The two of them were so shocked that they were unable to recover.

Lin Miaomiao was hit hard by the collision, her palms were scratched and her knees were hit.

It was similar to the last time Gou Shengli fell, but Gou Shengli had a strong ability to recover and was able to jump around.

After all, she was a delicate girl, and Lin Miaomiao was in so much pain that she cried.

"Miaomiao, are you okay?"

Best friend Du Ling'er rushed over and helped her up.

"It's okay, just a little skin." Lin Miaomiao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said reluctantly.

Gou Shengli looked a little gloomy. He glanced at Du Linger and said, "Help her to the infirmary."

The latter nodded and said, "I have to tell the teacher."

Du Linger helped Lin Miaomiao and walked to the finish line.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lin Xun touched Gou Shengli.

Liu Gang said indifferently, "Do you remember the guy who hit someone just now?"

The latter looked gloomy and said, "I remember."

Liu Gang nodded.

"What do you say?"

"Do whatever you want to do."


Several people came to the finish line. At this time, everyone else had finished running. The teacher also noticed the situation here and ran over to ask, "What's wrong?"

"Teacher, she was hit by someone." Du Linger replied.

The teacher frowned and said, "Is it so serious? Let's go to the infirmary. You two can delay the test. Where is your class monitor? Let him take you to the school clinic."

"Teacher, I'll take her there right away." The class monitor was a boy and was a little gentle.

"Let's go." Du Linger looked at Lin Miaomiao and said.

The latter glanced at Gou Shengli, then retracted his gaze and nodded.

"Wait a minute."

Gou Shengli suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at him.

He suddenly pointed at a boy and shouted: "You, you, what are you doing in the corner? Come here and apologize!"

Everyone looked at the sound and saw a boy in a vest with his hands on his waist looking here.

Being surrounded by everyone, the boy also came over, but he looked a little arrogant.


The boy looked at Gou Shengli indifferently. In terms of height, the other party was about the same as Gou Shengli.

Gou Shengli glared at him without showing any weakness: "You bumped into her, shouldn't you apologize?"

Did he bump into someone?

Everyone understood, and immediately looked at the boy with a strange look.

The boy sneered: "Brother, are you deaf? Didn't I just yell at her to get out of the way? Besides, I was speeding up, how could I possibly brake in time? I didn't mean it."

"Hey, which class are you from? You're talking so arrogantly. The other person was in the inner lane, and you could clearly see him, but you didn't go around. Is it difficult to apologize for bumping into someone?" Lin Xun frowned at him.

"What's your business?! Who are you?" The boy looked at Lin Xun coldly.

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop arguing, classmates. If you bump into someone, just apologize to that classmate. There's no need to talk so harshly. We're all classmates." The teacher saw that the situation was not good and immediately started to mediate.

"Forget it, I don't need him to apologize. Ling'er, help me go to the school clinic." Lin Miaomiao whispered.

Du Ling'er gave her a look of disappointment.

"No! He has to apologize to you no matter what today!" Gou Shengli was relentless.

Damn! If he couldn't even protect the girl he liked, he would just castrate himself.

"What the hell!" The boy said disdainfully, and then turned around and prepared to leave.


Gou Shengli growled, rushed over and kicked the other person down.

Seeing this, Lin Xun and Liu Gang immediately rushed up.

Three against one, the result was no suspense at all.

"Stop! Stop it!"

The teacher was as big as a cow when he saw this, and hurriedly separated them.

Others also gathered around, and several people hurriedly separated them.

"Stop fighting!" Lin Miaomiao shouted anxiously.

She knew that Gou Shengli was so angry because of her, and she was grateful but also a little worried.

Fighting in college will be punished!

Under the pulling of the crowd, the few people were still separated.

Gou Shengli stared at the boy, whose face was swollen from the beating. He looked at Gou Shengli in pain and pointed at him angrily: "Which class are you from? I'll kill you!"

"I'm your father!"

Gou Shengli pouted.

"What are you doing?" A shout sounded and a man ran over.

"Fuck, Luo Xiang, Brother Liu, why are you fighting?" The man was Zhao Jie, and he looked at them in surprise.

It was someone Zhao Jie knew, which meant that the other party was from the Sports College.

Liu Gang

Sneered: "Your friend?"

Zhao Jie: "In the same class."

"No need to say, it's useless for anyone to come today! Apologize if you need to!" Lin Xun suddenly spoke, his face was cold at this time, and he was somewhat similar to Su Qingshi.

"Go to the principal's office! Is this outrageous?" The teacher also had a gloomy face at this time.

The group was directly invited to the principal's office.

Lin Xun and the other two, Zhao Jie, Luo Xiang, Lin Miaomiao and Du Ling'er all came.

Lin Miaomiao was better at this time, but she still walked a little awkwardly, and the blood on the scar on her palm had dried.

"Oh! So many people? What are you doing?" In the principal's office, the principal was drinking tea, and when he saw a group of people rushing in, he was surprised and spoke.

"Principal, these students fought..." The teacher roughly recounted the incident.

The principal's originally relaxed expression gradually became gloomy.

"Fighting? How old are you still fighting? What do you think school is? A gang?!"

The principal criticized severely.

"Our school is a key university after all, and the school motto is to cultivate morality and educate people. How many times have you been punished for fighting in a semester? You have encountered it."

Faced with the principal's reprimand, even the physical education teachers did not dare to respond, let alone the students. Everyone stood up and bowed their heads to accept the criticism.

"What's the big deal? Isn't it just an apology? Look, hey, young people nowadays, tell me, who started the fight first?" The principal glared at the bastards.

Gou Shengli was full of passion and was not afraid of the consequences at all. He was going to stand up.

At this time, Lin Xun, who was standing behind him, suddenly pulled him and stood up: "I started it first."

When this was said, everyone was a little surprised.

"Brother, you..." Gou Shengli and Liu Gang looked at Lin Xun in surprise.

The former was moved. This matter was not a small matter. In serious cases, he would be punished with a serious demerit. Lin Xun stood up, which really treated him as a brother.

"You hit him first? Oh, you... huh?" The principal was about to speak, but suddenly saw Lin Xun's appearance clearly, and he glared.

What the hell?

Why is it this ancestor?

This matter is actually related to Lin Shao? This is a bit difficult to deal with!

"Principal, I think everyone is wrong in this matter. This student hit someone, but he didn't choose to apologize, and his attitude was very bad. I think he should apologize to the student who was hit."

Lin Xun spoke calmly, and he imitated Su Qingshi's coldness at this time, which made him look a little bit like a student.

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