The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1406: Reporting and explaining the exercises

On the other side, Gu Changhuan was very leisurely.

In the next few days, people came to greet Gu Changhuan one after another, mostly juniors like Gu Qingqing.

As for Gu Changhuan's brothers and elders, they are still cultivating, and most of them are unaware of Gu Changhuan's recent movements.

Most of these juniors had relied on Gu Ranran, otherwise they would have been completely unaware at this moment.

On this day, Gu Changhuan was instructing Gu Haomian on how to practice the Chaos Spirit Art, and Gu Haoxiao happened to come.

Gu Haoxiao had only met Gu Changhuan once before, so naturally he came here to deliver the task Gu Changhuan had given him before.

But he didn't expect to see Gu Haomian here.

Because they were still familiar with each other, Gu Haomian nodded slightly to Gu Haoxiao as a greeting.

In return, Gu Haoxiao nodded and smiled very naturally, which was regarded as a response.

Little did he know that Gu Haomian was quite surprised to see Gu Haoxiao out of the blue. He was a little surprised when he saw Gu Haoxiao handing the two jade slips to Gu Changhuan.

You must have received some mission from your great-uncle, right?

After Gu Changhuan received the jade slip in his hand, he scanned it with his consciousness and found that although the styles of the various patterns recorded in it were different, they were all commendable. He couldn't help but nod secretly, and was quite satisfied with the efficiency and results of Gu Haoxiao's work. .

"Well, this was done well.

Is there any reward you want? "

Gu Changhuan asked.

Gu Hao smiled brightly and scratched his head. Judging from his appearance, he was really a bright and cheerful boy.

Even if he is standing opposite Gu Changhuan, who looks like a young man, his aura is completely different.

Although Gu Changhuan looked at Yun Danfengqing with a gentle smile on his face, there was always a feeling in his movements that he would take action if he disagreed with her.

Even the slightly raised eyes sometimes bring a strong sense of oppression.

It is the posture of a high-level monk and a superior.

In comparison, Gu Haoxiao was much harmless.

But whether it is truly harmless is open to question.

At this moment, the harmless-looking Gu Hao smiled and scratched his nose in embarrassment, then cupped his hands and said:

"I don't dare to seek reward from my uncle for trivial matters. I just hope that if my uncle has a similar simple job in the future, he will give me Haoxiao's orders."

When Gu Changhuan saw this, he saw him smile and then waved his hand for him to sit down.

Gu Changhuan never liked to be indoors when giving instructions on exercises or solving problems. He always felt that talking in the room was unusually depressing, so he often stayed somewhere in the garden.

This moment was no exception, he and Gu Haomian were sitting under a huge banyan tree.

Although this season is not the flower season, the banyan tree branches are lush and lush. Sitting under them and just waiting for the wind to pass by, the rustling sound falls on people's ears, which is very interesting.

When Gu Haoxiao saw this, his heart almost jumped with joy, but he still sat down according to his uncle's instructions.

But after sitting down, listening to the sound of the wind rustling the leaves, and the sound of Gu Changhuan instructing Gu Haomian and analyzing the exercises, my heart suddenly calmed down.

Gu Haomian has now advanced to become a god. After advanced to become a god, the exercises and formulas of the Chaos Ten Thousand Spirit Art are obscure. In the past, there were two exercises that Gu Haomian himself studied and thought about for a long time but couldn't fully understand, so he came to look for them. Gu Changhuan gave instructions.

Facing this tribesman who was like half of his apprentice, Gu Changhuan naturally would not refuse, but he didn't expect that halfway through the explanation, Gu Haoxiao, who originally said he would come back in half a month, would come seven days early.

Gu Haoxiao, the younger generation, was also interesting. He showed his intention to please straightforwardly and didn't feel any embarrassment at all.

Gu Changhuan doesn't dislike such a tolerant junior either.

That's why he was asked to sit temporarily and listen to him explaining the exercises to Gu Haoxiao.

As for how much he can benefit from it, it depends on the kid himself.

Under the banyan tree, there was originally one person explaining and the other listening, but gradually it became one person explaining and two people meditating; their eyes were sometimes confused and sometimes bright, and they listened intently to Gu Changhuan's explanation and extended explanation without leaving a single word. Tao, feeling quite intoxicated.

It wasn't until the sun was high that Gu Changhuan ended his explanation.

But Gu Haomian and Gu Haoxiao were still deep in thought.

About a quarter of an hour later, the two of them came to their senses. By this time, Gu Changhuan had already finished a cup of tea.

Don't tell me, after talking for so long, your mouth will really become dry.

Seeing the two people coming back to their senses, Gu Chang smiled and asked casually:

"From the looks of it, you two have known each other before?"

The two looked at each other, and Gu Haomian, who was more familiar with Gu Changhuan, nodded and explained:

"My brother Haoxiao and I are not very different in age. We are of the same generation and came from the same city, so we have known each other for quite some time.

It's just because the grandson is lazy and doesn't like liveliness, so he doesn't move around so lively. "

Gu Hao smiled and nodded in agreement, but what he was thinking in his heart was that his clan brother didn't like the excitement, but he just didn't like people disturbing his rare sleep time after practicing.

Gu Haoxiao, on the other hand, has always been restless and likes to socialize; the difference in personality between him and Gu Haomian is clearly reflected in their names.

But now that the Gu family monks are so big, even acquaintances with each other are a rare fate.

Not to mention that Gu Haoxiao and Gu Haomian actually don't hate each other, but their daily styles are different, so it's difficult to share the same channel.

But it is still possible to contact each other occasionally or if there is anything we need help with, just let each other know and come to help.

Gu Changhuan smiled as expected when he saw the two of them.

“The same rice can feed hundreds of people, this saying is indeed true.

But even though you have different personalities, you all have your own strengths, which is great.

It would also be a good thing if every member of my Gu family could find an area in which they are good at and work hard to grow in it.

It's a pity that it is difficult for even immortal cultivators to try to overcome such things as talent. "

Gu Haomian nodded in agreement and whispered:

"What's more, sometimes talents and hobbies may not be the same, which is troublesome to think about."

Although his voice was not loud, immortal cultivators have sharp ears and eyes, so Gu Changhuan and Gu Haoxiao naturally heard it.

I saw Gu Hao smiling here,

"I don't know about others. Brother Haomian's hobbies and talents must be different."

Gu Haomian thought for a moment and couldn't help but laugh.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, I'm pretty good at sleeping. I once won the first place in the Gu family's 'Longest Sleep' contest!"

Gu Changhuan's eyebrows skipped a beat, thinking he had heard wrongly.

What game?

A competition to see who sleeps longer?

The extracurricular activities of the Gu family monks are pretty good...


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