The Hunter
2 Experimen
Several years before the incident in the industrial district
Stamfort Medical Research and Development Center.
Experimental Building west wing seventh floor.
Professor Robert Brown watches the microscope carefully. He observing molecular movement on the specimen that he just put on the microscope, his forehead frowning, the result is beyond what he expecting.
"Failed again!" he pulls the specimen out from the microscope. He picks another specimen and put a drop of liquid that he takes from a beaker with a pipet. He inserts it again on the microscope and analyzing the result.
"This one also failed," after looking the result in the microscope."Damn! If this keep continued, I'm going to lose the fund. My sponsor will not happy if I'm can't show them any progress" he sighed.
He pulls out the specimen out from microscope again, and then move to another table filled with many labs tools, glasses, beaker, and bottles. He stared at a compound of chemical that still brewing over the burner. "If this catalyst also failed, I don't know what else to do".
And he heard the lab's door knocked and someone open it. Without look whose coming Prof. Robert already knows who the visitor. The person who just entering the labs is his assistant, Prof. Marcus Greener, that just meet with their sponsors.
"How's the meeting?" asked Prof. Robert.
"Not good. If we want to keep our fund, we must show major progress, if there's only minor progress, our fund will be halved. And if we can't show any progress at all, they will shut down our research".
Hearing Marcus explanation, Prof. Robert stamps his feet furiously.
"God damn it! We are in the critical stage of our Alzheimer's cure and they want to shut us down? Don't they know we already make a breakthrough last year? We're able to revive degenerated brain cell from Alzheimer patient's brain sample! No one else able to achieve that within this century. What a greedy bunch!"
"But we still can't control the progress of the specimen Prof. Robert. Our guinea pigs did show progressive brain development, but in the end, their head become bloated and blew up like watermelon get hit by a hammer!"
"That's why I'm saying we're in a critical phase of serum development! If we can develop a right catalyst to block rapid development of brain cell after a certain time, our research will be completed!"
"I'm afraid we don't have enough time for that Prof. Robert. Our sponsor wants us to show our progress within this week or they will do what I've just said before".
"One week! Only one week? What they think we're doing? We make medicine, not clothes! Scientific progress can't be achieved in short time. Do they know how long the world must wait until they believe earth revolving around the sun after Copernicus explains that?"
"I know that Prof. Robert, but our research need fund, and they have it. I'm afraid if they withdraw from our research, there'll be no other sponsor willing to funding our research"
Prof. Robert feels dejected. His years of research is about to vanish within a week in the time when he thinks it almost succeeds.
"Marcus, I think we need to do something radical!" said Prof. Robert.
"What do you mean by radical Prof. Robert?"
"Our current experiment has been done on animal brains. There's a difference between animal brains and human brains. Maybe that difference makes our progress is slow. I think we need to test it on real people".
"WHAT!!! Are you out of your mind Prof. Robert? The serum sample's effect on the animal already that horrible and you think to test it on the human? You gotta be kidding me"
"I'm damn serious!' said Prof. Robert staring at Prof. Marcus eyes, "Do you think I'm crack a joke with this face? Look at me. Look at you. We're no longer young anymore. How many years do you think we'll need to start over again if this research stopped?"
Prof. Marcus startled hearing that. He and Prof. Robert already being a partner in research for years. Not only at this Alzheimer cure research, but also on other research projects. He also understands the stubbornness of Prof. Robert. Once he said he wants to do something, he will not stop until that thing is done. But he also can't refute what Prof. Robert said about their age. He already 56 years old this year and Prof. Robert will be 61 years old. This research can be said as their last stake in their science life. If they succeed with this research, fame, and money will come to them, but if the research failed, they only can be back as a teacher in university.
"I understand Prof. Robert, but how are we going to test it on people? If something horrible happens to them, how we take the responsibility?"
