

"Be quiet and follow me..."

With Marco Polo's lip-reading reminder, several players following him quickly stuffed several stunned fallen believer guards into a corner.

At this time, this group of adventurers had already changed into the clothes of these fallen believers and sneaked into the sanctuary of the fallen angels.

After a long period of sneaking, they finally arrived at their destination.

A secret room in the sanctuary filled with all kinds of"treasures"!


"Wow, Marco Polo, we are going to post it this time!"

"Look at these treasures!"

"Level 64, stage 6 big devil’s head!"

"Level 75, 7th order demon's heart!"

"The legendary sword of the dwarf general!"

"The Broken Core of the AI...."

"There is also a complete copy of the Fallen Heresy Scripture!"

Marco Polo's assistant, a female player named Nico Robin, shouted excitedly.

As a treasure appraiser, she thought that this secret room was no longer just a secret room.

It was like heaven!

"Don't worry!"

But just as Nico Robin was still instinctively calculating her future gains, Marco Polo calmly shook his head.

"These things will be ours sooner or later."

"But I have a hunch that these things are all just tricks!"

"The truly valuable things are hidden in this secret room!"

"There must be hidden items in this secret room!"

When Mark Pineapple heard that he had a hunch, his companions immediately became nervous.

It was not that they did not believe in Marco Polo.

Quite the contrary.

They all trusted Mark Pineapple and his powerful sixth sense very much!

Because since they met, Mark Pineapple had used his sixth sense more than once to lead their team out of danger.

In the eyes of many players, this is no longer a talent, it is some kind of indescribable"superpower.""!


After Mark Pineapple expressed his idea, his companions quickly gave up the ordinary spoils and began to concentrate on looking for the"hidden item" that Mark Pineapple mentioned."

"Found it!"

Hard work pays off. After searching for a while, Nico Robin found a square treasure chest about the size of a suitcase hidden under the bloody red water.

The overall shape and material of this square treasure chest are all made of scarlet dry bones.

On each of these scarlet dry bones, there is a soul that keeps wailing and screaming.

At the same time, this square treasure chest���The shell of the Abyss was engraved with various Abyss Runes.

Although these professional thieves could not read the meaning of these Abyss Runes like the two players, Bear Biscuit and Strawberry Gummy, each of them could feel from these terrifying scarlet Abyss Runes that even the most blasphemous material could not hide the malice and evil.


Nico Robin swallowed her saliva nervously and said tremblingly.

For some reason, when she held this thing, she felt that the game character she was controlling was rapidly becoming weak.

"This thing needs a password to open!"

Under this square treasure chest, there is a nine-digit combination lock similar to a small numeric keypad.

However, the things engraved on it are not Arabic numerals, but some higher-level text symbols.

"As for the password... no rush"

"Let's get out of here first"

"Prepare to pack up...."

Just as Mark Pineapple was about to say leave, the treasure chest in Nico Robin's hand suddenly moved strangely and made a faint but visible chirping sound.....


"There are intruders!"

The Fallen Angels' Holy Land, which was originally extremely quiet, with only the screams of captives and the wailing of souls everywhere, suddenly exploded because of this cry!

Countless powerful and terrifying fallen believers received some kind of revelation directly, and rushed to the secret room where Marco Polo and others were like crazy.

"not good!"

"Just grab a few treasures and teleport away!"

As Marco Polo roared, a teleportation mage player beside him who was responsible for opening various portals immediately waved his hands and began to outline a green portal structure from the void.

Soon, the portal that originally took four seconds to construct was created by this player in less than two seconds. This speed was enough to make the legendary mages ashamed.

But Marco Polo and others complained about this.

"Why are you so slow this time?!"

"There is no way, my mana is suppressed, it seems something is disturbing me!"

After saying that, Nico Robin, holding the suitcase-sized square box, rushed to the portal first.

This is the tacit understanding of this group of explorers.

When danger comes, the player holding the most valuable items is always the first to leave.

But at the same time, more and more fallen believers rushed into the room, roaring and rushing towards Marco Polo and others.

Several fallen priests directly released their blasphemous spells at the wizard to prevent him from building the portal.

"Damn, they came a little too fast!"

"We didn't take anything important without knowing it!"

Marco Polo complained, trying to stop those fallen believers and get his companions to leave here quickly.


A scarlet curtain, like someone's gauze skirt, suddenly emerged from under everyone's feet.

"This is..."


Looking at these scarlet curtains, Marco Polo was stunned for a moment.

The next second.

Under his horrified gaze, he suddenly felt his head flying up.


Not only him, but the heads of other players also flew up with him.

At the same time, their bodies, in the process of flying, slowly turned into pieces.


The last scene Marco Polo saw before his resurrection was a beautiful angel wearing scarlet gauze and with an unimaginably beautiful face, walking through the portal that was about to break with an angry expression.

However, the wings of this angel were not the common white.

Her wings were pure black.

This was an angel that was only mentioned in the expansion pack....

Fallen angel!


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