The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1204: Spirit World Millennium

What made Gu Changhuan feel a little strange was that after waiting all afternoon, he didn't even wait for a monk who left the city.

You must know that there are more than 300,000 monks in Jiye City. It is very strange that he waited all afternoon and did not get out of the city.

But yes, the Tongxian map shows that there are no spiritual veins near Jiye City. This Jiye City stands aloofly in the wilderness like an isolated island. It is normal that no one wants to come out to explore and travel, let alone there are cloth in Jiye City. There is a teleportation array.

Even the monks stationed at the city gate looked careless, which showed that there were not many monks in Jiye City on a daily basis.

There are eighth-level spiritual veins in Jiye City, as well as large spiritual fields, etc., which are enough for many monks to be self-sufficient in their daily cultivation.

Another thing that makes Gu Changhuan strange is that there does not seem to be any restrictions on monks fighting, flying, etc. in Jiye City. In just half a day, he observed several groups of monks openly fighting in the city;

When the law enforcement team in the city arrived, they did not stop it immediately. Instead, they just watched the excitement for a while. There were even monks from the law enforcement team who cheered and cheered along with the onlookers. This scene shocked Gu Changhuan.

According to his observation, most of the people in Jiye City are orthodox Taoist cultivators, not demonic cultivators who wantonly obey their true intentions. According to common sense, the city managed by this Taoist cultivator should not be so chaotic.

Thinking of the stone plaque at the gate of Jiye City, Gu Changyuan was sure that Jiye City was indeed a bit weird.

As for what is weird, Gu Changhuan is not sure yet.

While Gu Changhuan was thinking, a group of monks finally left Jiye City together.

Gu Changhuan looked closely and found that the overall cultivation level of the pair of monks was not high. The one with the highest cultivation level was only in the early stage of divine transformation. There were thirteen people in the group. Regardless of their cultivation level, they were all lifeless.

What concerned Gu Changhuan the most was the faces of these people.

It's not that they are ugly or beautiful, but they all have large black spots on their faces.

"What is this? Black epilepsy?"

Gu Changhuan said to himself.

But it shouldn't be. Immortal cultivators can be poisoned, but they won't get sick. Could it be that these people have been poisoned by the same kind of poison, and this poison is reflected in their faces?

With this thought in mind, Gu Changhuan concealed himself and came to the group of people, then aimed at the only god-transformation cultivator in the group.

When it comes to exploring information, the more you know, the better. Generally speaking, the higher the level of cultivation, the more monks know.

As a result, the monk in the early stage of becoming a god felt his whole body stiffen. After a brief feeling of weightlessness, he lost consciousness.

After Gu Changhuan put the person down, he nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, this skill is not unfamiliar.

Next, Gu Changhuan used the soul-searching technique on the unconscious monk.

At this time, other people who had left Jiye City together with the Assimilation God cultivator finally noticed something was wrong. They saw a tall male cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul and said in surprise:

"Where's Brother Li!

Have any of you seen Brother Li Yuan? "

The twelve people looked around, their spiritual consciousness scanning the area, but found no trace of Li Yuan.

"The sun hasn't set yet. Could it be that I've seen a ghost?"

Someone said in shock.

For a moment, everyone was filled with surprise and doubt.

"Heh, it's strange that there are still people attacking those of us who are about to die."

Among the group of people, an old woman with wrinkles on her face who looked like she was dying said so.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone who had just been a little fresh suddenly became dull again. After more than ten breaths, the early Yuanying monk who noticed that Li Yuan suddenly disappeared said:

“Grandma Rui, now that the matter is over, it’s better not to say these words;

It is also a day to be depressed, and it is also a day to be happy. We have worked hard for half a lifetime to seek immortality, and now we are facing this difficulty and it is inevitable that we will die. It is better to cheer up and find a way to find Brother Li first;

Then it’s not too late to go to the place He mentioned before. "

Hearing what he said, the old woman called "Grandma Rui" sighed deeply. She patted her pocket, and a fluffy, palm-sized golden hamster appeared on Grandma Rui's shoulder. The hamster looked at everyone with his big eyes and tilted his head.

"Xiao Jinmi, please help mother-in-law do one last thing!"

