The first time he saw the girl was on fire, and the second time he saw the girl was on fire.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Lin Xun returned to school.

The moment he entered the campus, Lin Xun's restless heart gradually calmed down.


Suddenly, Lin Xun jumped up and clenched his fist fiercely.

The classmates passing by all showed him a caring look for the mentally retarded.

Lin Xun was a little embarrassed, and then walked towards the dormitory happily.

On the way back, Lin Xun always felt like he had forgotten something.

But what did he forget?

Forget it, don't think about it, think about it when I get back!

Ten minutes later.

"Lin Xun, can you explain why my fried chicken burger didn't show up?"

"I don't want my taro bubble tea, but I want an explanation, too."

Lin Xun looked at Liu Gang and Wu Da, who had cornered him, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"That... I didn't mean to forget to bring you something..."

Damn it, he had a good meal and forgot to bring the midnight snack he promised to his roommates!

As we all know, if you forget to bring warmth to your son in the dormitory, they will hate you for days...

"Brother Lin! I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you look like a different person after you went out and came back. This outfit... doesn't seem to be the same as before!" Liu Gang looked up and down at Lin Xun, like watching a panda.

"Tsk tsk, look at your face full of spring, could it be... that you went out with the goddess?" Wu Da also showed a teasing smile.

Lin Xun smiled: "What do you mean by flirting? There is nothing wrong between us."

Liu Gang looked at him in surprise: "So, you really went to pick up the school belle?"

The whole dormitory knew about the ambiguous relationship between Lin Xun and the school belle. Although Lin Xun has not confirmed the relationship yet, the latter has not denied the fact that she likes the school belle.

So the only person who can make Lin Xun show such a perverted look is the famous school belle of Su University.

Lin Xun nodded shyly.

"It took three hours to pick someone up?"

"Uh... Isn't it raining too hard? We were all soaked, so we went to the house rented by the senior sister to take a simple shower and have a meal. It's that simple."


Liu Gang and Wu Da looked at each other and were speechless.

You call this simple?

Can you find a heterosexual in the whole of Nanjing University who can be treated like this by the school belle?

I'm afraid there is not one?

The simplicity mentioned by Lin Xun is as difficult as ascending to the sky in their eyes!

Too Versailles!

Not long after, Gou Shengli came back.

To everyone's surprise, this guy also changed his clothes and came back.

Did he also meet love?

Liu Gang asked tentatively: "Brother Gou, what are you doing?"

Gou Shengli suddenly waved his hand: "Sons! This dad announces that today is officially no longer single!"


"I know! Is it true?"

"How did you find a girlfriend?"

The three of them were all questioning.

Gou Shengli smiled proudly: "Of course it was on that stormy night, brother..."

It turned out that Gou Shengli really took an umbrella to pick up the girl. This guy originally planned to take over the girl in the class, but he happened to meet a girl who fell on the side of the road, so he went to help her.

In order to thank Gou Shengli, the girl took him to her dormitory.

Gou Shengli learned that the girl was a senior and was preparing for an internship. She lived in the staff dormitory with an independent dormitory and usually worked part-time at school.

After changing clothes in the staff dormitory, Gou Shengli used his emotional intelligence comparable to that of Einstein and stayed in the dormitory until now.

"So, your love was blown by the wind?" Liu Gang said with a strange look on his face.

Gou Shengli glared and said, "What do you know? This is love!"

I love you!

Lin Xun suddenly asked, "Brother Gou, have you asked each other for contact information?"

Gou Shengli, who was looking proud, suddenly froze.

"Contact information?"

"Yes! Since we can chat well, why don't we add each other as friends?" Lin Xun said as a matter of course.

A few seconds later, 307 let out a wail.

"Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter! You guys just "chatted naked" all night like this, and you didn't even ask for contact information! You're really good!"

"This... Brother Gou, I'm sorry, Brother Gou, I really don't want to laugh... Hahaha!"

"My condolences, you deserve better!"

Gou Shengli looked like he had no desire to live.

He didn't even ask for WeChat!

He just left so coolly!

Aww! Why? Why is this happening?

Is he really unworthy of love?


In the end, Gou Shengli accepted this fact.

"Fortunately, I am still innocent."


The three of them were speechless.

The next morning, Class 201 gathered to receive books.

After the military training, the only thing left was classes.

The four of them walked on the school road with thick books in their arms.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look! Beautiful girl!"

Gou Shengli excitedly pointed his lips in one direction.

Lin Xun and others were speechless. This guy just "broke up" and he returned to his nature the next day. No one else can do that.

"I said, can you spend some time on exercise? You are looking at beautiful girls every day, your body is empty, right?"

Liu Gang couldn't help but complain in his heart, but he looked in the direction Gou Shengli was looking.

"Hiss! She is really a beautiful girl."

Lin Xun said speechlessly: "Is she really that beautiful?"

He also looked in the direction and was suddenly stunned.

It's not that he was stunned by the beautiful girl like the other two, but that he knew the beautiful girl.

At this time, the beauty seemed to have noticed him, so she walked towards him.

307 people were a little surprised and surprised. This beauty walked towards them with a clear purpose. Could it be...

"Lin Xun, long time no see."

Gou Shengli and the other two: "..."

They stared at Lin Xun with eyes like seeing a ghost, as if asking: Brother Lin, do you know this beauty?

Strange, why are the girls that Brother Lin knows so high quality?

Lin Xun ignored his roommate's question and nodded calmly: "Long time no see, so you also came to Nanjing University."

The beautiful girl in front of him was Su Qing. At this time, Su Qing was wearing a long-sleeved yellow skirt, her hair was tied into a bun, and her height of more than 1.6 meters showed that her figure was well-proportioned and full of youthful vitality.

Su Qing looked at the sunny boy in front of her, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Do you have time tonight? I want to treat you to dinner."


So proactive? Just made an appointment for dinner? This... is the charm of appearance?

The three roommates were a little crazy.

Lin Xun frowned, then said indifferently: "Student Su, we are not that familiar with each other, so I'm sorry."

Su Qing was stunned, she looked at Lin Xun in confusion: "Lin Xun, when did we become so unfamiliar that we can't even have a meal together?"

Lin Xun shook his head, not wanting to waste time with her, and said to his roommate: "Let's go."

After that, he left first.

It was the first time for the three of them to see Brother Lin so cold, and they looked at each other for a while, a little curious.

Brother Lin doesn't seem to be very friendly to this girl!

Liu Gang and Wu Da both silently bypassed Su Qing and followed her happily.

Gou Shengli glared at Su Qing: "I'm telling you! My brother Lin already has someone he likes! Although you are beautiful, it is impossible to be with Brother Lin. I advise you to be careful!"

After that, he turned around handsomely and trotted after her.

Su Qing silently looked at Lin Xun's back, her eyes dim, and she seemed a little lonely being alone.

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