"We don't do it in formal ways you fool. We can't ask normal people to take our test without telling then what we going tested on them and the side effect. We do it on trash of society. Those homeless lazy bumps are suitable for our testing candidate. No one will feel lost if they die, moreover, we also help society for cleaning this world from trash like them hahahahaha" Prof. Robert laughs sinisterly.
Prof. Marcus feels a cold shiver run down on his spine. He just witnessing how desperate people can do desperate action like this.
"Then, how are we going to get these people, Prof. Robert? We can't just drag them from the street and get them into labs. There are security guards and surveillance camera which records our action?"
"I'll change the serum from injected type into oral administrated type. After that, mix the serum with cheap booze then give it to that bumps. I'm sure there're no bumps will reject any booze in this cold winter time".
"When you going to do that Prof. Robert?"
"I'll change the serum type right away, but not me who do that"
"Then who will do?"
"Of course it's you! You're the one who deals with the talk, surely you have interaction skill with people. You don't think I'll do it all alone right?"
Cold sweats start dripping in Marcus' head. Actually, he thinks about not involved with this human experiment as far as possible and blames Prof. Robert if everything goes south. But his situation now like trapped in the quagmire, he can't longer become a bystander in this experiment. Prof. Marcus sighed,
"Alright, you make the serum and I'll get some booze to mix"
"Great! I know I can count on you" said Prof. Robert while patted prof. Marcus' shoulder.
Prof. Marcus going outside to get some booze, when he return with several bottles of cheap whiskey, Prof. Robert already finished making oral administrated serum.
"Good! Put those whiskeys here. I'll mix the serum with them" said Prof. Robert.
Prof. Robert opens the whiskey lid carefully and pours the serum into it. After putting some notes in his journal, he closes the lid.
"Prof. Robert, what are you just put into the whiskey? Ask Prof. Marcus.
"Serum with catalyst C23B14, serum with catalyst C24B14, serum with catalyst C23B15 and last serum with catalyst C24B15. I don't want to waste time by testing them one by one. We'll give them for the bumps in four different locations" explain Prof. Robert.
"How we know it would work?"
"No, we don't know. But as long they don't die, that means the serum is safe for human body. Then we can continue with the formal human experiment. We can also show this safe side of serum to our sponsor as our proof of progress"
"When we will start Prof. Robert?"
"Right now! You change your clothes with old ones. Try to act like homeless bumps too, so they will not suspicious. I'll get my car, we meet in the parking lot".
After 10 minutes they both meet in the parking lot. Prof. Marcus already changes his clothes from white lab coat into a dirty old trench coat, which Prof. Robert don't know where he found that. They ride Prof. Robert's car to downtown. When they passing 4th street, they saw couple homeless trying to warm themselves in front of camp-fire. After parking the car near that place, Prof. Robert gives a sign to Prof. Marcus to act.
Marcus gets out from the car. He acts as if he's an old man with a limp leg. He approaching those homeless with dragging one of his legs.
"Gentlemen, do you mind if this old man warms himself in your fire? Ask Marcus to the homeless.
"No … no, we don't mind. Please make yourself warm here" one of those homeless replied.
"We never see your faces in this neighbor…are you new here?" asked one of the homeless
"Just arrive here yesterday, hitch-hike truck. Actually, want to go south but no truck gives me a lift there"
"Try at the truck stop at Willow street brother, maybe one of those truck driver there willing to give you a ride," said one of the homeless giving advice.
"Thank, I'll try. Anyway, I have a bottle of whiskey here. Do you want to take it?" Marcus pulls a bottle of whiskey from his coat and shows it to the homeless.
"Alright! Thanks a lot, old man" said one of the homeless whiles receiving the bottle "How about you?"
"Nah, I'm good. I still have another bottle for me" Marcus shows another bottle of whiskey that he keeps in his coat, "Enjoy yourself, gentlemen. I'll go to try that truck stop as you just suggest".
"Okay, thanks for the booze old man," said the homeless with the cheerful tone.
