The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1421: Mitian Realm Closed (1/2)

Here, Gu Ranjing and Gu Fengyin left the stage side by side, and Gu Ranling and others from the audience came over.

Seeing Gu Fengyin and Gu Ranjing chatting and laughing, Gu Ranling paused slightly. By the time a few people gathered, Gu Fengyin and Gu Ranjing were already so good that they were holding hands.

"Oh, uncle Xiaozu is here today!"

Gu Fengyin's eyes lit up and he stepped forward to meet him.

Gu Ranling didn't come every day, and even when he came, he spent most of the time watching the battle. After all, with his overly cautious character, he would basically not end the battle without being completely sure.

Gu Ranling and Gu Fengsan both smiled and nodded. Then Gu Ranling looked at Gu Ranjing, and Gu Fengyin introduced with a smile:

"You've seen the competition just now, this little aunt is amazing!

I just invited my little aunt to join our small gathering, and we had a lively evening.

By the way, where is Feng Du?

Didn't he leave seclusion a few days ago, and he didn't come to see me compete today? "

Gu Fengyin kept talking a lot, and finally snorted slightly.

Gu Fengsan quickly explained:

"Brother Fengdu went to prepare things for the evening party.

Sister Feng Yin, are your injuries okay? I have elixirs here..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Fengyin waved his hand and said generously: Tianlai Novel Network

"It's a small injury, it just looks scary.

My little aunt is measured in her actions.

Now that the wounds have healed, the rest will be fine after I go back to retreat for a few days to recuperate. "

Having said this, Gu Fengyin lowered his head and glanced at his stomach.

Needless to say, a palm-sized blood splatter suddenly appeared on the white dress, which was indeed very dazzling to look at.

Here Gu Ranjing touched her nose sheepishly.

In a martial arts competition, even if you hit the target, you can easily get injured. She tried her best to control herself, otherwise it would be difficult for Gu Fengyin to step off the stage today.

Seeing this, Gu Ranling raised his hand and knocked Gu Fengsan on the head, causing Gu Fengsan to cry out in pain, but the culprit raised his hand and said to Gu Ranjing:

“Children can’t speak, don’t blame me clan members.

I'm Gu Ranling, a fourth-level formation mage. I just saw that the clan sister's sword formation was very mysterious. Could it be that the clan sister also has some research on the formation? "

Seeing that there were peers among these people, Gu Ranjing smiled slightly and replied:

"I only know a little bit about it, but I can't compare to my brother from the Ling clan."

On the other side, Gu Fengsan, who had been knocked on the head, was holding his head and muttering in a very low voice:

"Who are you talking about a child?

Have you ever seen children who are hundreds of years old...

You can't just call him a child if he looks like a child...

I’m almost condensing my soul..."

Gu Fengyin heard his complaint and reached out to touch Gu Fengsan's big head. After feeling it was not enough, he patted it twice more as comfort.

"Well, when you advance to Nascent Soul and reshape your body and transform yourself into a ten-foot-tall giant, no one will call you a child."

she said narrowly.

Gu Fengsan couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, which made Gu Fengyin laugh again.

The four of them left Zhan Peak while talking and laughing.

At the same time, Gu Changyu was inspecting and cleaning the Mitian Mirror.

At this time, in the Mitian Realm, which is the Xuantian Tower, there are no other monks except Gu Changhuan and Gu Changyu.

Even those Wulinggen monks who had been in seclusion in the Mitian Realm were dismissed. As for the reason, it was naturally because the Mitian Realm had been open to the outside world for more than a hundred years, and it was time to close it down and accumulate spiritual energy.

This is what the Gu family said to many monks.

As for the real reason, it's more complicated.

But no matter what, the Mitian Realm has been closed for fifty years. During this period, Gu Changyu's burden can be lighter.

After completing the inspection, Gu Changyu came to Gu Changhuan's side.

Then he was startled by the many high-level spiritual plants.

"Good guy, no wonder the spiritual energy in Xuantian Tower suddenly surged in the past few years. It turned out to be to cultivate these high-level spiritual beings!

But where did Brother Seventeen get so many ninth-level spiritual plants? "

Gu Changyu was puzzled.

Then he soon discovered that the bamboo building Gu Changhuan had built before had also disappeared, and he was shocked again.

After scanning with his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that Gu Changhuan had refined a new vine house and hung it on the tall spiritual tree, which was very strange.

"As expected of Brother Seventeen, he always surprises."

Gu Changyu sighed, and suddenly a voice came from behind

"Why was I unexpected?"

It was Gu Changhuan.

Gu Changyu was so frightened that he suddenly became excited, then turned around and looked at Gu Changhuan, and said in a voice that was about to burst into tears:

"Brother Seventeen, people who scare ghosts will scare them to death. I've already died once, and I don't want to die a second time."

