
"【"Gentle], be careful behind you!"

With a sharp reminder, the player Wenrou activated her fighting spirit without hesitation.

With a bang, a little demon was smashed into pieces by Wenrou's fighting spirit barrier.

Another demon named Evil Demon was bounced away because of Wenrou's fighting spirit ability.

But Wenrou did not stop there. Instead, she turned around and rushed towards the Evil Demon that was bounced away.

She quickly stretched out her hand and grabbed the Evil Demon, ready to use her judo ability.

However, because the distance between the two sides was far enough, the Evil Demon was not panicked at this time.

And it The scarlet jellyfish-like head on top of his head began to expand rapidly.

Once his head expands to the extreme, he will not hesitate to shoot a scarlet ray at Wenrou!

This scarlet ray is enough to kill Wenrou, who is only wearing a tight judo uniform!

Even if Wenrou has fighting spirit at this time, it is the same!

Compared with demons, humans are extremely fragile creatures after all.

Thinking of this, the corners of the evil demon's yellow and saliva-flowing mouth could not help but curl up.

He has begun to imagine that if he can kill this human, he will use the other's corpse to do what kind of blasphemous behavior.

"I hate the look in your eyes!"

But Wenrou didn't give the evil demon any chance.

Layers of golden fighting spirit appeared on her two arms and palms.

These fighting spirits kept entwining and eventually turned into two golden"giant hands"!

Wenrou's attack was also extended by more than one meter because of the two giant hands! Swish!


With Wenrou's throwing technique successfully launched, the evil demon's head came into close contact with Mother Earth.

Countless scarlet and smelly liquids were directly sprinkled all over the ground!

【You destroyed the evil demon LV12! 】

Watching her attack destroy the target, Wenrou stood up straight and combed her hair gently.

At this moment, with the blessing of the golden fighting spirit on her body, she was like a Valkyrie from mythology.

In just a few days, she has completely mastered her fighting spirit ability.

Even the giant hand state she just used was a skill she figured out in actual combat.

It can be said that in terms of combat, Wenrou is a natural warrior.

Even her fighting talent shocked the dwarf warrior who taught her fighting spirit.

"handsome or not?"

"Brothers, everything that just happened was the performance of Wenrou, the strongest goddess of our Fighting God Guild, in actual combat!"

"What do you think?"

"Do you want to join our guild and admire our national goddess?"

The Doushen Guild president who was in charge of filming took this opportunity to lick his big face and stood in front of the system camera, asking the audience in the live broadcast room.

And it was because of his appearance that the live broadcast room, which was originally full of"666", instantly became"???""Move your face away"

"We want to see Wen Rou!""Let Wen Rou be the guild leader!"

Seeing this, the face of the guild leader of Dou Shen instantly stretched, and directly changed from 0 to 0


On the other side, Yao Yuan, who was hiding in the dark, also watched the battle that Wenrou had just fought.

At this moment, he was also shocked by the strength of Wenrou, a female player.

Because he did not expect that the arrival of this group of players would not only allow them to quickly master various extraordinary abilities, but also be able to further evolve and refine their extraordinary powers with their rich experience in combat"games".

Such abilities are enough to be called geniuses!

Moreover, there are more than one genius among humans.

Among the player group, the ambitious female player who first mastered the fireball technique was now called"the soft magic god" by many players.

Because in the past few days, she not only learned the three abilities of fireball, flame breath and lava armor from the fire spirit girl named Nuo.

She even began to master the fire explosion technique, a signature skill of the fire spirit tribe, without two prerequisite skills.

Such learning ability not only made the players envious, but also made Nuo cry out and say that she had embarrassed her tribe.

What’s even more exaggerated is that in addition to these two geniuses, there are many more geniuses among the human players who are enriching their extraordinary abilities in various ways.

For example, [Kick the Cripple’s Good Leg] has successfully learned basic boxing at this time, allowing him, who already has frost surrounds and flames wrapped around him, to truly make his ultimate punch powerful.

There is also a top assassin player named [Shadow], who has far exceeded the limits of humans.

Because he learned the extraordinary abilities of three races in one breath, although these three abilities are all steps and the like.

But the agility brought by these steps makes Shadow a real assassin!

The mentor who taught him before was even"killed instantly" by Shadow three times in a 1V1 duel, and each time it did not even last more than three seconds.


Humans have never lacked geniuses!

In fact, humans themselves are a genius race!

Yao Yuan thought so.

As long as humans are given a little bit of extraordinary power, they will use this weak extraordinary power to break through the sky of the world.

But now, Yao Yuan needs to think of the next plan for this group of human players in advance.


"These extraordinary abilities are not good enough!"

That's right.

It's hard for you to imagine.

This sentence came from Yao Yuan.

The only human commander who wanted to make mankind rise again, at this time, expressed great dissatisfaction with the extraordinary powers of human players!

He didn't dislike the extraordinary powers of human players being too weak.

On the contrary, he saw the potential contained in human players, so he was dissatisfied.

"The levels and types of these extraordinary powers are too few and too poor!"

"If I want to make this group of players stronger and keep moving forward"

"Then I must let these players have more types of and more powerful superpowers!"

With this thought in mind, Yao Yuan walked into the shuttle.

And a few hours later, Yao Yuan, who had returned, made a piece of heavy news that set off the entire [Abyss Advent] circle.

"What did you say?"

"We now have hundreds of instructors of various races in our base!"

"Moreover, the number of skills we can currently learn exceeds three thousand!"


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