After the student union members left, seniors from other clubs came to recruit new members.

Chess club, honor guard, martial arts association...

This time they just came to introduce their clubs, and there will be a special time and place for specific recruitment.

After the meeting, several people walked towards the dormitory.

Lin Xun only applied for a student union, and Liu Gang did not apply for a club, but he was somewhat interested in the honor guard and planned to find time to ask about it, and Gou Shengli actually chose the college cheerleading team...

"Brother Gou, does the cheerleading team recruit men?" Lin Xun asked a soul-searching question.

Gou Shengli chuckled: "Of course I know they don't want me, I just joined the group to see the girls."

"You know what, the group is full of beautiful girls, with thin waists and long legs, wow."


"Brother Gou, I have a friend who didn't have time to join the group, can you invite me in?"

"V me fifty."

"Excuse me."

Lin Xun and the others were speechless about Gou Shengli.

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Xun took a shower first and then lay on the bed.

He found that since he met the senior sister, he liked to lie on the bed and chat with the senior sister every night.

He was not like this before.

Junior: Senior sister, what are you doing?

Su Qingshi replied in tacit understanding.

Fairy senior sister: Just finished taking a shower.

Junior: Hehe, me too.

Fairy senior sister: Are you very happy?

Lin Xun raised a corner of his mouth.

Of course I am happy, chatting with my senior sister, even across the screen, I am happy!

Lin Xun replied: Senior sister, are you the vice president of the student union?

Fairy senior sister: How do you know (deleted) Yes, what's wrong?

Junior brother: I signed up for the student union's recruitment tonight.

At the same time, in the dormitory, Su Qingshi raised her eyebrows in surprise.

By the way, she remembered that it was the day for the club to recruit new members recently.

Although she is the vice president of the student union now, she rarely manages things at ordinary times, and it is usually the president who manages.

Junior brother wants to join the student union?

Fairy senior sister: Why do you want to join the student union?

Junior brother: Well, I want to develop my own abilities.

Of course I want to get closer to you a little bit.

Fairy senior sister: What other abilities do you need to develop? The son of the richest man?

Junior brother: So does my senior sister not want me to join the student union?

Fairy senior sister: The student union is very complicated and not suitable for you.

After she joined the student union, she clearly understood what it meant to be a worldly matter. If someone like Lin Xun joined the student union, he would definitely not be able to stand the atmosphere there.

And more importantly, she didn't want him to be unhappy.

For some reason, this thought flashed subconsciously.

Junior: But there are seniors in the student union!

Junior: Will the seniors protect me?

Su Qingshi looked at the other party's reply and raised her lips slightly.

Junior, your first sentence is the key point, right?

She could more or less guess what Lin Xun was thinking. He joined the student union not for no reason, but for a purpose. She didn't point out what it was.

Fairy senior: Then you should work hard! It's very difficult to get into the student union.

Junior: Don't worry, senior, I will work hard!

Su Qingshi suddenly switched pages, clicked on QQ, clicked on the student union group chat, clicked on the group owner's avatar, and started a temporary chat.

Su Qingshi: When will the recruitment interview start?

President: ? ? ?

President: Qingshi, why do you suddenly ask this?

Su Qingshi's eyes darkened and she replied: Ask.

President: It's next Monday at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Qingshi: I'll go there as well, and be an interviewer. Please save a spot for me.

President: OK! I'll arrange it! Just come when the time comes.

Su Qingshi: Yes, thank you.

Exit the chat, and the next second, there is a verification message for adding a friend.

Open it and see that it is from the president.

It turns out that even the president of the student union is not her friend.

The two usually create chats temporarily when they have work.

The other party wants to add her as a friend, not once or twice, but Su Qingshi doesn't want to agree.

There is no reason, she just doesn't like it.

Ignoring the other party's friend verification, Su Qingshi returned to WeChat and sent a message to Lin Xun:

Fairy Senior Sister: Do you know what day tomorrow is?

Junior Brother: I understand! Tomorrow is the weekend, I'm going to the senior sister's rental house!

Fairy senior sister: [Animated expression] (Hmm)

The next day, the weekend.

There are still classes on the weekends of freshman year, three, four, and five periods, after the situation and policy.

"I won't go to the cafeteria, you

Let's go." Lin Xun greeted his roommates.

"What will you eat if you don't go to the cafeteria?" Liu Gang asked in confusion.

Gou Shengli narrowed his eyes: "Brother Lin, did you set up a trap without telling your father?"

Lin Xun glanced at him: "No, I'm leaving school."

"Where to go?" The three roommates said in unison.

"Senior sister's house."


The three of them were stunned for a moment, and then they all said "wow".

The students passing by all cast strange looks.

"What the hell? When did you develop so fast? You've even come to my door?" Gou Shengli looked at him with wide eyes.

Liu Gang said: "Good guy, Lin Xun, you are unfathomable! "

Wu Da looked at Lin Xun with admiration, as if he was his idol.

Going to the school beauty's house? How close do they have to be to reach this point?

Could it be that Lin Xun secretly dated the school beauty without telling them?

So explosive?

Lin Xun interrupted their YY and said, "You misunderstood, I just went to the rental house where the senior sister lives, not her home."

How dare he go to the senior sister's home?


Liu Gang and Gou Shengli rolled their eyes.

At this time, Wu Da suddenly said, "What are you looking at? Brother Lin still wants to go to the school beauty's place!"

The two of them froze.

It seems, that's right!

Lin Xun said goodbye to several eager roommates and walked towards the south gate.

"Hey, I feel that Brother Lin is not far from being single." Liu Gang said complicatedly.

"Yes, and the object is still a famous school beauty, everyone's goddess! Brother Lin is so amazing! "Wu Da exclaimed.

Gou Shengli touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said seriously: "No, if Brother Lin is not single in the future, the dormitory may not be able to accommodate him! I suggest that he be expelled from 307 tomorrow."

"What are you talking about? Tomorrow? Tonight!" Liu Gang agreed.

Gou Shengli looked at Liu Gang: "Brother Liu, you seem to have a partner too."

Suddenly, single dogs Wu Da and Gou Shengli looked at Liu Gang.

Liu Gang: ...

Lin Xun came to the South Gate in a very good mood. This will be his second time to go to the rental house of the senior sister.

Calling a car on the phone, Lin Xun stood there waiting.

At this time, a car stopped in front of him. It was a white Audi.

Lin Xun was stunned. When the car window rolled down, revealing a beautiful face, he was immediately surprised and said: "Senior sister?"

Why is the senior sister here?

Su Qingshi glanced at him and said lightly: "Get in the car."

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