Gu Changhuan, who had finished clearing the turbid air in his body, saw this, rubbed his fingers, and said sheepishly:

“I didn’t expect to scare you.

Why, why do you have time to come here today to take a look? "

You must know that as an elder who guards and manages Mitian Realm, Gu Changyu rarely has any free time.

Gu Changyu breathed a sigh of relief and explained:

"Isn't it time? The Mitian Realm is temporarily closed to the outside world.

My burden has been relieved a little, so I came over to take a look.

If possible, stay in seclusion for a longer period of time to improve your cultivation. "

Hearing what Gu Changyu said, Gu Changhuan felt a little guilty for no reason.

Many of the burdens on Gu Changyu should be his responsibility...

Looking at Gu Changyu who had been helping him share responsibilities and worked hard for thousands of years, Gu Changhuan was somewhat moved, and then asked:

"What pills do you need recently?

Brother Seventeen will refine it for you! "

Hearing this, Gu Changyu's eyes lit up and he reported the names of several pills.

Gu Changhuan took note of it carefully and waved his hand.

"Don't worry, these elixirs can be refined in less than a year."

After communicating with each other, Gu Changyu went to work again.

As for Gu Changhuan, he naturally wants to refine the elixir for Gu Changyu. After completing the elixir, he will continue to practice.

Now that all the turbid energy in his body has been cleared, there is no obstacle to his cultivation and advancement.

With the closure of Mitian Realm, many high-level monks of the Gu family ended their retreat.

After Feng Yidao returned to his residence, he saw the communication talismans piled up in front of the cave door, waved his hand to put them away, and carefully looked at the communication jade slips while walking into the cave.

After seeing the messenger talisman issued by the clan that recorded the news of the Nirvana Thunder Pond, Feng Yida paused.

"A spiritual pool that can enhance the monk's talent and bloodline?

Never heard of it before.

If it's true, there's no harm in going there. "

Just when Feng Yidao was about to go to the Sutra Pavilion to check the information on the Nirvana Pool, Gu Xuanzhan, Gu Wanhao and other people with spirit beasts had already brought their contribution belts and spirit beasts to the Nirvana Pool.

On the other side, there are also many people who come to Linbaofeng to exchange for innate magic weapons or various high-level spiritual objects.

There are even some people who come here for the opportunity of becoming a god or refining the void, thinking of taking advantage of this wave of east wind to take a further step on the road to immortality.

As for the chance of merging...

You must know that although there are many cultivators in the Gu family now, most of them are still in the early or middle stages of cultivating the void. As for the cultivators in the late stage of the cultivating the void, the only one who can be counted is Elder Keqing Zhong Shi.

Under such circumstances, naturally not many cultivators would inquire about the chance of merging.

But they must have never imagined that the Gu family now not only has many opportunities to unite, but also has more than one Mahayana opportunity.

Of course, so far, only Gu Changhuan, Gu Changyu, Mo Lin and other spiritual beasts know about this matter.

Neither Gu Changhuan nor Gu Changyu would reveal this matter.

After all, this is about the lives of tens of billions of mortal monks in the Gu family.

At about the same time, the western end of the human race in the spiritual world was extremely far away from the land of spiritual destruction.

As the largest immortal cultivating force in the spiritual world, the Qi Kingdom covers more than tens of thousands of miles from south to north. This vast territory includes various landforms, and countless spiritual veins support hundreds of millions of immortal cultivators.

Because of its large territory, it is also the human race force with the largest border area with foreign races.

Probably because most of the high-level monks in the spiritual world are ambitious, there is rarely peace that lasts for thousands of years on the border of Qi Kingdom.

Even if there is no racial or ethnic war, there will still be some minor frictions.

In this case, most of the monks in the Qi Kingdom are good at fighting and relatively united. In times of emergency, they can also obey the orders and dispatches of Emperor Qi of the Qi Kingdom better. Unlike the subordinates of other sects, they are always good at doing things in a submissive manner but not doing their best. etc.

As the most powerful monk in the Qi Kingdom, Emperor Qi spent her daily life in seclusion or fighting against the foreign Mahayana. The most important thing for her to spend her time on was to train another Mahayana monk for the Qi Kingdom.

There are many fused monks in the Qi Kingdom, and there are even several monks who are in the late stages of merging. As long as there is a Mahayana opportunity, they will soon be ready to advance to the Mahayana. Unfortunately, the opportunity to fuse is not so easy to come by, even though the Mahayana monks in the Qi Kingdom had many years ago. I have explored the ruins of the Barbarian God, and have been looking for Mahayana opportunities since then, but unfortunately, after so many years, I have only found two Mahayana opportunities.

After the death of the previous Qi Emperor, the foreign races around the Qi Kingdom took advantage of the situation and attacked. The current Qi Emperors Yan Wuyou and Yan Wuyan simultaneously retreated to attack the Mahayana, consuming these two Mahayana opportunities.

