The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1447: Gathering information and planning

The two chatted lively for a long time, and after learning about each other and their family's current situation, Gu Haochen talked about his purpose of coming.

"Speaking of which, I was going out of the city today, but unexpectedly I saw a notice at the city gate.

Someone purchased a lens magic weapon at a high price. I don’t know the reasons and details. Does Brother Haoling know? "

Seeing that Gu Haochen actually asked about this matter, Gu Haoling was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said:

“I do know something about this matter, but not completely, so I will tell you what I know first;

If you are not in a hurry, wait here for a few days. I can then ask other people. I will definitely get more useful information. "

Hearing what Gu Haoling said, Gu Haochen felt happy.

"I know that a well-informed person like Brother Haoling must know something about this, so please tell me quickly."

I saw Gu Haoling talking here:

"The person who issued this reward is not in this city, but the owner of Ningbao not far away issued the reward. The owner of Ningbao takes this matter very seriously and even sent his cronies to deal with it."

Having said this, Gu Haoling paused, leaving nothing for Gu Haochen to think about, and continued:

"However, the castle lord's confidants didn't say what this lens is. According to my guess, it should be some kind of powerful innate spiritual treasure. I can't say for sure;

So far, because of the generous bounty rewards, it has caused a lot of waves in these cities in the north, and even many bounty hunters have paid attention to this lens.

Well, you see, this is the specific description and pattern of the mirror and lens. "

As Gu Haoling said this, he found a piece of brocade cloth and handed it to Gu Haochen.

Gu Haochen quickly took it and looked at it carefully. After thinking for a while, he took out a lens from his storage bracelet.

Although it is only the size of a palm and its shape is very irregular, after laying the brocade cloth on the table and covering the lenses, you can tell from the contours of the edges that the lenses are in Gu Haochen's hand. One of several missing lenses!

Seeing this, Gu Haoling couldn't help but clapped his hands and marveled,

"Good guy, you really have it!

I thought you came here to ask just because you had information about this lens. \

,"Gu Haochen looked at the brocade cloth and lenses on the table and said:

"I got this thing by chance. I thought it was just a fragment of an ordinary spiritual treasure, and I wanted to sell it casually.

Now it seems that it is fortunate that it was not sold. "

Seeing that Gu Haochen had something in hand, Gu Haoling also became interested.

“You stay here for a few days, and then I will go find out the news for you;

This Ningbao is also considered a large city. The things that make the Lord of Ningbao pay so much attention to it must have some hidden meaning or other functions.

Once I've explored it almost, it won't be too late for you to consider whether to redeem the rewards. "

Gu Haochen nodded without any objection and just held his hand

"Thank you to Brother Haoling for this time. If I can really get any benefit from it, I will definitely give 10% to Brother Haoling."

Gu Haoling waved his hand,

“It’s a shame to say this, it’s just to get information;

We are our own family, why should we be so polite? If you really want to thank me, just choose an auxiliary puppet that you are satisfied with and sell it to me in the future.

Just do a few simple things to take care of the cave for me. "

This was naturally a trivial matter to Gu Haochen, so he smiled and said,

"When I return to the family and retreat for a while, I will study the sixth-order puppet. I will definitely be able to refine a better puppet than before and leave it to Brother Haoling."

Gu Haoling nodded and smiled.

"Then I'll wait and see."

In the next few days, Gu Haoling became busy.

With his status, it was not difficult to find out some information in this market. Soon Gu Haoling found out more information. Facing the curious and inquiring eyes of other colleagues, Gu Haoling just laughed and said that he was going to check the warehouse. See if there are any similar things, as for more, they are not shown. ŴŴŴ.

Four days later, Gu Haochen, who was meditating on the futon in the room, suddenly noticed that Gu Haoling came outside the room with a strange expression.

Gu Haochen opened his eyes and opened the formation, stood up and welcomed Gu Haoling into the room. After the two sat down, Gu Haochen took out the tea cup and other things, and while slowly making tea, he asked:

"Why do you think Brother Haoling doesn't look so good?

Could it be that you heard some incredible news today? "

Gu Haochen asked this, but there was no hint of anxiety in his tone, which showed that he had a calm mind.

Gu Haoling frowned here. Seeing Gu Haochen so calm, he couldn't help but feel a little admiration. He was in a different place. If something involving considerable interests happened to him, Gu Haoling couldn't hold back his emotions.

Smelling the aroma of tea, Gu Haoling's brows relaxed a little, and he said:

“The castle owner’s side is pretty tight, and I can’t find any useful information;

However, I learned from a good friend of the Yu family that there were other people who had been searching for the whereabouts of these lenses in the past two to three hundred years.

I asked deliberately and found out that the other person was also a monk from Ningbao! "

Hearing this, Gu Haochen poured tea for Gu Haoling and said:

"In other words, maybe there are two forces in Ningbao competing for these lenses?

However, it seems to me that a lot of lenses have been collected in this picture. In other words, the two forces may have merged or the castle owner has eradicated this force and made it his own? "

Gu Haoling nodded and added:

"And the most important thing is that some of the monks who had the lenses before were killed in the end, and some disappeared completely. According to my guess, there may be someone who is collecting these lenses by any means.

Therefore, for the sake of life, the lens in your hand must not be exposed at will! "

Gu Haochen didn't expect that things would turn out like this. He sighed, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Fortunately, I came to the family first to find someone to ask about the situation. If this were not the case, if I came to the door rashly, I would not really be in trouble.

It seems that having this lens in my hand is a blessing or a curse. "

Gu Haoling thought for a while,

“A lens that can attract such attention from Lord Ningbao must not be underestimated, but we don’t know the level of it.

How about hiding your identity and going to Ningbao first?

I know that the forces that were pursuing the lenses before are also quite famous in Nimburg;

Once you find out some names, report it to the family or find a high-level monk from the family traveling nearby to see if any other clan members are willing to join.

If one or two people from the Lianxu clan come to help, we will definitely not have to worry about our lives.

Maybe it will be the opportunity I have been waiting for! "

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