The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1345: First entry into the ruins

According to the Tongxiantu, Gu Changhuan's current location is an eighth-level middle-grade spiritual vein.

Behind Gu Changhuan is an arc-shaped mountain that blocks out the sun and sky, and in front of him are jagged mountains, with many kinds of fierce beasts and strange beasts, and relatively speaking, there are also many high-level spiritual medicines and spiritual objects.

He looked at the map in front of him, zoomed in and out, and after remembering the terrain and spiritual objects within a thousand miles, summoned Qing Tu Mo Lin, Kong Yao and Xiao Hua Jing.

After summoning several spiritual beasts, Gu Changhuan pointed to several routes on the map,

"You guys go separately, and gather the seventh-level and eighth-level spiritual objects on these routes. Remember to do what you can, and never fight with other fierce beasts.

You carry these talismans with you, as well as this thousand-mile teleportation talisman. Use them when you are in danger, don't save them for me.

I'll give you three days. I'll take the route with the most fierce beasts in the east. After you collect all the spiritual medicines and spiritual objects in the range, come to this place to find me."

Gu Changhuan said, and clicked on the map.

Mo Lin and several other spirit beasts nodded, indicating that they understood.

They were very familiar with this kind of thing, even the little flower fairy who had never experienced it before was eager to try it.

She could help her brother!

Although helping Gu Changhuan deal with the cave and some chores before was considered helping her brother, this was different!

Gu Changhuan saw the little flower fairy's excited face, hesitated for a while, and still gave a few instructions,

"Huahua must be careful and hide your tracks.

If the situation is not right, run quickly."

He thought about it, and stuffed another thousand-mile teleportation talisman into the little flower fairy. Tianlai Novel Network

Mo Lin and others saw this and had no temper at all.

After all, the little flower fairy, such a cute little monster, looks easy to be bullied, so it is reasonable to carry more treasures.

As for the fact that the little flower fairy is very good at hiding because its body is a plant spirit and it is difficult for the body to be seriously injured, they directly chose to forget it.

Soon, several spirit beasts chose their own directions, recorded the map, and flew away with the spirit objects and storage magic tools given by Gu Changhuan.

After Gu Changhuan calmed down, he rushed towards the east where there were the most fierce beasts and spirit objects!

While flying, he refined the elixir to restore his true essence, and did not forget to analyze the origin of the ruins of the barbarian god.

If this place is where the Fengling branch of the barbarian tribe lives, there should be things like city buildings, right?

Or large areas of spiritual fields.

The cities and other things built by the cultivators should not be worn too much after 20,000 years, right?

If the building materials are very good.

Moreover, Gu Changhuan guessed that the Fengling tribe had a high status among the barbarians, and there might be many good things in the city.

If he could find the main city of the Fengling barbarian tribe in this secret realm, he would be rich.

Unfortunately, there was no record of this secret realm in the records of Zhen Lingzi, and now Gu Changhuan could only explore slowly.

Fortunately, there is the helper of Tongxiantu. Tongxiantu has a wider range of detection than Gu Changhuan's own spiritual sense, which can increase Gu Changhuan's chance of finding the Fengling Barbarian City.

Just as Gu Changhuan was looking for spiritual objects and the Fengling City; the Barbarian Mahayana who knew more about the Barbarian God Ruins took the rough map in his hand and fled quickly in a certain direction of the Barbarian God Ruins.

As the most mysterious branch of the Barbarians, the Fengling tribe has a very high status in the Barbarians. Twenty thousand years ago, even some Barbarian Mahayana did not know much about them. Only those strong and powerful Barbarian Mahayana could communicate with the Fengling Barbarians at will.

But even so, there are still some magical descriptions and legends. It is said that the Fengling tribe is a tribe that serves the Barbarian God believed in by the Barbarians, and can even communicate and summon the Barbarian God.

As the god believed in by the Barbarians, the Barbarian God is naturally omnipotent and can destroy the world with a wave of his hand.

There is even a legend that the reason why the barbarians went from prosperity to decline more than 20,000 years ago was because the barbarian gods no longer protected the barbarians.

Of course, not many barbarian monks believe this statement.

At the same time, on the other side, Hua Wu has contacted Chen Ye through some means and tried every means to get together.

After all, they don’t know much about this secret realm. Facing the unknown, it is better to get together to resist risks.

Fortunately, the couple is not far apart. It only took two days to successfully meet, and it was because they were delayed a lot along the way. If they were unlucky, they would be far apart from the beginning, and it would be extremely difficult to get together.

After Chen Ye and Hua Wu met, they exchanged the information they had collected.

"This secret realm should be very large and of high grade. I have seen many seventh- and eighth-grade spiritual veins along the way, and the lowest is fifth-grade;

The most important thing is that I did not see any other cultivators, and I did not get any useful information from searching the souls of several fierce beasts."

Hua Wu stood in front of a huge rock, and while speaking, he drew what he saw when he came and a rough map on the rock.

Chen Ye listened carefully, and waited until Hua Wu finished speaking before saying:

"The situation I have explored here is almost the same as what my sister said;

So sister, I think our chance has come.

This secret realm is so large, maybe there will be a ninth-grade spiritual vein. Generally, the probability of having a great opportunity in a secret realm is much greater than that in the outside world.

As long as we can find a ninth-grade spiritual vein, maybe my sister can get what she wants!"

Chen Ye said, his eyes became more determined.

Hua Wu heard this, but sighed and said:

"This is what I am most worried about."

Chen Ye was puzzled.

"If there is a Mahayana opportunity in this secret realm, then it will definitely attract Mahayana cultivators, or even more than one.

We entered the secret realm on the fifth day after it was opened. Although we don't know how far the location we were randomly teleported to is from the core of the secret realm, judging from the fact that we haven't seen any cultivators in the past two days, there should be many cultivators ahead of us.

And if there are Mahayana cultivators coming, our chances will be even smaller.

It is even possible that just approaching will lead to death."

Hua Wu's words directly made Chen Ye sweat coldly on his back.

Yes, he didn't think so much before, but was just confused by the possible Mahayana opportunity.

"Then we can only search on the eighth-level spirit vein?"

Chen Ye was a little unwilling.

Although the trip to the Earth Abyss was rewarding, it was still too difficult to successfully break through relying solely on the experience of Mahayana advancement.

But even if the two of them joined forces, they could not defeat half a finger of the Mahayana cultivator.

Not to mention that they were suppressed at this moment.

Hua Wu thought for a while and said:

"The most important thing now is to find out whether there are any cultivator caves or city buildings in this secret realm while searching for spiritual objects.

If there are, the Mahayana cultivators will definitely gather in these places, and we just need to avoid them.

If not, we can only be vigilant at all times."

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