The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1364: The Nirvana Thunder Pond and the Pond Pearl

At the same time, not only Qi Emperor and Dongshen were the only Mahayana monks who were interested in the ninth-level spiritual veins, but Wu Qi and others were also casting spells or scanning with their spiritual consciousness, trying to find the source of the abnormal movement of the spiritual veins. .

However, without the help of a map and other means, it is not easy to find the Fengling Barbarian Clan's city.

On the contrary, Dong Shen, who knew the specific direction of the incident through the news given by Qi Emperor, got a big advantage.

It's a coincidence that the cave god came and went in a hurry, heading straight in the direction of the Fengling barbarian city. He didn't pay too much attention to the movements around him, so he didn't know that where he passed, there was a human monk who was an early-stage integration monk. Spying in secret and pretending to be dead.

And this human monk in the early stage of integration was none other than Gu Changhuan.

Originally, Gu Changhuan was just on his way to find the next spiritual object, but unexpectedly, another Mahayana monk appeared on the Immortal Map. Before he had time to think about it, the Mahayana monk walked away, and he didn't know if he had been spotted. .

However, looking at the whereabouts of this Mahayana monk, he is much faster than the previous one. Could it be because of the previous vibration of his spiritual veins?

Gu Changhuan thought so, gritted his teeth, and ignored the eighth-level spiritual object that he had not yet obtained, but turned around and fled in the direction of the Mahayana monk.

Five days, at most five days. If you haven't found anything in five days, just ignore it and continue to use the Immortal Chart to find scattered spiritual objects.

Gu Changhuan thought so and fled underground quickly.

However, no matter how fast, the speed of the combined monks is still incomparable to that of the Mahayana monks. The Cave God disappeared from the Immortal Map and never appeared again. Gu Changhuan flew for three days in a row and still did not find any city buildings, etc., but I accidentally discovered a spiritual pool of excellent quality.

The spiritual pool discovered by Gu Changhuan is called "Nirvana Thunder Pool".

Gu Changhuan once saw records about this kind of spiritual pool in the classics. It is said that the Nirvana Thunder Pool is regarded as a holy pool by the demon clan, because the Nirvana Thunder Pool can strengthen blood. If you practice in it for a long time, there is a chance that it will mutate. Of course, It can also be called returning to the ancestors and awakening the true spirit bloodline.

And if monks from other ethnic groups enter this pool, they can also increase their talents.

Just like the legendary true spiritual phoenix, it becomes more powerful after rebirth. This is the origin of "Nirvana".

As for the "Thunder Pond", this spiritual pond is not really a thunder pond, but monks immersed in it will feel pain like being struck by lightning, and it is not only the physical body that suffers "thunder strike", but even the spiritual consciousness and soul will also suffer. The pain is as painful as a lightning strike. This kind of pain cannot be avoided and can only be resisted with perseverance.

However, the monks cannot strengthen their physical body or spiritual essence through this "lightning strike". What they can only increase is their illusory "talent".

But for many monks, it is unknown whether they will discover their talents in their lifetime. Even if they are enhanced, it may be useless work;

Unless they have a spiritual body themselves or are swordsmen and phantom cultivators, even if such people enter the Nirvana Spiritual Pool, it is just the icing on the cake.

This situation makes Nirvana Thunder Pool not so popular among the human race.

But for Gu Changhuan, the more things like spiritual pools, the better. Even if they are not widely used, it doesn’t matter. When the Gu family becomes stronger in the future, they can use this thing to trade with the demon clan!

Or it can be used as a spiritual beast for family monks, which can also increase the overall strength of the Gu family!

Don’t mistake spiritual beasts for their fighting power!

Gu Changhuan thought this as he slowly fell to the Nirvana Pool.

Perhaps because the Nirvana Pool would bring pain to the creatures that entered it, there were no fierce beasts or other guardians around the Nirvana Pool, which made it easier for Gu Changhuan to move the pool.

The Nirvana Pool here is on the top of a mountain, and it looks like a hot spring generated by volcanic activity;

Just looking around, the surface of the pool stretches for hundreds of miles. Although it is full of water vapor, there are no birds, and the lifeless and lifeless look can be said to be very strange.

After making sure that no one was around, Gu Changhuan moved his hands and spells, setting up a restraint to prevent his movement of the pool from attracting anyone's attention before he started to move the spiritual pool.

Moving the spirit pool is naturally a piece of cake for Gu Changhuan now; he no longer even needs the assistance of formations, and it only took him a quarter of an hour to capture the Nirvana Thunder Pool.

Gu Changhuan, who had occupied another storage bracelet, scanned the storage ring with his consciousness and murmured to himself:

“I really used a lot of storage bracelets this time.

Fortunately, we usually have enough reserves, otherwise we would have to refine it on site, which would take a lot of time. "

Gu Changhuan said, put away the storage bracelet, and when he turned to leave, he glanced at the Tongxian Diagram out of habit, and then paused.

He looked at the huge, moist pit, touched his chin, and scanned it with his consciousness. Sure enough, he found a round, translucent sky-blue crystal the size of a human head in the center of the pit.

"Pick one, get one free, not bad."

This sky-blue crystal is the bead of the Nirvana Thunder Pond. Its specific function is similar to that of the spring crystal, but I didn't expect it to be so big.

Gu Changhuan waved his hand and took Chi Zhu into his hand. He immediately felt pain all over his body, inside and outside.

To be honest, when Gu Changhuan's cultivation level was low, he also used the spirit tempering plate to hone his physical body and true essence, etc. At that time, he experienced heartbreaking pain, but he didn't expect that the beads of the Nirvana Thunder Pool would bring him The pain was even worse.

Can this thing really be widely used?

Gu Changhuan thought about it, shuddered, and put the item away separately.

No matter what, it is a good thing after all.

After that, Gu Changhuan continued to embark on the unknown road of pursuing the mystery.

But he didn't expect that he would meet another Mahayana cultivator after flying for half a day.

But this Mahayana cultivator was obviously not as clear-minded as the one he met before. Although he was still far away from Gu Changhuan, he could tell from the edge of the Tongxiantu that he would enter from time to time that this person was probably like Gu Changhuan a few days ago, confused, and had no idea where to start if he wanted to find the source of the spiritual vein vibration. ŴŴŴ.

Gu Changhuan thought so, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

If he didn't have the Tongxiantu in his hand, he would probably still be confused and couldn't find so many high-level spiritual objects.

After all, no matter what treasure-hunting spiritual beast, it is not as good as the Tongxiantu.

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