Yan Wuyou successfully advanced to the Mahayana and became Qi Emperor, but Yan Wuyan was seriously injured due to the failure of his plot to advance to the Mahayana. He spent more than three hundred years in seclusion in the Qi Kingdom's Cave Heaven Paradise before he recovered.

As for things like spiritual plants and spiritual objects that can condense Mahayana opportunities, although Qi Kingdom has them, the growth cycle of these things is too long, and they will not be useful for a while.

Now, in order to give Qi Kingdom another Mahayana monk, and in order to further improve his cultivation, Emperor Qi once again entered the ruins of the Man God to look for Mahayana opportunities and high-level spiritual objects. Finally, he found what he expected. Got the Mahayana opportunity.

I also found the Ziyun Flat Peach, which after taking it, can quickly increase my cultivation by a small level.

In the Paradise of Cave Heaven in the Qi Kingdom, Emperor Qi stood silently with his hands behind his back, looking at the tree with lush branches and leaves in front of him, with a look of peace on his face.

The spiritual tree in front of her is called the Zhoutian Immortal Tree. It has a cycle of 14,800 years, and one cycle yields 365 fruits. There are two fruits, Taiyin and Sun, which can assist the combined monks to advance to the Mahayana. , the success rate is 40%;

The remaining three hundred and sixty-three spiritual fruits have different effects, and their functions are so confusing that Emperor Qi doesn't even remember them all.

This Zhou Tian Immortal Tree was obtained by Emperor Qi who tried every means and spent Zhou Zhang on it. As of today, there are still two thousand five hundred and forty-eight years left before the completion of the fruiting of the Celestial Immortal Wood this week.

Two thousand years is not a long time for the combined immortal cultivators. Yan Wuyan or the combined monks from the Qi Kingdom can still afford to wait, but now...

Emperor Qi looked at the Zhoutian Immortal Tree in front of him and smiled slightly.

Now they have other Mahayana opportunities available, so they don't have to wait for the Zhoutian Immortal Tree.

Thinking of this, Emperor Qi raised his hand and moved forward slightly, and touched the knot that guarded the Zhoutian Immortal Tree.

Pointing at the knot in front of his finger, Emperor Qi turned his eyes to the distance.

There are thirteen excellent views in this cave paradise, and they are also thirteen places with rich spiritual energy. These thirteen places are either planted with ninth-level spiritual plants or built into caves suitable for retreat and hard practice;

Now, somewhere among these thirteen places, there are two more spiritual trees and a bowl of spiritual flowers.

One of the two spiritual trees is naturally the Purple Cloud Peach, and the other spiritual tree is crystal clear, as dazzling as a gem bonsai carefully refined by the most skilled craftsman.

But for some reason, there is no fruit, but the breeze blows by, and the faint fragrance is intoxicating.

The spiritual flower is also different from ordinary flowers and trees. Its flower looks like a human face, but the beauty's eyes are drooping, so you can't see her thoughts. The branches are as smooth as a mirror, and the leaves are swollen to completely cover the flower face;

At this moment, the spiritual flower is protected by the formation, and the four huge leaves cover it tightly, making it difficult to see its true appearance.

This spiritual flower is called the Beauty's Hairpin. It is beautiful but poisonous. It can be used to refine the elixir for the advancement to the Mahayana, and it is also the main medicine.

However, it is not the Beauty's Hairpin that can be used immediately to advance to the Mahayana, but the leaves that look like a gem bonsai tree.

In the blessed land of the cave, Emperor Qi turned around and left the Zhoutian Immortal Tree, and came to the other two spiritual trees in a flash.

Emperor Qi first glanced at the Purple Cloud Peach, and then set his sights on the small bonsai next to it.

Just then, a tall figure came from the other side of the blessed land of the cave.

The man was tall and straight, with dark eyes and sparse stubble on his face. He was wearing coarse cloth, which was completely different from the elegantly dressed Emperor Qi.

Emperor Qi didn't need to turn around or use his spiritual sense to detect his arrival. He looked at the man with a rare gentleness in his eyes and greeted him:

"Brother Wuyan."

Yes, the man was the cultivator of the Yan family of Qi State, Yan Wuyan.

Seeing Emperor Qi, Yan Wuyan nodded, which was considered a greeting to her.

Emperor Qi didn't care. Brother Wuyan was a man of few words. After being betrayed by his own brother, he became even more taciturn. This was also human nature.

However, her eyes fell on the stubble on Yan Wuyan's well-defined face, and then looked at his coarse cloth clothes, which was somewhat unbearable.

But he did not say anything, instead he said:

"The opportunity for Mahayana and all the items needed to resist the disaster are ready, Brother Wuyan can prepare to retreat and impact Mahayana."

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