
"Biscuit Bear, stop being crazy!"

Biscuit Bear was still talking nonstop.",【[Fuck, fuck, fuck] Just go up and kick him with a big kick

"Didn't you notice that the two of them fell asleep while listening to your lecture?"

Sure enough.

Although he was being disemboweled and his health was dropping rapidly, the pain in the game was set to zero, so the two players had already fallen asleep.

Hearing this, Little Bear Biscuit scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I'm used to giving lectures at university."

"I'll speed up now, honey, help me."

Feeling that he was too slow, Bear Biscuit quickly asked for help.

"I don't want it, it looks so disgusting."

But Strawberry Gummy clearly rejected his request for help.

After all, although she had just held an RPG and smashed the upper body of a giant fallen believer, she was still a girl who didn't like bloody scenes.


In short, under the endless begging of [WTF WTF WTF], Strawberry Gummy finally helped her husband to complete all the sacrificial rituals.

However, the scene created by the couple could no longer be described as bloody and terrifying.

It was simply blasphemy!

Countless intestines, tied together, formed a blasphemous magic circle in the air.

At the end of this blasphemous magic circle, there was a being with only skin left and the whole body hollowed out.

These intestines, together with the endless blood, were constantly drilling into this skin bag.

But if you look from above, you will be surprised to find that the composition of this sacrificial ritual, inadvertently, formed a picture of a flower.

A scarlet blood flower!



"From what I understand, this ritual should be possible!"

"you sure?"

【[Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck] Looking at the bloody and horrific scene in front of him, he couldn't help but doubt it.

At the same time, the other players who were used as sacrifices also had doubts.

"I feel like you two are actually perverts in real life."

"But, do you want to use this game to realize some morbid fantasies that cannot be realized in reality?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"In reality, we are both normal people, and we are also high-level intellectuals!"

Strawberry Gummy said angrily

"Yeah yeah!"

"But you can rest assured that the ritual we performed is in accordance with the requirements of the Endless Abyss."

"Because after our research over this period of time, we found that the existence of the Endless Abyss is very special."

"There are two main things she likes."

"The first type is a high-value existence, whether it is a soul or a material thing, as long as it has value, she can accept it."

"The second is pain!"

"Living beings also suffer. The more they suffer before death, the higher the value of the sacrifice."

"The possibility of Endless Abyss accepting it is also higher."

"so...., please believe us!"

With hesitation and confusion, [Wow Wow Wow] reluctantly held the ceremony.

And the little bear biscuit beside him was pressing his notebook, teaching him word by word a special language in this game.

【Abyssal Language]!

Great and vast abyss....

I have learned that sin is our birthright.

I have learned that redemption does not exist, because it is a shameless lie of hypocrites.

I have learned that the rules of the world are only to suppress the desires of the heart and turn us into prisoners of the body.

Now I have broken the shackles and see my true self.


I have broken free from my cage and am ready to offer you the beautiful flower that blooms with sin as a sacrifice.

Please, respond to my humble request!


【[Fuck, fuck, fuck] After reciting these weird songs of the abyss copied from a fallen believer, he quietly waited for the continuation of the sacrifice ceremony.

But to his surprise, after he finished reciting these verses, all the sacrifices on the abyss sacrifice table began to wither and rot rapidly.

Whether it was the intestines that were pulled out or the players who were used as sacrifices.

Everything was decaying rapidly!


"Is this situation really normal?"

【[Fuck, fuck, fuck] He was a little panicked and hurriedly asked the couple next to him, Bear Biscuits and Strawberry Gummy.

But what he didn't expect was that the two people who were just taking pictures next to him and preparing to take them back to teach the students were also next to him, and they turned into two bloody mud.

After seeing this scene...

【[What the hell! What the hell!] He was horrified to find that beside him, there was no one else.

For a moment, he felt his heart twitch while playing the game.

But at this moment...


A flash of black and red lightning flashed across the sky.

An indescribable scarlet object appeared in front of [WTF TF TF]

【Welcome, my child who has broken free from the cage and returned to my arms!】

【I am pleased with your offering.】

【And what kind of knowledge do you want to get from me in return

?.....The true form of the Will of the Abyss has arrived?


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