The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1275 Wild Mysterious Sand

After hearing Gu Changzong's analysis, both Gu Changzhu and Gu Changze nodded. Gu Changzhu even smiled and said:

"If that's the case, we have to seize the time to practice. After all, we are also old men of the Gu family who are the same generation as Brother Seventeen. We can't lose to the aliens in the war!"

Immortal cultivators also need face. Even if they, the Gu family cultivators, cannot compare to Chang Huan, they will definitely be better than other foreign races!

But if you want to go further, the opportunity to advance to the next level is essential.

As for Gu Changze, although he has advanced to the Void Refining stage, he still needs more high-level spiritual objects for cultivation.

Thinking of this, he looked at the many materials needed for drawing talismans that Gu Changzhu and Gu Changzong had brought out on the table, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

"It seems that you are all well prepared. With these things, I think I will be able to draw the seventh-level spiritual talisman soon;

It's a pity that he is not in the clan at this time, otherwise, he could have exchanged the inheritance of a few more seventh-level spiritual talismans. "

Seeing what Gu Changze said, Gu Changzhu said:

"Although the time away from home is still short, I have already gained a lot. I hope to find more spiritual objects in the wild land next time."

Gu Changze collected the things they took out by category, and then said:

"We still have plenty of time!

Before the family summons us, it is not a bad idea to have been traveling in the wilderness or other places.

You have to wait until the two of you find the opportunity to refine the void or collect enough spiritual stones to buy the opportunity to go home. "

Seeing Gu Changze say this, Gu Changzhu and Gu Changzong felt relieved.

So, half a year later, Gu Changze and three other people prepared everything they needed to enter the wilderness, and then took the flying magic weapon and entered the wilderness.

After traveling eastwards for more than ten days, the scenery in front of them became more and more desolate, and they even encountered mysterious sand and natural dangers. Even the high-level flying magic weapon that Gu Changze and others were riding was strongly disturbed and had to temporarily stop moving forward and land. Avoid temporarily.

The so-called Mysterious Sand looks similar to earthly sandstorms from the outside, but it is not just that simple. The Mysterious Sand can weaken and tear apart the spiritual consciousness of monks, isolate and absorb spiritual energy, and even some monks with fragile bodies can only survive in the Mysterious Sand. If you can't survive even one day with the body-protecting spiritual light, you will be cut into white bones by the mysterious sand.

And the most terrifying thing is that the place and time that the mysterious sand appears each time are not fixed. If you are unlucky, it is possible to encounter a natural disaster of the mysterious sand that lasts for three to five years.

"It's a bad start!"

In the boundless mysterious sand, Gu Changze and others hid in the flying magic weapon. Their spiritual consciousness looked at the mysterious sand outside and sighed.

On the side, Gu Changzhu was checking the jade slips by the bookshelf. He saw him looking at the jade slips and saying:

"Fortunately, Sixth Brother's flying magic weapon is strong enough to resist the mysterious sand.

I read on this jade slip that the mysterious sand on the edge of this barbaric land is not too powerful, and anyone with a cultivation level above Nascent Soul can survive it safely, and it will not last too long. Judging from the existing records. , the longest time is half a year. "

Gu Changzhu said and handed the jade slip to Gu Changze.

Gu Changze nodded after reading it, while on the other side, Gu Changzong was looking at the huge map of the wild land hanging in the hall.

Their current location is still on the edge of the wilderness. If it were not for this mysterious sand, they would have to move forward for no more than half a month before entering the real wilderness.

The environment there is harsh and unsuitable for the reproduction and cultivation of humans and many other races, so many spiritual objects can be preserved to this day. ŴŴŴ.

According to the plan to take care of Nagasawa and others, they will head north after entering the wilderness. There are many volcanic communities there. Because of the harsh natural environment and the difficult roads, not many monks go there.

In particular, the number of human monks in the Land of Spiritual Destruction has dropped sharply in recent years, and the exploration of the wild land has been put on hold. Even if you think you can't collect too many high-level spiritual objects on this trip, ordinary fourth-level and fifth-level items can be collected. There won't be any less.

"If it weren't for this mysterious sand, we would be able to reach the volcanoes in two months."

He said, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

Although he didn't show anything, the attentive Gu Changzhu noticed something. She put down the jade slip and walked to the table and started making tea.

“All good things come hard.

Maybe when the mystery sand stops, we can pick up some rare materials in the mystery sand. "

As Gu Changzhu spoke, the water in the teapot was boiled, and the spiritual spring water bubbled. Gu Changzong smelled the fragrance of tea, and the anxiety in his heart was blown away by the fragrance. He shifted his eyes from the map and sat on the futon beside the tea table. Go up, wait for tea and say at the same time:

“If that’s the case, it’s a blessing.

However, this mysterious sand is indeed worthy of its reputation. As long as our consciousness is exposed to the mysterious sand, it will be as painful as being pricked by needles.

By the way, what do Sixth Brother think? "

It is said that after advancing to the void refining stage, the monk's soul and consciousness will be greatly enhanced. Maybe this mysterious sand in the sky is not a problem for Gu Changze?

Hearing this, Gu Changze, who was taking out snacks, said:

"Same as you, it's just because your spiritual consciousness has increased a lot after advancing, so you can resist for a while longer.

However, this wild land is truly worthy of its reputation. Even the most common mysterious sand is troublesome even to the god-forming and void-refining monks, let alone various other natural disasters.

No wonder that thousands of years have passed in the spiritual world, and the barbaric land is still a land without an owner. In such an environment, even if there is a formation to protect it, the spiritual veins cannot withstand the formation to absorb spiritual energy.

I don’t know how these things are formed, it’s so tricky. "

Gu Changzhu raised his hand to pour tea, shook his head and smiled.

“Perhaps even the Mahayana ancestors don’t know these things, right?

The environment in these places is harsh, but the barbarians can survive and reproduce in them. This shows how powerful the barbarians were back then. If they had not caused civil strife, I am afraid that the spiritual world today would be completely different. "

She said with a bit of sigh.

Gu Changzong nodded in agreement while holding the tea cup.

Gu Changze had seen more jade slips when he was in the family, and he introduced:

"Legend has it that the barbarians are born physically stronger, even stronger than the monsters. In addition, like the human race, they are mentally sound and able to practice martial arts for more than ten years after they are born. This is equivalent to everyone having dual cultivation of law and body, and also has some racial talents. With magical powers on his body, he is naturally invincible.

It's a pity that after the barbarians fell apart, many of the barbarian heritages were destroyed, so that even people in the spirit world don't know the barbarians in detail now.

Although it is said that there are still branches of the barbarians living in seclusion in some places in the spiritual world, they are not as powerful as when the barbarians were the most powerful. They are not even the same barbarians. "

Gu Changze said, his expression moved slightly,

"It seems like something is coming."

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