The exam was a long and difficult process.

In a tense atmosphere, the college entrance examination was drawing to a close.

On the afternoon of June 8, Lin Xun finished the English test in just one hour. Of course, this was the time he took to complete the listening test, otherwise it would have been faster.

When the bell rang to signal the end of the exam, Lin Xun was the first to rush out of the exam room.

After three years of hard work, he finally made it!

After Lin Xun rushed out, he was surrounded by a group of reporters before he could find his parents, and the flash lights were flashing in his face.

"Classmates, how was the exam? Do you have the confidence to get into a good university?"

"Classmates, how do you feel as the first student to rush out of the exam room?"


At this time, the attention at the school gate was still very high. Many news stations were broadcasting live, and the same scene was being played out all over the country.

Lin Xun frowned, pushed away the microphone that almost poked into his nose, and said: "Well, it feels okay, and there is still a great hope for a first-tier university!"


The crowd exploded directly, and the fans in the live broadcast room also swiped the screen with 666.

Although there are many first-tier schools, there are not many students who can get into each school, and the tone of this young man is very casual, obviously modest.

Lin Xun ignored the reporters' siege, he stretched his neck and looked around, looking for the figures of his parents.

He knew that his father was usually moving bricks at the construction site and his mother was washing dishes in the restaurant, so they must be very busy, but they still took time out of their busy schedule to come and watch him take the exam, and he was very moved.

After looking around, he didn't see his parents, and half of his joy after the exam was washed away.

His eyes were a little dim.

"Classmate, what's your name?"

A reporter asked.

Lin Xun said: "My name is Lin Xun."

"Then your parents must be very outstanding, right? To be able to raise such an outstanding child like you?"

A bunch of microphones came at him again.

Lin Xun looked at these shots, he hesitated for a moment, and then said frankly: "I am just a child from an ordinary family. My father is a bricklayer at a construction site, and my mother is a logistics staff in a restaurant. Because my family is poor, I have been studying hard, just to get into a good university and find a good job to take care of my parents in the future."

"Pa pa pa!"

"Well said!"

"A man's ambition is to go all over the world! Brother, I support you!"

Everyone applauded.

At this time, other candidates appeared at the school gate one after another, and Lin Xun's pressure was immediately relieved a lot.

But he was the first student to leave the examination room, and all the reporters wanted to give him more shots to see the reaction on the day when the results were revealed.

Just then, a black Rolls-Royce drove in and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Fuck! Where did this big guy come from?"

"Rolls-Royce, this is a car that I can't afford even if I work myself to death! Whose subordinate is this?"

"Could it be that the family of a rich second-generation came to pick him up?"

"Hiss? In all these years, I have never seen such a luxury car passing by the school!"


Not only the people on the scene, but also the fans in the live broadcast room went crazy.

Lin Xun glanced at the Rolls-Royce with a hint of envy in his eyes, but soon, he turned this envy into motivation.

He will have it in the future!

Just as Lin Xun looked away and was about to call home to announce the good news, the door of the Rolls-Royce suddenly opened.

It turned out that his father Lin Batian and his mother Gu Yanyan came down from the doors on both sides.

Lin Xun was stunned on the spot!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked at the two carefully.

Lin Batian was wearing a burgundy suit at this time. Although he was a little fat, he was tall overall. His hair was carefully treated and sprayed with hairspray. He seemed to have changed his face!

Gu Yanyan was wearing a black cheongsam. She was tall and well-proportioned. She had light makeup on her mature and steady face. She looked at least ten years younger than before!

Although it was a bit nonsense, Lin Xun recognized that these were his parents!

But... but... he couldn't figure it out. His family was so poor that they could only eat seafood once a month. His father moved bricks and his mother washed dishes. How could they drive a luxury car?

Rolls-Royce, although Lin Xun had never seen it in real life, he had seen pictures of it. How much does this cost?

I'm afraid it can buy several houses in Xingfu Community?

Mom Gu Yanyan ran over with a smile, opened her arms, and smiled at Lin Xun: "Son, come, let mom hug you!"


Everyone was stunned

It was like a bolt from the blue!

Everyone stared at the mother and son with eyes as big as cow eggs.

No... you called him son? Are you the mother who washes dishes in the restaurant?

That is to say, the middle-aged man is the old father who moves bricks at the construction site?

The brick mover who drives a Rolls-Royce?

What about the poor family?

What about repaying parents when you grow up?

At this time, everyone felt that their brains were not enough.

In the live broadcast room, the screen was full of "wow".

"Fuck! Fuck!"

"Did this guy just say his family is poor? I think he is so poor that he only has money left?"

"Damn it! He keeps saying his family is poor, but he drives a Rolls-Royce. Is he a hidden rich man?"

"I almost believed it! Look at what the boy said just now about repaying his family. It made me cry a few tears! This... wasted!"

"The clown turned out to be me!"

"Who is this guy? Is his family really that rich?"

"It's good to be rich and study well. Hiss, if God gives me half of it, I will be happy to be a bad student!"


The person involved, Lin Xun, was still confused.

"Son, what's wrong with you? Why don't you talk?"

Gu Yanyan walked up to Lin Xun and looked at him in confusion.

Lin Xun came to his senses. He looked at his mother, who was a little more unfamiliar than his biological mother, and finally swallowed his saliva: "Mom...?"

"Hey! Child! It's me! Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Gu Yanyan gave him a hug with a smile.

Dad Lin Batian also walked over with a tiger's step. He patted Lin Xun's shoulder: "How did you do in the exam?"

Lin Xun looked at his father who was standing upright at this time and said: "Dad?"

Where is the old father who hides in the kitchen every day and beats his waist and shouts tired?

"Hey!" Lin Batian smiled: "My son, I am your father!"

Lin Xun's mouth twitched: "This... Can you explain it to me?"

"Where did you get the clothes? Where did you rent the car?"

Lin Batian and Gu Yanyan looked at each other. They were a little helpless. It seemed that their son did not believe that they were rich.

Seeing so many reporters and more and more students, Lin Batian didn't want to be bothered by them, so he called a few people and said, "Let's go home first, and talk about it after we get home."

Lin Xun was also a little dazed, and let Gu Yanyan pull him into the car.

Soon, the Rolls-Royce sped away, leaving the reporters and others looking at each other in bewilderment.

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