After returning to NCU, everyone in 307 resumed their normal university life.

Thanks to the care of Mr. Lin, they enjoyed the top accommodation environment during their trip to Kyoto, which made them very satisfied.

"Brother Gou Sheng, what is your relationship with Lin Miaomiao now?"

Lin Xun approached Gou Shengli curiously.

This guy has become a different person since he asked them how to chase girls last time.

If there is no class, Gou Shengli is definitely the first one to lie on the bed, but now he goes out early and comes back late.

It must be said that this surprised the others in 307.

Gou Shengli was fixing his permed hair that looked like a chicken coop. He smiled confidently when he heard the words: "Needless to say? Brother is here in person. How can any girl resist my charm?"

Liu Gang, who was passing by, glanced at him: "In person? I would like to call you a mouth cannon brother."

Usually he brags louder than anyone else, but when he is on the stage, his true colors are exposed.

Gou Shengli glared at him: "How can you, a soldier, talk to your father? As the head of a family, once a father, always a father, you dare to talk to me like this!"

Liu Gang silently threw his mobile phone on the bed and walked towards Gou Shengli.

"Today, let's dye your braid green!"

"Fuck! Fuck, don't come over here! Let's talk! Help me, my friend! Hurry up and help me!... Ouch!"

"Yo huh? Not bad, young man, your butt is pretty!"

"Fuck! Are you a dog? Why are you pulling my pants off?!"


Lin Xun looked at this scene, swallowed his saliva, his anus tightened, and silently went to do his own thing.

On Gou Shengli's bed, the battle between the two heroes continued...

Lin Xun sat in front of his computer desk and brushed questions. It was already Wednesday. Apart from classes, he spent the rest of his time brushing questions repeatedly.

Well, after brushing, he felt that he was good again, so he found a senior sister and asked her to set questions.

Good guy, his accuracy rate was as high as 95%.

Logically speaking, this accuracy rate was enough, but Su Qingshi set a standard of 100% for him, and Lin Xun had no objection.

"Brother, lend me your homework for Monday." Liu Gang, who had won the battle, patted Lin Xun on the shoulder.

The latter was stunned: "What homework?"

Liu Gang was silent for a few seconds, and then asked uncertainly: "You... don't know there is homework on Monday?"

Lin Xun was at a loss: "I don't know."

On Monday, he was still in the senior sister's rental house, and it was already night when he came back, and no one told him.

"Fuck!" Liu Gang murmured, and then said: "Strange, didn't I tell you?"

Lin Xun: ...

Brother! How the hell do I know if you told me?

It doesn't affect, the university homework gives students a lot of time and space, and it's not too late to write it then.

"The homework must be uploaded to Xuexitong before 7:30 tonight, and there are a lot of questions. You don't know... right?" Liu Gang raised his eyebrows, and then he said: "I only need to calculate two questions."

Lin Xun's face froze.

Fuck? What the hell?

Lin Xun opened the app in disbelief and checked. There were seven questions in total, four short-answer questions and three calculation questions.

There was less than an hour until 7:30.

"My life is over!!!"

Lin Xun wailed, he looked at Gou Shengli, his eyes lit up: "Fuck! I guessed that Brother Gou Sheng hadn't finished it either."

Gou Shengli covered his buttocks with a look of pain on his face. When he heard this, he said expressionlessly: "Sorry, I've finished it."

Lin Xun: ...

Liu Gang looked at him with some surprise: "You actually finished it? Fuck, this is not like you!"

Gou Shengli sneered disdainfully: "Just kidding, a small homework, how could it be difficult for me?"

He took advantage of the time to find Lin Miaomiao during the day and finished his homework.

Of course, if it wasn't for a gay friend in the class asking him if he had finished his homework, he really didn't know there was homework.

So he told Liu Gang and Wu Da, Lin Xun, um, forgot.

"Brother Gou, please copy it for me!" Lin Xun's eyes sparkled as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Gou Shengli immediately raised his head, his face full of melancholy: "Hey, this homework, only filial sons can have the opportunity to copy it, those rebellious sons who want to die at any time, oh, and those ungrateful sons who watch their fathers die without helping, are not worthy of copying the questions."

Rebellious son Liu: ...

Gangluzi Lin

Xun: ...

"Hey, I was thinking of treating everyone to dinner tonight, but I can't finish my homework. It seems that I can only focus on my homework now." Lin Xun shook his head, looking regretful.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Gang and Gou Shengli immediately stopped what they were doing.

A few seconds later.

"Dad Lin, take my copy!"

"Godfather! Come, it's still hot!"

Two homework books were handed to Lin Xun.

Lin Xun glanced at them indifferently, and then took both books without any expression.

"Okay, okay, my sons are still very filial!"

I, Lin, have some other advantages, but I still have some money.

Lin Xun could only put down the questions and started copying them in a hurry.

Even Liu Gang came over, and he still had two big questions to do.

No one thought that Gou Shengli could become the new generation of learning star in their dormitory!

Lin Xun didn't care whether it was right or not, he uploaded the homework directly after finishing it, and exhaled deeply.

"It's time, it's fate! Fortunately, I caught up."

Rubbing his sore hands, Lin Xun looked at Gou Shengli who was lying on his back and grinning. He knew without thinking that he was chatting with a girl.

"Where's Wu Da?"

"Oh, there's no class today, so he went to work part-time." Liu Gang answered.

Lin Xun was a little surprised: "Part-time job on weekdays? Is he short of money?"

Liu Gang said: "Wu Da has a younger sister and a younger brother in high school. The income of his parents at home is a bit difficult to support the tuition of three children, so he went to earn his own living expenses."

"That guy is also obsessed with studying recently, hey, the atmosphere and atmosphere are a bit distorted." Gou Shengli laughed.

Yes, college life is very relaxing. They don't feel any sense of urgency until the end of the semester.

Lin Xun frowned: "Why don't I know about this?"

"Why would he tell you? He didn't even tell us. If we hadn't seen him wearing part-time clothes, we wouldn't believe it." Liu Gang sighed.

"Although your family is the richest, if you want to help him, I don't think it's necessary. Even if you help him, he won't accept it. On the contrary, it will have the opposite effect."

Lin Xun nodded. He would not do these things. Although he usually advocates eating out, he usually pays for it. If he spends money to help his roommates with a purpose, few people will accept it. Usually they just talk about it. When it comes to this, people will regard it as charity.

They also have their own self-esteem.

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