The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1173: Walking without fear

However, at this moment Gu Changhuan suddenly said:

"It is indeed a good choice for people from Gudao Trading Company to use a commensurate Taoist name when traveling outside."

Chi Jin and others didn't think too much and just nodded.

At this time, Gu Qingyi, Gu Qingxuan and others came back from the Blood Vengeance Clan's Fangshi. After meeting their parents, they came to visit Gu Changhuan and brought Gu Changhuan a lot of specialty snacks and drinks from the Blood Vengeance Clan's Fangshi. .

Although the grade is not high, it is more novel.

Gu Changhuan accepted it with a smile, and took out some meat ingredients. Everyone went to the deck outside Gu Changhuan's room to have a barbecue and enjoy a lively dinner together.

On the other side, Gu Xuanzhan and Gu Wanhao were still wandering around the market of the Blood Vengeance Sect, marveling at the things and scenery in the other world.

A month later, the Starship set sail again.

At this time, Tian Xin, the leader of the Blood Vengeance Sect, had already noticed the existence of the Starship, as well as a large number of Yuanying monks of unknown origin who suddenly appeared in the Blood Vengeance Sect's territory today. Still sad. ŴŴŴ.

After knowing the news, Duochou pondered for a long time, and then prepared to leave the Blood Vengeance Sect to visit a friend of his who was not a friend, that is, the incarnation of the Lotus Sect - Si Qiu.

Although I have to admit it, in terms of power in the Qianfeng Realm, the Lotus Sect is indeed much stronger than the Blood Vengeance Sect. Even the Lianhua Sect does not know the origin of this "Gu Dao Trading Company", and maybe it happens to be able to find another place with the Lianhua Sect. I met someone from Gu Dao Trading Company.

With Duochou thinking like this, he sent a message to Xue Li and left.

And just as Duochou expected, the Starship was indeed heading in the direction of the Lotus Sect at this moment.

In the past few years, Gu Changhuan traveled to the Qianfeng Realm, and the god of the Qianfeng Realm he met was the god of the Lotus Sect, named Xing Wuji.

This Xing Wuji is indeed an interesting person, and Gu Changhuan always feels that Xing Wuji and his fourth brother Gu Changde must have something in common.

It's just that Xing Wuji is not in the Lotus Sect all year round, but travels abroad. Fortunately, Gu Changhuan once asked him for a contact magic weapon, so it is not difficult to contact him.

It would be easier to negotiate with Xing Wuji first than to go directly to other Lotus Sect ancestors.

After all, according to Zhang Changhuan's idea, the Gudao Trading Store in Qianfeng Realm should be located in Yunwuze, the largest city of Lianhua Sect.

Although it is not uncommon for one god-transformation force to open a store in the territory of another god-transformation force, the situation of Gu Dao Trading Company is a bit unusual. To be on the safe side, Gu Changhuan still plans to talk to the god-transformation force of the Lotus Sect about the matter. .

Of course, in addition to this, he will also take good care of the stores opened in Yunwuze. Although this kind of store does not require many people, considering that the Gu family members stationed here can only be rotated every four hundred years, So there is a lot of preparation to be done.

So, when the starship arrived near Yunwuze, Xing Wuji was already in the city lord's palace in Yunwuze.

Xing Wuji was a little surprised to see Gu Changhuan again after several years.

"Didn't Fellow Daoist Gu say that he was going into seclusion before? Why did he come out of seclusion so quickly?"

In fact, the last time Gu Changhuan came to Qianfeng Realm was nearly thirty years ago, but for a monk who transforms into gods, retreating once in thirty years is really a bit short.

Gu Changhuan poured tea and said:

"Temporarily leave the country to pursue a career.

When I finish my work here, I still have to go back to practice in seclusion. But if I go into seclusion again, I won’t be able to come out of seclusion until my cultivation level breaks through again. "

When Xing Wuji heard this, he felt sad:

"Fellow Daoist Gu is already in the middle stage of divine transformation. It will probably be difficult to break through to the late stage of divine transformation;

It took me more than four hundred years to break through from the third level to the fourth level. However, my senior brother said that my speed was still normal.

Alas, outsiders can see how we monks who transform themselves into gods can turn our hands into clouds and rain, but only we ourselves know how these small catastrophes that happen once every three hundred years are so heartbreaking. "

Gu Changhuan, who couldn't remember how many minor disasters he had survived, responded vaguely. Turning around, he brought back the focus.

“What fellow Taoists say is absolutely true.

However, if the trading bank established below is officially and fully promoted, maybe it will be easier for us god-transformation monks. "

Gu Changhuan said this, and Xing Wuji said curiously:

"What? You want to set up a trading company?

It’s impossible to set up a business without manpower, right? Didn’t you say you were a casual cultivator?

What's more, the spiritual objects that ordinary trading houses can collect are of little help to us god-transformation monks! "

Xing Wuji said that he was stunned.

Gu Changhuan smiled mysteriously and said:

“I have already prepared the manpower;

As for whether this trading company can help us god-transformation monks...

Dear Taoist friends, please take a look, this is the list of items I prepared for the first auction of Gu Dao Trading Company. "

Gu Changhuan said and handed a jade slip to Xing Wuji.

Xing Wuji took it casually, and when his consciousness swept away, he was immediately shocked.

After a while, he came back to his senses and stammered:

"How did you get so many sixth-level spiritual objects?"

Gu Changhuan smiled slightly, naturally he would not tell him, but just said:

"What do fellow Taoists think of these spiritual creatures?"

Xing Wuji nodded as if woodenly.

"If there really are these various sixth-level elixirs, spiritual talismans, and other items, they will naturally be sold no matter where they are."

Gu Changhuan nodded,

"So my Gudao Business is OK, right?"

Xing Wuji continued to nod,

"It's absolutely OK."

"I plan to set up the business in Yunwuze, hold an auction every four hundred years, and not sell spiritual objects on other days."

Gu Changhuan said so.

Xing Wuji still nodded, and when he was halfway through nodding, he found something strange that he almost missed. He turned his head a little, looked at Gu Changhuan, and said:

"It's okay for you to open Gu Dao Business in Yunwuze, but it's too wasteful to open it once every four hundred years and not sell anything at other times, right?"

Gu Changhuan said indifferently:

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's enough to just earn the spiritual stones of you, the Divine Transformation cultivators."

Xing Wuji cried out in pain as if he was shot in the chest. He covered his chest with a painful expression and said:

"It seems that I can't keep my spiritual stones.

It hurts, it really hurts!"

Gu Changhuan looked at him with a smile and continued:

"But if anyone asks about Gu Dao Business, I still have to ask Brother Wuji to help say a few good words."

Xing Wuji said frankly:

"With so many high-level spiritual objects, there is no need to promote good words or anything.

But this is not what you need to pay attention to."

Xing Wuji said meaningfully.

Gu Changhuan understood and said:

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Xing. Since I dare to auction so many sixth-level spiritual objects, I have the confidence.

Take a look at the people in this house."

Gu Changhuan said, with a flash of determination in his eyes.

It's not just him who lives here these days. Gu Changyu, Chi Jin and seven or eight others are here. Of course, only Gu Changyu, Chi Jin and Yan Qingwan have truly shown their spiritual cultivation.

But it was enough to shock Xing Wuji.

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