The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1413 Transplanting Spiritual Plants and Tengwu

Gu Changhuan calculated the time and felt that he would have to retreat for at least a hundred years. Of course, this hundred years refers to one year in the outside world, and if it is in the Xuantian Tower, it is a thousand years.

In the outside world, a hundred years should not have any earth-shattering changes.

Gu Changhuan thought so and sent a message to the main peak to explain his retreat. If there is no shocking change in the Spiritual Destruction Land during the retreat, don't disturb him.

Of course, if the formation of the Spiritual Destruction Land is suddenly broken, or someone advances to the Mahayana stage, it will be a shocking event.

And the Mitian Realm has been open for nearly a hundred years, it is time to close it; Gu Changhuan can also clean up the Xuantian Tower when it is closed.

After entering the Xuantian Tower again, Gu Changhuan took the lead in integrating the small piece of the ninth-level spiritual vein that he cut into the Xuantian Tower spiritual vein.

Fusion of spiritual veins is not a trivial matter, but fortunately Gu Changhuan is also quite experienced in this matter, and soon merged a small piece of the ninth-level spiritual vein with the previous eighth-level spiritual vein.

Then he turned around and looked around the Xuantian Tower, took out a piece of paper and began to plan where to plant so many high-level spiritual plants.

Although Gu Changhuan exchanged most of the gains from the Barbarian God Ruins and the trip to the Earth Abyss to the Gu family, the ones he kept in his hands were undoubtedly the best of the best.

Including a lot of ninth-level spiritual plants and eighth-level spiritual plants, etc.

Gu Changhuan kept all those that Gu Changhuan often used, such as those that could enhance physical strength.

As for the ninth-level spiritual objects, even if the Gu family cultivators can use them now, they cannot be planted outside, after all, the spiritual veins of the Guyuan Mountains are only eighth-level.

After returning to the Xuantian Tower, the spirit beasts were obviously much more comfortable. Although the spirit beast ring prepared by Gu Changhuan for them had a large space and the nest was very comfortable, there was no spiritual vein, nor large areas of spiritual fruits that could be eaten at any time.

After the little flower spirit circled around its body, it jumped over to watch Gu Changhuan draw pictures. While busy, Gu Changhuan remembered another thing that Huahua might be able to help.

Gu Changhuan took out the box of Jianmu seeds, showed it to Huahua, and asked:

"Huahua, how long do you think this seed can last?"

Huahua stretched her head to look at the huge Jianmu seed, and said, "Wow":

"This is a very powerful seed!

Although the seed is not very active, if it can be planted, it must be a very powerful seedling.

Huahua thinks this seed is so powerful that even if it is not planted well, it can last for a long time!

But why doesn't brother plant it?"

Because the little flower fairy is a plant spirit, her concept of time has always been extraordinary. The long time she said should really be a long time.

It can last at least a thousand years!

Hearing the little flower fairy say this, Gu Changhuan felt relieved.

Then he explained:

"Brother is worried that planting this seed will absorb too much spiritual energy from the Xuantian Tower, so that other flowers and plants will have no spiritual energy to use."

After listening to Gu Changhuan's words, the little flower fairy nodded in sudden realization,

"Indeed, if this seed wants to grow like a flower, it needs to absorb a lot of spiritual energy!"

Gu Changhuan smiled and put away the Jianmu seeds again.

After planning where various high-level spiritual medicines should be planted, Gu Changhuan took out all the storage bracelets containing high-level spiritual medicines and started planting.

As for some eighth-level and ninth-level spiritual objects that have more stringent requirements on the environment, the natural environment can be transformed through formations.

Of course, there are still relatively few such spiritual objects. Most spiritual plants can grow freely as long as there is sufficient spiritual energy.

As long as there are no cultivators or monsters digging up the roots and digging the ground, they will not die easily.

There are even fewer spiritual medicines like the Enlightenment Fruit that self-destruct at the slightest disagreement.

As an eighth-level alchemist, Gu Changhuan was naturally very skilled in transplanting spiritual plants. In less than half a day, he had planted all of them.

"Fortunately, there were not many high-level spiritual plants in the Xuantian Tower, otherwise it would be a big project.

The water area has doubled again, and there are quite a few aquatic spiritual creatures harvested this time."

After finishing his work, Gu Changhuan sighed as he looked at the many colorful spiritual plants in front of him.

Most of what Gu Changhuan left behind were high-level spiritual plants, various minerals and spiritual jades, and he only left a small part for future use.

There were also various beast materials, half of which Gu Changhuan exchanged, and the remaining half was the food for Mo Lin and the others, as well as the materials needed for his own alchemy and equipment recovery.

For Gu Changhuan, the most important beast material was undoubtedly the beast essence and blood. As long as it was refined, Gu Changhuan could immediately increase his fighting power!

However, before retreating, he still had to refine some pills.

Gu Changhuan thought so, and took a bite of an eighth-level spiritual fruit in his hand.

Turning his head, Gu Changhuan saw his small bamboo house.

This bamboo house has been in Xuantian Tower for tens of thousands of years. Although he has been carefully maintaining it, it is just built with ordinary low-level spiritual bamboo. It seems that it should be demolished and rebuilt after persisting until now.

But what kind of house should be built?

Gu Changhuan took another bite of the spiritual fruit, looked at a few spiritual beasts, and a light bulb flashed in his mind.

Why not make a house that can be used by a few spiritual beasts!

As for the materials...

The round-leaf vine harvested from the Barbarian God Ruins is very suitable.

This kind of spiritual vine has high toughness and hard texture. It was originally often used to refine armor or net-like spiritual treasures.

It is not impossible to use it to build houses, but it is too wasteful.

Gu Changhuan thought so, and the light blades in his hands gathered. He walked to the tall rockery where the spiritual vines were planted. After a few flashes of knife light, all these round-leaved vines were cut off by Gu Changhuan from the roots.

This kind of spiritual vine has a good growth ability. It is estimated that in the Xuantian Tower, it will grow nearly 100 meters of new vines in five or six hundred years.

And the shortest spiritual vines in Gu Changhuan's hands are also a thousand meters long.

"It seems that I have to refine it a little bit."

Gu Changhuan looked at the dark green vines in his hands and found a lot of various spiritual ores.

However, most of these spiritual ores are raw ores. If you want to use them, you have to add another step of stone breaking.

Building a house is indeed troublesome.

Gu Changhuan said so, put these ores aside, waved his hand to call a few spiritual beasts, and asked them what kind of house they wanted.

Seeing that Gu Changhuan was going to build a cave for them, several spirit beasts were very excited and started to talk and discuss.

Gu Changhuan listened to their ideas and started to cut stones.

After hearing Mo Lin say that he wanted a golden and shiny snake nest, Gu Changhuan took out various minerals with low grades but bright colors that were left in his storage ring.

As for Qingtu, Qingtu only said that he wanted a comfortable fox cave. Gu Changhuan thought about it and planned to refine a large cat bed for it, and add some log decorations;

Kong Yao liked Gu Changhuan's idea of ​​​​the rattan house very much, but just added a few small requirements of his own, which was not a big deal;

And the little flower fairy also rarely put forward opinions, saying that she wanted an underwater style house. Maybe she felt that the underwater scenery was unusual, so she liked it very much!

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