Grandma Rui sighed and said that the palm-sized golden hamster had a fourth-level high-level cultivation. Although it had not yet fully opened its spiritual intelligence, it had already understood human nature. She nodded immediately after hearing this, making everyone's eyes brighten.

"Hao Boy, there should be items used by Li Yuan, right?

Let Kimmy smell it. "

Seeing what Granny Rui said, the eyes of the monk surnamed Hao, who was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, lit up, and he quickly took out a wine glass from his storage ring and placed it in front of Jinmi's little nose.

Little Jinmi's eyesight went dark as the wine glass was still a bit overpowering, but soon he recognized the smell of Li Yuan, pointed in a certain direction with his short paws, and squeaked a few times.

Grandma Rui looked at Jinmi, and after waiting for it to finish speaking, she turned to look at the people walking with her,

"Jinmi discovered Li Yuan's aura. It's not too far from here. Let's go!"

At the same time, on the other side, Gu Changhuan, who had finished using the soul-searching technique on Li Yuan, fell into silence and silently doubted his life.

Before ascending to the spiritual world, he had imagined all the possibilities that might happen after ascending to the spiritual world, but he really had never thought of this scene now.

He even doubted the authenticity of the matter when he just searched for the soul, but no matter how he thought about it, it was impossible.

Through the soul search of Li Yuan, Gu Changhuan confirmed that this spiritual world was indeed the spiritual world where Zhen Lingzi was originally, and the Shangming Patriarch who framed Zhen Lingzi and caused him to fall under the immortal spiritual tribulation should still be in the spiritual world and has not ascended.

According to Li Yuan's memory, he is currently more than 1,500 years old. When Zhen Lingzi fell a thousand years ago, he was just a Jindan cultivator.

Because of his low cultivation level and being a casual cultivator, he learned about the fall of a human Mahayana like Zhen Lingzi very late and was not touched.

Most of Li Yuan's memories are about himself, but fortunately, because he is in it and his cultivation level is slowly improving, he knows some of the major events that have happened to the human race in the spiritual world over the past thousand years.

Before the death of Zhen Lingzi, including Zhen Lingzi, there were eight Mahayana cultivators in the human race of the spirit world, including Zhen Lingzi. Among them, only Zhen Lingzi and another Mahayana cultivator named Qu were independent cultivators, and the remaining six belonged to five different Mahayana forces.

These five Mahayana forces are: Wanfo Wuxiang Sect, Qi Kingdom, Luohua Cave, Tianyi Sect and Shangmeng.

According to Li Yuan's memory, the human race in the spirit world now has six Mahayana forces, in addition to the five recorded by Zhen Lingzi, there is one more Xuansha Ghost Cave.

This Xuansha Ghost Cave was established only more than 600 years ago, but from Li Yuan's memory, the Xuansha Ghost Cave was huge, and the cultivators belonging to it were all ruthless. It was only a few hundred years since the founding of the sect, and it not only established a great reputation in the human race, but also made the neighboring alien races fear it.

However, Li Yuan did not know more about the situation of the Xuansha Ghost Cave.

According to Gu Changhuan's investigation, in the thousand years between the death of Zhen Lingzi and his ascension to the spirit world, in addition to the creation of the Xuansha Ghost Cave, there were two major events.

The first event was that about 540 years ago, the Qi Kingdom in the northern border of the human race was attacked by foreign races, resulting in the death of the Qi Emperor at that time. At that time, Qi Kingdom had only one Mahayana cultivator. After the death of the only Mahayana cultivator, Qi Emperor, half of Qi Kingdom's territory fell into the hands of foreign races;

But what Gu Changhuan couldn't understand was that according to Li Yuan's memory, when Qi Kingdom was in trouble, none of the other Mahayana forces of the human race lent a hand, and they all watched the human race's territory fall into the hands of foreign races.

Finally, if the new Qi Emperor had not successfully advanced to Mahayana and frequently demonstrated his power on the battlefield, repelling foreign races and regaining territory, it would be unknown whether the human race's territory would be reduced by a few points, and the human race's border would be lost or even the entire Qi Kingdom would be destroyed.

As for the second thing...

Gu Changhuan sighed, his eyes fell on the unconscious Li Yuan's face, and he silently took a half step back.

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