The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1441: Lotus and the Spiritual Mirror

After the destruction of Qianji Palace, most of its sphere of influence was reduced to scorched earth due to the war. Even the eighth-level low-grade spiritual veins occupied by Qianji Palace disappeared. It is not known whether they were moved away by the Bone Clan or were lost after the war. was destroyed or something else

In the huge territory, there are only three seventh-level spiritual veins and a number of low-level spiritual veins left. Some of them were annexed by the Destroy the Void Sect, while the remaining places that were too close to the Bone Clan became unclaimed land. , is now a gathering place for casual cultivators and some small families.

The city in front of Feng Yidao and Qi Zhi was called Ningbao. It had seven lower-level spiritual veins. Perhaps because the spiritual veins were at a relatively high level and there was no strong force under their jurisdiction, there were actually many monks mixed in there.

After Feng Yidao and Qi Zhi entered the city, they patrolled the city for half a day and found no trace of the evil cultivator.

“If he didn’t escape in a teleportation array, there was some magical secret technique that obscured his aura.

Now that the teleportation array and the city gate have been closed, if he is still in the city, it depends on whether he can calm down. "

In the restaurant at the city gate, Qi Zhi sat by the window and said this.

Feng Yidao, who was sitting opposite him, showed a rare expression of annoyance and took a sullen sip of spiritual wine.

The castle master of Ningbao is just a monk in the middle stage of spiritual transformation, and the guard formation of Ningbao is only the sixth-level mid-level. The master of Ningbao was frightened to death when an evil cultivator of Void Refining got into the castle. It was not effective at all. The only way to deal with this is to send a message to the Xu Lian monk who is his backer;

However, if the Void Refining cultivators behind the castle master arrive, then the evil cultivators might even be able to escape to Yi Jiangyuan.

Qi Zhi said as his spiritual consciousness swept around the area again.

After still not noticing anything strange, he moved his lips and sent a message to Feng Yida, asking him to be vigilant and protect him.

Hearing this, Feng Yidao knew that Qi Zhi was going to use the secret technique again, so he nodded after drinking another glass of wine.

"Don't worry, little junior brother."

Qi Zhi smiled and conveyed the message

"Senior Brother said that, even if I am worried, I should be relieved."

After saying that, Qi Zhi's hand movements changed, and the aura around his body began to slowly weaken.

Feng Yidao waved his hand to set up a restriction, and his consciousness kept scanning the surroundings to be vigilant.

After a while, Qi Zhi opened his eyes. They were sitting next to the window. After being exposed to the sun for a while, his whole body felt warm.

“Still in the city.

However, the atmosphere of the monks in the city was mixed, and it was impossible to determine where he was for the moment.

It's a bit tricky.

It seemed like we had to find a way to get him to move first. "

Qi Zhi said and couldn't help but yawned.

The sunshine is really good today, which makes me feel sleepy.

Feng Yidao saw this and said:

"Let's find a place to rest first!"

The two of them have been tracking down the evil cultivator for almost a month. During this month, they have never relaxed for a moment while pursuing, fighting, and using secret techniques, and they have consumed a lot of real energy. It is no wonder that the junior brother feels tired.

Qi Zhi rolled his eyes, wondering what he was thinking of, and nodded with a smile.

The Lord of Ningbao felt relieved after knowing that Feng Yidao and Qi Zhi planned to stay in Ningbao temporarily. Hearing that they were looking for a place to rest, he quickly gave up the best courtyard in his city lord's palace, for fear that they would do whatever they wanted. If you choose an inn and leave him alone, you may be threatened by evil cultivators at all times.

While Qi Zhimei was sleeping peacefully, the teleportation array and gate of Ningbao were only closed for half a day before reopening and everything was as usual.

Many monks even didn't know that the teleportation array and the city gate were closed for half a day.

At the same time, on the other side, in a place where flowers and willows sleep in Ningbao, a soft-faced female editor was listening to someone report some news.

Not long after, the man left the tower made of pink gold threads, leaving only the female nun, tracing her eyebrows in the mirror.

I saw the beauty in the mirror, her skin was like cream, her lips were like red roses, and the flower on her forehead was a small double-peduncled lotus.

The beauty carefully outlined her eyebrows, but she didn't know that the person in the mirror had changed her appearance in a trance.

"You heard everything, right? Why don't you get out of here quickly?"

"Don't worry, since it's safe now, let's find someone for me first;

You also know that in order to avoid the pursuit of those two people, all my puppets were destroyed. "

"You are so capable, why don't you find it yourself?"

"Hey hey hey, I don't see people as well as Fairy Fu, how are you?"

There was a conversation between a man and a woman in the building.

Not long after, Fu Rui, who was wearing a gold butterfly skirt, stood up from the dressing mirror, walked to a screen, and turned into a ray of light and instantly disappeared into the screen!

This screen turns out to be a magical treasure!

Different from the Xuantian Tower or other cave-heaven spiritual objects, the space inside this screen is not large, only about ten miles in length. After entering it, Fuyu walked straight through the medicine gardens on both sides and walked into the embroidery building.

As soon as I entered the embroidery building and looked up, I saw a frame of ancient knowledge, with a broken mirror floating in the center. I don’t know what external force the mirror encountered. A good mirror was broken into many pieces and was lost. Nearly one-third of the lenses

Fuu walked to the broken spiritual mirror, covered her heart and sighed. After a while, she took out a fragment of the mirror and placed it in it. She saw that the broken edge of the broken mirror quickly overlapped with the missing part of the spiritual mirror. It's just that the cracks on it can't be healed.

Even with the addition of an additional lens, the broken spiritual mirror still seemed to be missing five or six lenses.

"I don't know if these are enough..."

At the same time, on the other side, Feng Yidao, who was hiding in the dark and monitoring the teleportation array, looked at the monks waiting in front of the teleportation array and shook his head slightly.

That evil cultivator is not among these people.

It seems that we need some patience to catch this person.

On the other hand, the fortress lord also ordered his men to track down the whereabouts of the two monks who entered Ningbao.

Although the fortress lord has many men, when facing high-level monks, what they can track down is very limited.

In this regard, the fortress lord is helpless and worried. He can only hope that the senior Lianxu who he relies on behind him can see his message and come here to take charge as soon as possible. Only in this way can he be completely at ease.

The next day, Qi Zhi, who slept until dawn, recovered his energy and spirit. He patted his head and found the fortress lord and began to inquire about Ningbao and the previous Qianji Palace.

When he first asked about Ningbao, the fortress lord looked natural, but when he mentioned Qianji Palace, the fortress lord began to hesitate, as if he was hindered by something and couldn't say it out loud.

Seeing the castle lord like this, Qi Zhi smiled, looking quite harmless:

"If the castle lord feels that there is something he cannot say, it is the same if I search for the answer myself.

But in this case, the castle lord will have to endure some pain."

Qi Zhi said it calmly, but the castle lord opened his eyes in disbelief, as if he did not expect that Qi Zhi, who looked amiable with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was also the kind of cultivator who did not mind using some special means that were not very moral.

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