The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1191: Strange Entry

Hongsha Island is an ordinary island among the many islands in the Blood Sea. There are no special products on the island, and there are not many fertile fields suitable for farming. Fortunately, there are no tall mountains blocking it, and there is abundant rain all year round, so aquaculture can be carried out.

Hongsha Island is an island occupied by the human race, but it is adjacent to the demon race. Fortunately, because Hongsha Island has no valuable special products, it has never been the focus of the demon race's attack.

Until someone discovered a jade mine on Hongsha Island.

It is no longer important who discovered the jade mine and how the news leaked to the demon race. When the human race on Hongsha Island realized it later, the war had already burned to their doorstep.

In order to compete for this jade mine that is said to have rich reserves, the demon leader sent a large number of troops to attack Hongsha Island. The human race naturally did not want to be outdone. The two races fought fiercely on Hongsha Island. At this point, the natural red sand landform of Hongsha Island has become a man-made landscape.

On this day, the weather on Hongsha Island was not good.

The sky was gloomy and it was raining. In the human town on Hongsha Island, there were only a few people on the street, and nine out of ten houses in the town were empty.

A war had just ended not long ago. Facing the frequent and fierce attacks of the demons, the human race seemed to be somewhat powerless and retreated step by step. The front line retreated again and again, and the nearby towns and villages suffered.

The demons and the human race are irreconcilable and will not miss any opportunity to reduce the power of the other side.

The fate of those human races who lost their territory can be imagined.

The rain was falling, and the rain mixed with blood flowed on the ground to form puddles of different sizes.

Xiaofeng Village, an ordinary village on Hongsha Island, the human race here has relied on breeding and catching fish and other aquatic products for generations.

It could have been worry-free for generations, but unfortunately, the straight-line distance from here to the discovered jade mine is less than a thousand miles.

Five days ago, the front line of the town 300 miles away from Xiaofeng Village was lost. The next day, Xiaofeng Village changed from a bustling small village to a hell on earth with corpses everywhere.

Looking around, no matter men, women, children, old or young, even domestic animals, were brutally killed, even dismembered, and there were faint traces of being eaten and bitten.

But as long as you pay a little attention, you will find that it seems that starting from a remote path, the bodies lying on the ground are not only limited to human bodies, but also some bodies of demons with green faces and fangs.

And the closer to a dilapidated earth temple at the edge of the village, the more bodies of demons there are.

There is also a half-built wooden house next to the earth temple that has not yet been capped. At this moment, whether it is the earth temple or the wooden house, the walls are all bloodstained and sticky with blood and flesh residues.

It can be seen that this place has experienced a brutal battle.

And at this moment, a thin child with blood all over his body suddenly walked out of the dilapidated temple step by step.

He looked only seven or eight years old, with a palm-sized face that was so thin that it made people feel distressed. There was no expression on his face, and his eyes were lifeless. A closer look revealed that his thin body was covered with more than a dozen wounds of varying sizes. The most serious one was a wound on his shoulder, which seemed to be scratched by some beast, which directly took away a piece of flesh and blood and left a gap.

But he didn't notice the scars and blood on his body at all, and walked slowly and firmly towards the village step by step.

He ignored the bodies of the demons along the way, and turned the body over after seeing the body of a man wearing brown coarse cloth lying in a puddle. After seeing his face clearly, he struggled to grab the man's stiff shoulders and dragged him into the house step by step.

However, I don't know if it was because he was too young and lost too much blood, but he fainted after dragging the man's body for only a few steps.

At this moment, the rain in the sky was getting heavier, washing away a lot of blood on his body, revealing fresh wounds.

This was the scene that Gu Changqing and Gu Changde saw when they arrived at Xiaofeng Village.

"Is this the only living human being around here?


Gu Changde said, and walked to the unconscious child as if he had discovered something new.

Gu Changqing frowned as he looked at the tragic scene in front of him.

It's not that he hadn't seen the battlefield full of corpses, and he almost became one of them, but they were all immortal cultivators, and the Gu family never had to worry about the smoke of war.

"There is a trace of weak spiritual energy in this child."

Gu Changde said, picked up the unconscious child, looked at his face, shook his head and said:

"You are so thin, you must have suffered a lot, right?"

Gu Changqing also looked over, raised his hand and injected a tiny and weak true energy into his body. Although for Gu Changqing it was only a strand of true energy thinner than a hair, but for the unconscious child, it was like a life-saving elixir.

Under the nourishment and repair of the surging true energy, the wounds on his body were slowly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his complexion gradually became rosy.

"Good aptitude."

Gu Changqing said so.

Gu Changde flicked his finger to shake off the blood and moisture on his body, and said:

"It looks like he will wake up in a while, let's find a place to sit for a while!"

Gu Changqing naturally had no objection, and then in the blink of an eye, the two came to the cleanest courtyard in the village. After putting the child on the bed, Gu Changde took out a bead like a night pearl and put it in his hand.

Suddenly, the dark room was illuminated by the light of the Tiance Pearl!

Gu Changde raised his eyebrows, looked at Gu Changqing who was lighting the lamp, and said:

"This aptitude...

We have found a treasure! "

Looking at the brightened house, Gu Changqing nodded with satisfaction. When he looked at the fainted child, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, and he said:

"There is something wrong with this child."

Even for people with spiritual roots and spiritual bodies, no one has ever heard of anyone who has sensed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and condensed spiritual power without guidance and without obtaining a technique. This child already had a trace of weak spiritual power in his body before they arrived.

The spiritual energy of the Blood Sea is so thin that it is outrageous. Without external assistance, it is not easy to condense a trace of spiritual power even with a technique.

Although Gu Changqing only said one sentence, Gu Changde could understand what he meant. He saw him put away the Tiance Pearl, thought for a while and said:

"Maybe it has something to do with his spiritual body?

After all, it is normal for people with spiritual bodies to be a little special. Or is it the legendary peerless genius who can enter the Tao through other ways? "

Speaking of this, Gu Changde thought of the corpses scattered throughout the village. If this child really entered the Dao through other means, he might have entered the Dao through killing.

Thinking of this, Gu Changde was silent.

At this time, Gu Changqing comforted him and said:

"Who knows, maybe it's really because of the spirit; or maybe he picked up some skills. "

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