Marcus walks limply away from there. After making sure nobody follow him, he gets into Robert's car.
"So? How it's going?" ask Prof. Robert.
"Done. Can you raise the heather? It's so damn cold out there" said Prof. Marcus while shivering.
"Good. Three more places and we're done. You doing great"
"Can I ask salary rise?" asked Prof. Marcus sarcastically.
Prof. Robert not answering that. He just drove his car to another place. After repeating the same drama three times in three different locations, they finally return to the lab.
Next day, there's nothing in the news. Prof. Robert decides to do another experiment like they did last night. They try another type of serum which differs from the first time. Prof. Marcus still plays as the actor and Prof. Robert as the driver.
Three days later commotion breaks in the city. Around a dozen of homeless found dead with swelling head like those who had Hydrocephalus sickness. Authorities act quickly by making a quarantine zone for the homeless. They collecting all homeless in the city and put under medical examination surveillance to prevent any unknown contagious diseases.
Meanwhile in Stamfort Medical Research and Development Center.
Prof. Robert sits on his office, he looks gloomy. He knows that his experiment ended in failure again. Prof. Marcus who also in his office, sit on the sofa, did not say anything. He also knows that what they have done in recent days is futile.
Suddenly Prof. Robert smashed his fist to the table. Not only smash the table, he also throws all papers and book in his table. Prof. Marcus did not say anything, he knows Prof. Robert just venting his anger.
"DAMN IT! GOD DAMN IT! Why when we almost finishing our research, there's always someone blocking our way? DAMN!"
Prof. Marcus still silenced. He knows what Prof. Robert means is the authorities. After they put all homeless in the quarantine zone, Prof. Robert no longer able to find homeless to be his experiment subjects.
"Why don't they let those useless people die for science? That worthless scumbag did contribute nothing to society, why? Why? Why I can't find anyone useless for my experiment again?"
Prof. Robert still throwing tantrum and rant for a while until suddenly he stops speaking and his mouth makes an eerie smile.
Prof. Marcus surprised with this sudden change. When he followed Prof. Robert's line of sight, he found that Prof. Robert staring at a young man that cleaning the corridor. Prof. Robert's office located in the labs made from glass wall, of course, he can see all area in the labs and its surrounds.
Oh no! Prof. Marcus starts to panic. Prof. Robert did not think to make that young cleaning service as experiment object right? I must confirm it!
"Prof. Robert, you don't think to test the serum to him right?" ask Prof. Marcus.
"That's my intention"
"NO!!! He's employee here. If something happens to him here, police will investigate us"
"This will be the last. If this still failed, I don't know if I still have ways to complete this research"
"Still NO!! He's different with those homeless bumps. How if he has a family? Have parents? Have wife and kids?"
"I bet he doesn't have a family. Looks! He so ugly, I even doubt if he has a girlfriend" said Prof. Robert.
The young man they talking about, indeed not a handsome person. He has burn marks that big enough in his right cheeks, giving a scary impression for those who saw his face.
"He maybe still has parents!" Prof. Marcus still tries to persuade Prof. Robert.
"Why we do not confirm it? Let's have a deal. If he doesn't have anybody, we use him as a test object. If he has a family, consider our luck is bad. How?"
"Alright, if you insist," said Prof. Marcus.
"I'll bait him with some works. After his work over you offer him drinks and pour our latest serum model to his drink, okay?"
Prof. Robert gets out from his office and calls the young man.
"You over there! Come here! I need to talk with you" said Prof. Robert
"Me sir?" asked the young man with unbelieves expression.
"Yes, you. There's nobody else in this room right? What's your name?"
"My name? My name Reid Blackstone sir"
"I need your help. I want to move some material here to my car in parking lot. Can you help me deliver them to the parking lot?"
"Sure sir. Where's the material?"
"Follow me" Prof. Robert led Reid to labs storage and pointing some boxes there "Can you move it?"
