The two of them were very happy.

On Sunday, Lin Xun and Su Qingshi did not go out, but watched cartoons in the rental house.

"Senior sister, I feel pity for Gray Wolf, why can't he eat the lamb?"

"Because the director won't let him."

"Then why does Feiyangyang like Meiyangyang so much, but Meiyangyang doesn't accept him."

"Because she likes Xiyangyang."

"So does senior sister like me or Xiyangyang?"

"Are you looking for trouble?"


The nonsense and meaningless words made this small house full.

"Senior sister, I will miss you."

After lunch, Lin Xun stood at the door of the rental house, looking at the beautiful face of the senior sister reluctantly.

Su Qingshi had no expression on her face, and said lightly: "Then I won't take you back."

"Don't!" Lin Xun's face changed.

Su Qingshi rolled her eyes at him and changed into a pair of white sneakers.

Lin Xun was going back to school, so of course she had to take him back, even though she wasn't going back herself.

The two held hands and came to the parking lot, and got into the senior sister's white Audi again. This time, Lin Xun and Su Qingshi didn't talk. Su Qingshi drove, and Lin Xun took out the treasure book to do the questions.

Soon, the two returned to the south gate of the school.

"I'm leaving, senior sister."

Lin Xun said to Su Qingshi, but he didn't mean to get out of the car.


Su Qingshi responded, and seeing that he hadn't gotten out of the car yet, she immediately turned her head and looked at him with a puzzled look.

Lin Xun had some resentment: "Senior sister, other people's girlfriends will hug and kiss their boyfriends when they send them to school."

He said with his eyes and gestured to look at her, his face slightly moved closer to the senior sister, as if hinting at something.

Su Qingshi looked at him coming closer, and kissed him on the face without refusing.

"Are you done? Boyfriend?"

"Senior, are you blushing?" Lin Xun looked at the senior curiously.

Su Qingshi tilted her head slightly: "You saw it wrong."

The tip of her ear was already red for some reason.

Lin Xun smiled, the senior was still so shy.

"Then be careful on the road, senior, call me when you get there."


Lin Xun got out of the car, and he stared at the senior for more than ten seconds before reluctantly closing the door.

Su Qingshi smiled as she watched him walk into the campus.

She didn't know when she also became fond of laughing, and this was also the credit of her junior, who infected her.

However, her gentleness was only shown to Lin Xun.

When Lin Xun was about to disappear from her sight, he turned around and waved at her.

The Audi honked its horn in response, and then started and left the place.

Lin Xun returned to 307. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Brothers, I'm back."

However, the expected welcome ceremony did not happen. Lin Xun was stunned. He found that there was no one in the dormitory.

What happened? Where are the people? Did they go to eat?

Gou Shengli usually doesn't go out on weekends. Liu Gang and Wu Da are fine, but now they are all gone.

He put down his things and surveyed the dormitory. Well, there were traces of people's activities in the past day. You can tell by looking at the toilet.

They should have gone out temporarily.

Lin Xun didn't want to look for them anymore. He washed up and went to bed.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the senior sister.

Dear boyfriend: Baby, I'm here, how about you?

Dear girlfriend: Baby?

Dear boyfriend: Yes, that's what couples call each other.

Dear girlfriend: I'm here.

Lin Xun has made up for how couples should get along with each other.

First, there should be romance between lovers, such as giving each other intimate nicknames, which can enhance feelings.

Second, when shopping, don't ask what girls like, just buy it directly!

Third, take the initiative to keep a distance from the opposite sex, keep exclusive, and trust each other.

Fourth, you can occasionally enhance feelings by doing intimate actions, such as holding hands, hugging, kissing, and being shy...


Thinking of this, Lin Xun suddenly switched pages, and the seductive photo of the senior sister suddenly appeared in front of him. Lin Xun stared at the photo, and his smile gradually became perverted...

"You are so beautiful!!!"

"Eat, eat!"

About twenty minutes later, accompanied by a dog barking, Gou Shengli broke into the dormitory like a madman, and this guy twisted his butt, looking self-indulgent.

Gou Shengli was holding the packed rice in his hand. Just as he was about to move, his body suddenly froze, and his eyes met Lin Xun's eyes with a dull look.

That look was a bit hurtful, and Gou Shengli had a sense of dread.

"Brother Gou, what are you doing?

What? Fever?" Lin Xun asked strangely.

"Fuck! Why are you back?" Gou Shengli looked at him in shock.

Lin Xun said calmly: "Of course I came back after shopping. By the way, where are they?"

Gou Shengli pretended to be calm and returned to his desk, saying: "Wu Da went to find the teacher, and Brother Gang went for a run this morning and hasn't come back yet."

Lin Xun nodded: "I thought you went to steal chickens."

Gou Shengli rolled his eyes: "My dear, do you miss your dear roommate so much?"

Lin Xun smiled.

Gou Shengli was eating, and halfway through, he suddenly ran to Lin Xun's side stealthily and poked his arm gently: "My dear, let me ask you something."

"What is it? Tell me."

"Um, you want to chase a girl with a cute personality so badly?"

"You want to chase... um? Who do you say you want to chase? ! "Lin Xun sat up suddenly.

Gou Shengli pushed him down with a frown on his face: "Can you keep your voice down?!"

Lin Xun looked at him teasingly and asked curiously: "Brother Gou, who do you like?"

Gou Shengli showed a shy look on his face: "Well, I just fell in love with a answer me first."

Lin Xun thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know how to pursue her."

Gou Shengli stared at him with a look of misplaced expression: "Didn't you chase the school beauty? Don't you have any experience in love?"

Lin Xun rolled his eyes: "Come on, the senior sister was aloof at first, right?"

"Then is she cute now?"

"Stop asking!"


Lin Xun looked at Gou Shengli strangely: "You brag about being a sea king every day, why are you confused now?"

"Well, I'm still a virgin. "Gou Shengli showed a shy look.

"Get lost!"

"I smell gossip from a distance, let me see what's going on?"

A voice came, and Liu Gang walked in wearing a white, oh no, light yellow vest.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the soldier has become stronger.

What a macho man!

"You're back?" Liu Gang looked at Lin Xun.

The latter nodded: "Brother Gou wants to fall in love."

Liu Gang was shocked: "What the hell? Aren't you considered a non-marriageist?"

This guy wants to expel those who have a partner from 307 every day, and now he wants to test the law himself?

Gou Shengli said seriously: "You don't understand this, right? I just want to sacrifice myself to let other cute girls gain experience, so that they won't be cheated when they look for boyfriends in the future."

Two people:...

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