The exam was a big success, but the exam was a big success.

"Brother Xun, I'm a little nervous."

"Why are you nervous? How many points do you think you can get?"

"Uh... about 400?"

"Then you don't have to be nervous. Just go to college."


At this time, in Lin Xun's room, the two were guarding the computer, looking at the computer page (loading...)

Because today is the day to check the college entrance examination results, the whole system has been stuck.

After a while, a big 404 appeared on the page.

The two people's faces turned black.

"Brother Xun, is your computer okay?"

Li Erpang complained.

Lin Xun said in a deep voice: "A second-hand computer from a few years ago, from Xiaomi."

Li Erpang: "..."

He widened his eyes. You are the son of the richest man, and you even use a second-hand computer?

Lin Xun said awkwardly: "I have used it for a long time, and I am reluctant to throw it away. There are still a lot of information in it."

Hearing the word "information", Li Erpang's eyes glowed green: "Fuck! Information? Let me see."

He grabbed the computer and quickly operated on my computer. Soon a red F drive appeared in my field of vision.

"Good guy, Brother Xun, you are so hidden! This is more than 100G." Li Erpang opened one of the files with a click of the mouse as if he had never eaten meat.

"Hello, classmates, today we will talk about the application of trigonometric functions..."

A video was opened.

Li Erpang was stunned. It turned out to be learning materials!

Lin Xun was stunned by the fat man's operation. When he reacted, his face was full of black lines: "What the hell are you thinking about? Do you think the information I'm talking about is that kind of thing?"

You want to watch that kind of video with a one-minute video? Kidney (save it), brother.

"Hehe! Sorry, I'm showing off!" Li Erpang smiled awkwardly.

At this time, the door of the room opened, and Gu Yanyan walked in holding a computer.

"Son, use my computer. Your computer has been used for so many years, it must be stuck." Gu Yanyan smiled and handed the computer in her hand to Lin Xun.

"Thank you, mom." Lin Xun was happy and took his mother's computer.

"This second-hand computer, I remember your dad was introduced to it by his co-workers when he went to the construction site to "move bricks." Gu Yanyan looked at the second-hand computer on the table, and a touch of nostalgia flashed across her eyes.

Lin Xun smiled: "Did you really ask about it when you were moving bricks?"

Gu Yanyan smiled embarrassedly: "Actually, your dad asked for it from one of his employees."

Lin Xun was speechless.

"Okay, don't worry about those details, check the results quickly!" Gu Yanyan urged, she also wanted to see how many points her son got.

After all, he had studied hard for more than ten years just for today.

Lin Xun nodded, and then he looked at Li Erpang: "Fatty, check your admission ticket number first."

After a while of operation, the page began to jump.

After a while, Fatty's score appeared in front of several people.

Chinese: 101

Mathematics: 88

English: 66

Physics: 60

Chemistry: 65

Biology: 71

Comprehensive science: 196

Total score: 451 points

"Huh? 451? Fatty, it's good! This score exceeds your budget, right?" Lin Xun said in surprise.

Fatty was also surprised to see this score.

"Fuck! Fatty, I'm successful! I don't have to go to the construction site anymore!"

With this score, I can go to college!

"It's good!" Gu Yanyan also praised.

"Hey, thank you Auntie, Brother Xun, it's your turn, check your score!" Li Erpang urged.

Lin Xun smiled, switched accounts calmly, and after clicking to log in, his score came out.


Gu Yanyan suddenly screamed!

The fat man's eyes widened, and his face was shocked: "Wow... Wow!"

Lin Xun looked at the score and raised his eyebrows.

Chinese: 136

Mathematics: 145

English: 140

Physics: 93

Chemistry: 100

Biology: 97

Comprehensive science: 290

Total score: 711 points

"711... 711... Oh my God! My Lin family has made progress! My son got 711!" Gu Yanyan murmured to herself, she covered her mouth, and tears fell directly.

Seeing this, Lin Xun quickly took out a tissue to wipe his mother's face: "Mom, why are you so excited? Why are you crying?"

Gu Yanyan held Lin Xun's face with both hands, with a look of heartache and pride: "Mom is happy, my son is so outstanding! It's worth it, everything is worth it!"

Lin Xun's emotions also surged, and his nose was sour: "Yes, my son didn't give

You are embarrassed. "

Mom and Dad, your efforts over the past ten years have not been in vain!

Li Erpang's eyes were a little sour when he saw this scene. It was so touching!

He thought, if he took his grades to his parents, he would probably be severely taught a lesson by his father's seven wolves, right?

Thinking of this, Li Erpang shuddered and dared not think about it anymore.

After Gu Yanyan knew her son's score, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called Lin Batian, and walked out of the room.

Lin Xun scored 711 points, which he did not expect. He expected to get a full score of 100 in chemistry, and he was a little surprised that he could get such a high score in Chinese. He could only say that he was lucky.

No However, I finally did not disappoint my family.

Lin Xun took out his mobile phone, took a photo of his grades, and the first thing he did was to send it to Su Qingshi.

Unexpectedly, the message was replied immediately after it was sent.

Fairy Senior: Very good! [Like] [Like] [Like]

Lin Xun immediately smiled like a child.

Then he replied: Senior, from now on, I am your junior, please take care of me! (Expression) [Silly smile]

Fairy Senior: You have always been my junior

Lin Xun couldn't help laughing.

Li Erpang, who was watching this scene, couldn't help but said: "Brother Xun, you are smiling like a chrysanthemum, what are you so happy about?"

Lin Xun glanced at him: "You will have a stepmother soon."


Li Erpang was stunned, and then he widened his eyes: "Okay! You cheated me! Look at my physical attack! "

Lin Xun: "..."

On the other side, Lin Batian was holding a meeting, and a cell phone rang suddenly.

Everyone looked over immediately, curious about who dared to leave the sound on during the meeting.

Lin Batian silently took out the Fruit 15Pro.

Everyone quickly retracted their gazes.

Oh, it turned out to be the boss, sorry to bother you.


Lin Batian answered the phone in public.

"What? !"

Lin Batian suddenly exclaimed, scaring the senior executives.

What's wrong? Is the company going to go bankrupt?

Is the boss cheated?

Everyone was confused.

"Hahaha! Good! You are worthy of being my son! Good! Good! I will be back soon!"

Lin Batian then smiled, smiling like a chrysanthemum.

He hung up the phone and said to the senior executives: "Dismiss the meeting, get off work an hour earlier today!"

Everyone: "? ? ? "

Fuck! The sun is rising from the west?

"Didn't you hear it?" Lin Batian looked around.

Everyone hurriedly packed up.

"Ahem, my good-for-nothing son, the college entrance examination results came out today, and he only scored 711 points. Hey, I have to go back and talk to him."

Lin Ba raised his hand and glanced at the gold watch on his wrist, pretending to be nonchalant.

The senior executives who were packing up froze, and the next second...

"Wow! Is the young master so awesome? He can actually get more than 700 points?"

"Hiss! So scary! I didn't expect the president to be so outstanding, and even the young master has the appearance of a dragon and phoenix among men. It turns out that the genes are strong!"

"Yes, my rebellious son dropped out of school early, and he can't catch up with the young master even if he flatters!"

"The young master is awesome 666!"

"The president has a good education! ”


Listening to the words that satisfied him, Lin Batian felt very comfortable. He waved his hand and said, “I declare that all employees of the company will have three days of paid leave!”

He has money, so he can make whatever he wants!

“Oh yeah!”

“The president is wise!”

“I second the motion!”


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