"Okay, but I need your help to push elevator button sir"
"Hahaha I can do that. Take some boxes first, be careful, and don't drop it"
"Yes," Reid grabs some boxes and stacks it in his hands and follows Prof. Robert to the parking lot.
After come and go three times, finally, all boxes in the store have been moved to Prof. Robert's car.
During this move Prof. Robert tries to digging Reid information. He actually an unmarried orphan, who lives in an orphanage as a helper. He had to work as cleaning service in Stamford for two months. Prof. Robert feels excited when hearing this.
"You must be tired young man, would you like to drink something?" offer Prof. Robert.
"Coffee please, if not troubling you" answer Reid.
"Marcus, give this young man a cup of coffee," said Prof. Robert winking at Prof. Marcus.
Prof. Marcus sighed, he takes a cup and fill it with coffee from coffee-makers and pour the serum secretly.
"Here's your coffee young man, and this is a reward for your hard work" Marcus handed the coffee and $ 5 bills to Reid.
"Thank you sir!" said Reid happily. $ 5 equal to his salary for 2 days. He drinks his coffee in one gulp so he can continue his cleaning work.
"If there's nothing else, excuse me. I'll continue my work" said Reid
"Sure, you can go. Thanks for your help" said Prof. Robert.
Reid continuing his work under Prof. Robert and Prof. Marcus' gaze.
"Do you think he'll be okay Prof. Robert?" asked Prof. Marcus in low voice.
"I don't know. I hope so. Our last experiment shows the result in 2 days. Let's observe how he doing in these 2 days".
They both still talking when suddenly Reid fall unconscious in the corridor.
"This is bad!" when they checking Reid condition, they found Reid already breathless.
"Do CPR! Quickly!!" Shout Prof. Robert.
Prof. Marcus does CPR to Reid as Prof. Robert order, but after doing CPR for some minutes there's no sign at all.
"CPR not working! We losing him!" said Prof. Marcus in panic.
"Hurry hides him. Don't let anyone see him like this. Put him in storage!"
They both lift Reid body and moved it to storage. It's become spacious after the boxes were moved. After close the storage door, they discussed on how to handle Reid's body. Their discussion is so intense until they don't aware a security guard followed by 2 men knocking at labs door.
When security guard knocking a bit louder, they become aware that there are people on the lab's door. Prof. Marcus comes to meet the security guard.
"Mr. Marcus, I'm sorry to disturb you, but these two gentlemen want to see you," said the security guard.
"Are you Mr. Marcus Greener?"
"Yes, that's me"
"My name is Detective Ramos and this is my partner Detective Enrique. We come from City police station to ask some question" said one of them while showing their respective badges.
"Police? What do you want to ask?"
"Do you know a man named Phil Redmont?"
"Phil Redmont? I don't know any man with that name"
"Really? We found your fingerprints on his belonging"
Marcus's face suddenly pale. He spends most of his time in labs, impossible to give anything with his fingerprint to anyone else, except....
Those whiskey bottles!!!
That's the only thing that has his fingerprints. He surely doesn't know those homeless names because he doesn't ask their name. This Phil Redmont guy probably one of those homeless.
"Officers, I don't know anything! It's not my fault he's dead"
"Huh? We didn't say anything about his death but how you know? Mr. Marcus, we have to take you to the station for questioning"
"I'm innocent! I'm just doing what Robert told me! I'm not killing anyone!"
"Robert? Is that guy over there? Enrique, get him! We take them both for questioning!"
Police officer Ramos and Enrique take them both to the police station. Marcus with his guilty conscience finally singing about what he and Prof. Robert just did. Next day, newspaper headlines full of reports about this incident. They put the big letter in their front pages: "MYSTERY SWELLING HEAD SOLVED!", "ILLEGAL EXPERIMENT ON HUMAN BEING DISCLOSED", "POLICE ARREST MASTERMIND BEHIND THE DEAD OF HOMELESS", "SCIENTIST ARRESTED FOR MASS MURDER".
