The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1260 Hiding in Mustard Seeds

Just as the little girl and Qi Emperor were chatting lively, some monks around finally recognized the little girl’s identity, and someone in the crowd said something

“It’s the High Priest Si Ling!

The high priest has come down from the Holy Palace! "

As he spoke, he bowed to Si Ling, the little girl next to Emperor Qi.

At the same time, the rest of the people followed him to worship Si Ling.

Seeing everyone bowing and worshiping, Si Ling turned around and looked at everyone. After saying "no courtesy", he said something in an obscure language. Emperor Qi had not learned this language and could not speak it.

But she had asked Si Ling before, and Si Ling said that this language is an ancient language that can only be learned by high-level priests of their Shangui tribe, but it is not complete. The general meaning of this sentence they often say to their tribe is

"All the believers who have devout faith in the Mountain Ghost have understood that the omnipotent Mountain Ghost will always watch over our clan and protect our clan."

At that time, Emperor Qi thought it was incredible when he heard this. After all, it sounded like this sentence was only three or four words, but it could express so many meanings.

However, when it came to matters of faith, Emperor Qi did not express any doubts about it.

In fact, not only the Mountain Ghost Clan, but also many ethnic groups in the spiritual world have gods or true spirits they believe in. Even the barbarians who were very prosperous a long time ago also have beliefs. They believe in the Wuman God.

After greeting everyone from the Shangui tribe in a certain way, Si Ling took Emperor Qi away from the ground and came to the city composed of connected tree crowns high in the sky.

Different from the lively and prosperous city on the ground of Neeringsen City, the sky city of Neeringsen City has very few people, and most of them are at the top. It is worth mentioning that these top leaders have the lowest cultivation level and are in the middle stage of Void Refining. It can be seen that the Mountain Ghost Clan strength.

Si Ling took Emperor Qi to his small medicine garden without any hindrance, and introduced the elixir he had newly cultivated to Emperor Qi.

She pulled Qi Di and chattered for a long time, as if she didn't know how tired she was.

Emperor Qi was not surprised by Si Ling's childish behavior.

Si Ling was born with a pure and pure mind. It is said that she is the most similar to her ancestors in the mountain ghost clan for thousands of years, so she can practice so quickly. It only takes a few thousand years to reach the Mahayana stage, and despite Si Ling's mind and behavior, she is like a child. She is just like Emperor Qi, a monk with strong fighting skills.

After seeing Si Ling's many flowers and plants, and seeing all the rare gadgets that Si Ling had acquired over the past few hundred years, a day had passed.

At this time, Emperor Qi finally got down to business.

"Xiao Si Ling, I am leaving the human race this time to go to the Southern Continent. I need to use your clan's teleportation array. I wonder if your clan's teleportation array is still in use?"

Si Ling, who had just been talking animatedly for a long time, saw Emperor Qi mentioning the teleportation array, and threw himself into Emperor Qi's arms. He held her waist with his two small hands and acted like a spoiled child in dissatisfaction:

"Sister You, please stay with me for a few more days. It's so boring in this holy palace. Everyone is in seclusion and no one plays with me."

Qi Emperor raised his hand and touched her hair, with a gentle look on his face, but a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Today is different from the past. Now she has advanced to Mahayana as Emperor Qi, and has much more responsibilities than when she was a combined monk under the Mahayana sect. What's more, Qi is surrounded by powerful enemies outside the country and the human race is unpredictable. Naturally, there is not much free time for her to travel and spend time with friends.

"How about you wait for me to come back from the Southern Continent and play with little Si Ling for a few days?"

Qi Di asked with a smile.

Si Ling hugged Emperor Qi's waist, buried his face in Emperor Qi's body and rubbed against him, and finally said in a muffled voice:

"All right!

Sister You must keep your word! "

Emperor Qi smiled and nodded, thinking that when he arrived in the Southern Continent, if he encountered any novelty, he might as well buy it back for little Si Ling to comfort his children.

However, the moment Emperor Qi actually set foot on the Southern Continent, his heart sank.

Thinking of the purpose of her trip, Emperor Qi's heart was filled with dark clouds, but his face did not reveal anything. On a wasteland somewhere, Emperor Qi took out an incense burner and looked at it with a complicated expression.

After a long time, she let out a long sigh, and then used the magic technique. It seemed that she was trying to find something through the incense burner.

As mysterious magic formulas were condensed one after another, the exquisite incense burner made a trembling low sound, and a faint blue light condensed out and directed towards the southeast.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Qi took the incense burner in his arms and without hesitation used the teleportation technique to fly towards the southeast!

After half a year, Emperor Qi kept running around in the southern continent of the spirit world, and finally found some traces of her goal on a cloudless day.

Emperor Qi was seen standing on a barren ruins, looking around, his brows slightly furrowed.

According to the information discovered along the way, this is a battlefield at the junction of the two tribes. Because a top-quality spirit stone vein was discovered at the border of the two tribes, the two tribes have been fighting intermittently for eight years. It’s been a long time.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Emperor Qi.

She didn't come here just for something as perfect as spiritual stones.

But to find someone, to be precise, to retrieve something that that person was carrying.

That kind of thing is very important to her and to Qi Country.

Otherwise, she would not have traveled thousands of miles from the human race to come here.

Strangely, according to the guidance of the secret technique, the person should be nearby, but at this time, Emperor Qi did not notice any trace of the person nearby. There was no cave nearby, only a barren land that had been bombarded by many spell aftermaths, and even the nearby spiritual veins were damaged.

Emperor Qi was confident that her secret technique would not go wrong, but there was no trace here.

She pondered for a while, and suddenly tore open the space here!

Unlike the usual tearing open space teleportation, the vast true essence tore a huge hole in the space here like a rotten wood, and really saw a more secret mustard seed space. Emperor Qi snorted coldly, and under the urging of the true essence, he forced into the mustard seed space.

After entering the mustard seed space, Emperor Qi looked at the scenery in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

Unlike the devastated and wrecked outside, the scenery in this mustard seed space can be said to be very pleasant.

The misty clouds, floating islands, buildings in the glow of the sunset, the blooming spiritual flowers, and the flying spiritual beasts in the secret realm all show how much the owner of this mustard seed space cares about this place.

Faced with this beautiful scenery, Emperor Qi had no expression on his face. He raised his hand, and the Yin-Yang Thunder Method gathered in his palm. With one palm strike, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and even the entire mustard seed space seemed to collapse!

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