
"Grandpa, grandpa!"

"I had a dream!"

In the slave shack in the early morning, Xiaojiu, whose arms and legs were already weak, shook his grandfather.


"My little Jiu, what did you dream about last night?"

"Talk to Grandpa."

As his granddaughter shook him, a pale and skinny old man climbed out of the shack sleepily.

At this moment, his back was burning with pain.

The scars caused by the whip made him not sleep for long.

But he didn't dare to sleep any longer. Instead, he quickly locked the chains on Xiaojiu's body with his own chains while listening to his granddaughter telling about her dream last night.

In five minutes, it would be time to work.

Moreover, he was starving and really needed some black bread to fill his stomach. Otherwise, he would not be able to knock enough stones in the next day to exchange for bread and water for the next day.

And if n't finish it today, his granddaughter would be whipped together.

And today's whip will be twice as much as yesterday's.

"Grandpa, I dreamed of the little sister in red clothes again last night."

"Wow, that girl is still so delicate, although I can't see her face clearly"

"But she was really gentle to me, and she had a pair of beautiful scarlet eyes, with a slowly spinning vortex in them."

"Not only did she listen to my complaints very patiently, but she was also willing to get closer to me."

"She didn't mind the dust on my body, which would dirty her dress."

Hearing this, Xiaojiu's grandfather quickly lifted Xiaojiu's clothes and looked at her back.

The next second, the pale and thin old man's face immediately turned pale.

Because the terrifying tattoo hidden under the scar on Xiaojiu's back once again emerged.


"If you dream again, you must wake up in time at night."

"Don't look for the girl in red anymore."

The old man who knew the truth said helplessly.

"She's not a good person."

"she is..."

At this point, the old man paused and did not continue.

Because he also knew that if he continued to speak, he would cause trouble for himself.

He just touched Xiaojiu's face.

And Xiaojiu smiled obediently.

It is said that this guy has recognized himself as his grandfather since his parents were killed.

And her expression has never stopped smiling.

This child, I guess there is something wrong.

The old man, who was called grandpa by Xiaojiu, reluctantly took Xiaojiu out of the shack, and together with countless human slaves like him, took black bread and water from the half-orc supervisor.

After giving Xiaojiu an extra piece of his own black bread, the old man took Xiaojiu down the stairs and came to the underground mining area nearby.

He can no longer remember how long he has lived here.

Or rather, the days have no meaning anymore.

Because he came from one place to another several times.

But the only thing in common is that he is always sent to dig various stones in exchange for food and whipping after arriving at another place.

Death is already a kind of relief.

But what is more terrible is the numbness that is more terrifying than death.

He has lived in this numbness for too long, so long that he no longer has the strength to complete the excavation task that he once completed easily.

Although Xiaojiu was also helping, he was too weak to complete the task in the end.

Not surprisingly.

He received four whippings today.

And his granddaughter Xiaojiu received two whippings.

The methods of the orcs are sometimes more vicious than those of the orcs.

They will not show mercy even to little girls.

On the contrary, they will be more severe to human women because of their origins.

In the shack at night, Xiaojiu, who was obviously crying with pain, but still had a weird smile on his face, continued to tell his grandfather about the dream that he had not finished in the morning.

"Grandpa, the little sister in the dream told me"

"Soon, we won't have to live like slaves anymore."

"Because in the dream, the little sister told me that God will come to save us."

Looking at the tattoo on Xiaojiu's back, which was hidden under the scar and kept glowing red, the old man shook his head helplessly.

"Silly boy"

"God will not protect humans."

"But the gods of humans can!"

Xiao Jiu said with a smile

"Miss sister..."

"He told me so himself!"

"Because he is the god who symbolizes revenge and death!"

"A God that belongs to us humans alone!"

In the dark night, a pair of eyes noticed this shack.

But he did not stay in this shack for long, but quickly looked into the distance.

The room with the blood axe symbol erected was his target.


Fifth Update

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