Stamfort Medical Research and Development Center.
Experimental Building west wing seventh floor.
Professor Robert Brown watches the microscope carefully. He observing molecular movement on the specimen that he just put on the microscope, his forehead frowning, the result is beyond what he expecting.
"Failed again!" he pulls the specimen out from the microscope. He picks another specimen and put a drop of liquid that he takes from a beaker with a pipet. He inserts it again on the microscope and analyzing the result.
"This one also failed," after looking the result in the microscope."Damn! If this keep continued, I'm going to lose the fund. My sponsor will not happy if I'm can't show them any progress" he sighed.
He pulls out the specimen out from microscope again, and then move to another table filled with many labs tools, glasses, beaker, and bottles. He stared at a compound of chemical that still brewing over the burner. "If this catalyst also failed, I don't know what else to do".
And he heard the lab's door knocked and someone open it. Without look whose coming Prof. Robert already knows who the visitor. The person who just entering the labs is his assistant, Prof. Marcus Greener, that just meet with their sponsors.
"How's the meeting?" asked Prof. Robert.
"Not good. If we want to keep our fund, we must show major progress, if there's only minor progress, our fund will be halved. And if we can't show any progress at all, they will shut down our research".
Hearing Marcus explanation, Prof. Robert stamps his feet furiously.
"God damn it! We are in the critical stage of our Alzheimer's cure and they want to shut us down? Don't they know we already make a breakthrough last year? We're able to revive degenerated brain cell from Alzheimer patient's brain sample! No one else able to achieve that within this century. What a greedy bunch!"
"But we still can't control the progress of the specimen Prof. Robert. Our guinea pigs did show progressive brain development, but in the end, their head become bloated and blew up like watermelon get hit by a hammer!"
"That's why I'm saying we're in a critical phase of serum development! If we can develop a right catalyst to block rapid development of brain cell after a certain time, our research will be completed!"
"I'm afraid we don't have enough time for that Prof. Robert. Our sponsor wants us to show our progress within this week or they will do what I've just said before".
"One week! Only one week? What they think we're doing? We make medicine, not clothes! Scientific progress can't be achieved in short time. Do they know how long the world must wait until they believe earth revolving around the sun after Copernicus explains that?"
"I know that Prof. Robert, but our research need fund, and they have it. I'm afraid if they withdraw from our research, there'll be no other sponsor willing to funding our research"
Prof. Robert feels dejected. His years of research is about to vanish within a week in the time when he thinks it almost succeeds.
"Marcus, I think we need to do something radical!" said Prof. Robert.
"What do you mean by radical Prof. Robert?"
"Our current experiment has been done on animal brains. There's a difference between animal brains and human brains. Maybe that difference makes our progress is slow. I think we need to test it on real people".
"WHAT!!! Are you out of your mind Prof. Robert? The serum sample's effect on the animal already that horrible and you think to test it on the human? You gotta be kidding me"
"I'm damn serious!' said Prof. Robert staring at Prof. Marcus eyes, "Do you think I'm crack a joke with this face? Look at me. Look at you. We're no longer young anymore. How many years do you think we'll need to start over again if this research stopped?"
Prof. Marcus startled hearing that. He and Prof. Robert already being a partner in research for years. Not only at this Alzheimer cure research, but also on other research projects. He also understands the stubbornness of Prof. Robert. Once he said he wants to do something, he will not stop until that thing is done. But he also can't refute what Prof. Robert said about their age. He already 56 years old this year and Prof. Robert will be 61 years old. This research can be said as their last stake in their science life. If they succeed with this research, fame, and money will come to them, but if the research failed, they only can be back as a teacher in university.
"I understand Prof. Robert, but how are we going to test it on people? If something horrible happens to them, how we take the responsibility?"
