the demons near the main road of the market area.

It was because of their efforts that these human players were able to....

Very dissatisfied!....

"What the hell is going on? All the monsters are gone!"

"Damn, these damn birdmen just left, why did they clear out our wild monsters?"

"Yes, yes, the little demons that our guild had stored in a warehouse for a long time were burned to ashes by a birdman!"

"How abominable!"

"Don’t these angels have their own jungle area?"

Accompanied by the human players' complaints, Natasha luckily returned to Yao Yuan's base.


"Wow, I'm so lucky."

"I never thought that I would actually survive!"

After returning to the base, Natasha immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Yao Yuan couldn't help but roll his eyes at this guy and said helplessly

"You know you're lucky."

"In fact, if we were not close enough to you, you would have been tied to the Abyss Sacrifice Altar and sacrificed to the Endless Abyss."

Hearing the words 'Abyss Sacrifice Altar', Natasha could not help but tremble.

The Abyss Sacrifice Altar is something extremely evil and cannot be understood by ordinary people.

Its function is to make the Abyss creatures sacrifice anything it deems valuable, or that the Abyss Mother deems valuable, to the Endless Abyss.

And these valuable things naturally include the creatures.

Living creatures!


"Hey, please stop scaring me!"

"I can't help doing this."

"After all, my goal is to completely expel the Endless Abyss."

"In order to achieve this goal, how could I not take risks?"

Faced with Natasha's shameless words, Yao Yuan turned away helplessly.

At this time, he needed to contact Commander Mark as soon as possible and ask him to send enough guards to pick up Natasha.

Although Yao Yuan's own aircraft could also send Natasha away, Yao Yuan was not at ease.

Everyone misunderstood. What

Yao Yuan was worried about was not Natasha's safety, but the safety of his only aircraft.

Aircrafts cost money to buy.

And Natasha herself said that she had just been glared at by the fantasy of the Blood God Scar not long ago.

In the weird and unpredictable situation of the Endless Abyss, Yao Yuan did not think that Natasha was very safe at the moment.



After receiving Yao Yuan's report, three star-class advanced warships came here and took Natasha back.

Before leaving, Natasha actually had a lot to say to Yao Yuan, but because of face, she couldn't say it.

But Yao Yuan was very unkind and sent her back directly, and when he sent her, his face was full of smiles.

Because with Natasha's departure, Yao Yuan's reward finally arrived!

Moreover, because Yao Yuan was lucky enough.

He and the human players basically contributed almost all the emergency task rewards.

In addition, Yao Yuan himself represented all humans.

So Natasha's reward all belonged to Yao Yuan himself.

And how much are these rewards?

A total of 25,000 points of military merit points of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance!

You may have no idea about this number.

Then here we use the price of the previous mecha for comparison.

The previous mecha model is HX9557, a standard combat type.

Its price is one thousand points of military merit points!

The reward for a demon supervisor, including its heart, is about 30 points of military merit.....

Yao Yuan's efforts this time directly earned him about 25 HX9557 mechas!

"This time, I really made a fortune!"

Looking at the terrifying number in his account, Yao Yuan immediately exchanged a new HX5557 mecha from the AI factory without hesitation, and drove the mecha out himself!

At the same time, the group of players immediately became excited after seeing this new mecha.

"The Prophet has come out with a reward!"

"This leader is really capable, he really gives rewards!"

Looking at the excited players in front of him, Yao Yuan smiled.

This is just the beginning.

Then, under the excited gaze of many players.

Yao Yuan once again opened the exchange.

Then, a blazing giant sword appeared in Yao Yuan's hand.

All eyes were on this giant sword.

Because this is....A magic sword!


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