"We don't do it in formal ways you fool. We can't ask normal people to take our test without telling then what we going tested on them and the side effect. We do it on trash of society. Those homeless lazy bumps are suitable for our testing candidate. No one will feel lost if they die, moreover, we also help society for cleaning this world from trash like them hahahahaha" Prof. Robert laughs sinisterly.
Prof. Marcus feels a cold shiver run down on his spine. He just witnessing how desperate people can do desperate action like this.
"Then, how are we going to get these people, Prof. Robert? We can't just drag them from the street and get them into labs. There are security guards and surveillance camera which records our action?"
"I'll change the serum from injected type into oral administrated type. After that, mix the serum with cheap booze then give it to that bumps. I'm sure there're no bumps will reject any booze in this cold winter time".
"When you going to do that Prof. Robert?"
"I'll change the serum type right away, but not me who do that"
"Then who will do?"
"Of course it's you! You're the one who deals with the talk, surely you have interaction skill with people. You don't think I'll do it all alone right?"
Cold sweats start dripping in Marcus' head. Actually, he thinks about not involved with this human experiment as far as possible and blames Prof. Robert if everything goes south. But his situation now like trapped in the quagmire, he can't longer become a bystander in this experiment. Prof. Marcus sighed,
"Alright, you make the serum and I'll get some booze to mix"
"Great! I know I can count on you" said Prof. Robert while patted prof. Marcus' shoulder.
Prof. Marcus going outside to get some booze, when he return with several bottles of cheap whiskey, Prof. Robert already finished making oral administrated serum.
"Good! Put those whiskeys here. I'll mix the serum with them" said Prof. Robert.
Prof. Robert opens the whiskey lid carefully and pours the serum into it. After putting some notes in his journal, he closes the lid.
"Prof. Robert, what are you just put into the whiskey? Ask Prof. Marcus.
"Serum with catalyst C23B14, serum with catalyst C24B14, serum with catalyst C23B15 and last serum with catalyst C24B15. I don't want to waste time by testing them one by one. We'll give them for the bumps in four different locations" explain Prof. Robert.
"How we know it would work?"
"No, we don't know. But as long they don't die, that means the serum is safe for human body. Then we can continue with the formal human experiment. We can also show this safe side of serum to our sponsor as our proof of progress"
"When we will start Prof. Robert?"
"Right now! You change your clothes with old ones. Try to act like homeless bumps too, so they will not suspicious. I'll get my car, we meet in the parking lot".
After 10 minutes they both meet in the parking lot. Prof. Marcus already changes his clothes from white lab coat into a dirty old trench coat, which Prof. Robert don't know where he found that. They ride Prof. Robert's car to downtown. When they passing 4th street, they saw couple homeless trying to warm themselves in front of camp-fire. After parking the car near that place, Prof. Robert gives a sign to Prof. Marcus to act.
Marcus gets out from the car. He acts as if he's an old man with a limp leg. He approaching those homeless with dragging one of his legs.
"Gentlemen, do you mind if this old man warms himself in your fire? Ask Marcus to the homeless.
"No … no, we don't mind. Please make yourself warm here" one of those homeless replied.
"We never see your faces in this neighbor…are you new here?" asked one of the homeless
"Just arrive here yesterday, hitch-hike truck. Actually, want to go south but no truck gives me a lift there"
"Try at the truck stop at Willow street brother, maybe one of those truck driver there willing to give you a ride," said one of the homeless giving advice.
"Thank, I'll try. Anyway, I have a bottle of whiskey here. Do you want to take it?" Marcus pulls a bottle of whiskey from his coat and shows it to the homeless.
"Alright! Thanks a lot, old man" said one of the homeless whiles receiving the bottle "How about you?"
"Nah, I'm good. I still have another bottle for me" Marcus shows another bottle of whiskey that he keeps in his coat, "Enjoy yourself, gentlemen. I'll go to try that truck stop as you just suggest".
"Okay, thanks for the booze old man," said the homeless with the cheerful tone.
Marcus walks limply away from there. After making sure nobody follow him, he gets into Robert's car.
"So? How it's going?" ask Prof. Robert.
"Done. Can you raise the heather? It's so damn cold out there" said Prof. Marcus while shivering.
"Good. Three more places and we're done. You doing great"
"Can I ask salary rise?" asked Prof. Marcus sarcastically.
Prof. Robert not answering that. He just drove his car to another place. After repeating the same drama three times in three different locations, they finally return to the lab.
Next day, there's nothing in the news. Prof. Robert decides to do another experiment like they did last night. They try another type of serum which differs from the first time. Prof. Marcus still plays as the actor and Prof. Robert as the driver.
Three days later commotion breaks in the city. Around a dozen of homeless found dead with swelling head like those who had Hydrocephalus sickness. Authorities act quickly by making a quarantine zone for the homeless. They collecting all homeless in the city and put under medical examination surveillance to prevent any unknown contagious diseases.
Meanwhile in Stamfort Medical Research and Development Center.
Prof. Robert sits on his office, he looks gloomy. He knows that his experiment ended in failure again. Prof. Marcus who also in his office, sit on the sofa, did not say anything. He also knows that what they have done in recent days is futile.
Suddenly Prof. Robert smashed his fist to the table. Not only smash the table, he also throws all papers and book in his table. Prof. Marcus did not say anything, he knows Prof. Robert just venting his anger.
"DAMN IT! GOD DAMN IT! Why when we almost finishing our research, there's always someone blocking our way? DAMN!"
Prof. Marcus still silenced. He knows what Prof. Robert means is the authorities. After they put all homeless in the quarantine zone, Prof. Robert no longer able to find homeless to be his experiment subjects.
"Why don't they let those useless people die for science? That worthless scumbag did contribute nothing to society, why? Why? Why I can't find anyone useless for my experiment again?"
Prof. Robert still throwing tantrum and rant for a while until suddenly he stops speaking and his mouth makes an eerie smile.
Prof. Marcus surprised with this sudden change. When he followed Prof. Robert's line of sight, he found that Prof. Robert staring at a young man that cleaning the corridor. Prof. Robert's office located in the labs made from glass wall, of course, he can see all area in the labs and its surrounds.
Oh no! Prof. Marcus starts to panic. Prof. Robert did not think to make that young cleaning service as experiment object right? I must confirm it!
"Prof. Robert, you don't think to test the serum to him right?" ask Prof. Marcus.
"That's my intention"
"NO!!! He's employee here. If something happens to him here, police will investigate us"
"This will be the last. If this still failed, I don't know if I still have ways to complete this research"
"Still NO!! He's different with those homeless bumps. How if he has a family? Have parents? Have wife and kids?"
"I bet he doesn't have a family. Looks! He so ugly, I even doubt if he has a girlfriend" said Prof. Robert.
The young man they talking about, indeed not a handsome person. He has burn marks that big enough in his right cheeks, giving a scary impression for those who saw his face.
"He maybe still has parents!" Prof. Marcus still tries to persuade Prof. Robert.
"Why we do not confirm it? Let's have a deal. If he doesn't have anybody, we use him as a test object. If he has a family, consider our luck is bad. How?"
"Alright, if you insist," said Prof. Marcus.
"I'll bait him with some works. After his work over you offer him drinks and pour our latest serum model to his drink, okay?"
Prof. Robert gets out from his office and calls the young man.
"You over there! Come here! I need to talk with you" said Prof. Robert
"Me sir?" asked the young man with unbelieves expression.
"Yes, you. There's nobody else in this room right? What's your name?"
"My name? My name Reid Blackstone sir"
"I need your help. I want to move some material here to my car in parking lot. Can you help me deliver them to the parking lot?"
"Sure sir. Where's the material?"
"Follow me" Prof. Robert led Reid to labs storage and pointing some boxes there "Can you move it?"
"Okay, but I need your help to push elevator button sir"
"Hahaha I can do that. Take some boxes first, be careful, and don't drop it"
"Yes," Reid grabs some boxes and stacks it in his hands and follows Prof. Robert to the parking lot.
After come and go three times, finally, all boxes in the store have been moved to Prof. Robert's car.
During this move Prof. Robert tries to digging Reid information. He actually an unmarried orphan, who lives in an orphanage as a helper. He had to work as cleaning service in Stamford for two months. Prof. Robert feels excited when hearing this.
"You must be tired young man, would you like to drink something?" offer Prof. Robert.
"Coffee please, if not troubling you" answer Reid.
"Marcus, give this young man a cup of coffee," said Prof. Robert winking at Prof. Marcus.
Prof. Marcus sighed, he takes a cup and fill it with coffee from coffee-makers and pour the serum secretly.
"Here's your coffee young man, and this is a reward for your hard work" Marcus handed the coffee and $ 5 bills to Reid.
"Thank you sir!" said Reid happily. $ 5 equal to his salary for 2 days. He drinks his coffee in one gulp so he can continue his cleaning work.
"If there's nothing else, excuse me. I'll continue my work" said Reid
"Sure, you can go. Thanks for your help" said Prof. Robert.
Reid continuing his work under Prof. Robert and Prof. Marcus' gaze.
"Do you think he'll be okay Prof. Robert?" asked Prof. Marcus in low voice.
"I don't know. I hope so. Our last experiment shows the result in 2 days. Let's observe how he doing in these 2 days".
They both still talking when suddenly Reid fall unconscious in the corridor.
"This is bad!" when they checking Reid condition, they found Reid already breathless.
"Do CPR! Quickly!!" Shout Prof. Robert.
Prof. Marcus does CPR to Reid as Prof. Robert order, but after doing CPR for some minutes there's no sign at all.
"CPR not working! We losing him!" said Prof. Marcus in panic.
"Hurry hides him. Don't let anyone see him like this. Put him in storage!"
They both lift Reid body and moved it to storage. It's become spacious after the boxes were moved. After close the storage door, they discussed on how to handle Reid's body. Their discussion is so intense until they don't aware a security guard followed by 2 men knocking at labs door.
When security guard knocking a bit louder, they become aware that there are people on the lab's door. Prof. Marcus comes to meet the security guard.
"Mr. Marcus, I'm sorry to disturb you, but these two gentlemen want to see you," said the security guard.
"Are you Mr. Marcus Greener?"
"Yes, that's me"
"My name is Detective Ramos and this is my partner Detective Enrique. We come from City police station to ask some question" said one of them while showing their respective badges.
"Police? What do you want to ask?"
"Do you know a man named Phil Redmont?"
"Phil Redmont? I don't know any man with that name"
"Really? We found your fingerprints on his belonging"
Marcus's face suddenly pale. He spends most of his time in labs, impossible to give anything with his fingerprint to anyone else, except....
Those whiskey bottles!!!
That's the only thing that has his fingerprints. He surely doesn't know those homeless names because he doesn't ask their name. This Phil Redmont guy probably one of those homeless.
"Officers, I don't know anything! It's not my fault he's dead"
"Huh? We didn't say anything about his death but how you know? Mr. Marcus, we have to take you to the station for questioning"
"I'm innocent! I'm just doing what Robert told me! I'm not killing anyone!"
"Robert? Is that guy over there? Enrique, get him! We take them both for questioning!"
Police officer Ramos and Enrique take them both to the police station. Marcus with his guilty conscience finally singing about what he and Prof. Robert just did. Next day, newspaper headlines full of reports about this incident. They put the big letter in their front pages: "MYSTERY SWELLING HEAD SOLVED!", "ILLEGAL EXPERIMENT ON HUMAN BEING DISCLOSED", "POLICE ARREST MASTERMIND BEHIND THE DEAD OF HOMELESS", "SCIENTIST ARRESTED FOR MASS MURDER".
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