The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1468: Means of overcoming the tribulation

Of course, if everyone succeeds in advancing to Mahayana, there will still be many people who will compete with each other.

But even if the 49th Heaven Tribulation is the lowest difficulty of the Mahayana True Thunder Tribulation, its death rate is as high as 4/5, and the success rate of advancement is about 1/5; as for those who can successfully survive the 99th Heaven Tribulation, it is even rarer.

After the True Thunder Tribulation, it is the final Heart Demon Tribulation.

Compared with the True Thunder Tribulation, which is either life or death, the Heart Demon Tribulation is more tolerant in some ways.

If you fail to survive the Heart Demon Tribulation, at the least, your soul and consciousness will be severely damaged and you will become a madman, but you can still keep your life; at the worst, you will naturally go crazy and explode and die.

Fortunately, although it is difficult to advance to Mahayana, the three tribulations of the Five Elements, True Thunder and Heart Demon are even more dangerous, but the whole process can be assisted by external objects, which can reduce the pressure of the cultivator who survives the tribulation and increase the chance of advancing to Mahayana.

Of course, most of these auxiliary items are difficult to purchase at the price of ordinary spirit stones, and most of them require Mahayana cultivators to scramble for them and arrange them personally; even if there are any secret techniques that can be learned, they are not easy for ordinary late-stage fusion cultivators to obtain.

But obviously, for the Qi Kingdom, which has been passed down for 20,000 years, in addition to those Mahayana opportunities that are consumed at one time, there are still some methods and experiences left by ancestors that can be learned.

Take the Five Elements Tribulation for example. When the previous Qi Emperor was fighting in all directions, he once obtained a secret method of refining the Five Elements Absorption Platform. This spiritual platform is a group of five, and the refining materials and refining techniques used are relatively special, and the refining difficulty is high;

But after the successful refining, it can be used to weaken the power of the Five Elements Tribulation. Although it can only weaken it by about 10%, it is already a rare auxiliary item.

For many years, Qi Kingdom has never stopped refining this spiritual platform, and now it is naturally easy to take out a set.

As for the means of weakening the thunder tribulation, there is a formation made of 108 thunder-absorbing beads, which is also the most widely circulated means. When Zhen Lingzi advanced to the Mahayana stage, he also used this formation;

There are also similar spiritual talismans and spiritual liquids.

The means of weakening the inner demon fell into the inheritance of the Qi Kingdom Yan family's skills.

The Yan family has a sound cultivation method. After practicing to the pinnacle, it can not only kill people with sound attacks, but also use secret techniques to assist in weakening the influence of the inner demon, and even have some effect when advancing to the Mahayana stage in the late stage of fusion.

For such special and useful talents, Qi Kingdom has always been intentional to cultivate.

At this time, outside the secret place where Yan Wuyan was in seclusion, there were two sound cultivators beside him, waiting for Yan Wuyan to successfully pass the five elements in the true thunder tribulation, and then they could play for him to achieve the effect of weakening the inner demon.

And Yan Wuyan didn't need to worry about the various arrangements, and the Qi Emperor mobilized the power of the entire Qi Kingdom to arrange them for him.

But just in case, all this was done in secret.

With these arrangements, I dare not say anything else, but it is possible to increase Yan Wuyan's chance of successfully surviving the tribulation by 15%.

Yan Wuyan himself also has a spiritual treasure that can resist the heavenly tribulation, a substitute puppet, and a pill that can make people overdraw their original true essence in a short period of time.

In short, the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the power behind, the more available means can be collected, and the greater the possibility of successfully surviving the tribulation.

Of course, the premise is that the cultivator himself is quite powerful, not a straw bag with empty true essence.

But obviously, Yan Wuyan is not in this list.

As a candidate who has stood out from the thousands of Yan family members and advanced to the Mahayana, whether it is him, the Qi Emperor who has already advanced to the Mahayana, or the former Yan Wuqiu, they are all talented and capable of fighting;

Especially the current Qi Emperor, his qualifications are much higher than the previous Qi Emperor, otherwise he would not be able to stabilize the Qi Kingdom with the cultivation level of the early Mahayana and suppress the nearby Wing Clan.

Unfortunately, Yan Wuqiu's brain and experience were still a little lacking, and he was trapped by the trap set by the foreign race, and almost ruined his own brother and Qi country.

Emperor Qi was guarding the gate for Yan Wuyan, and he was seen sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed on the Wangbei Cliff. Three array plates of different shapes floated in front of him, emitting strange spiritual light.

Behind Emperor Qi, two men and two women, four late-stage fusion cultivators stood with their breath held. Although the four of them were all dressed in luxurious clothes and had a majestic aura, they were obviously people who had been in high positions for a long time. But in this situation, in front of Emperor Qi, he didn't even dare to glance at it.

Wangbei Cliff is located in the north of the capital of Qi country, and it is the highest cliff in the northern part of Huxiao Territory.

At this moment, Yan Wuyan was in seclusion in the huge valley under Wangbei Cliff to impact Mahayana.

Emperor Qi and several late-stage fusion cultivators have been guarding the valley. Until yesterday, Emperor Qi noticed that Yan Wuyan's aura in the valley began to strengthen, so he immediately ordered all the cultivators who were guarding Yan Wuyan to strengthen the guard. Within a thousand miles, any suspicious person should be immediately expelled. If there is any delay, they can be killed immediately without further notice.

And they also activated the defense formation to surround the entire huge valley; under the arrangement of the bells, the entire valley is protected as solid as a rock, and not even a bird can fly in.

Now a day is almost over. Looking down from Wangbei Cliff, you can see that the five-color spiritual energy flares around the valley at this moment. The dense spiritual energy looks like a five-color lake with abundant spiritual energy from a distance;

Yan Wuyan is in it, but he has no time to appreciate this strange and beautiful place.

He took advantage of the Mahayana opportunity to forcibly raise his true energy to the Mahayana stage. His meridians were already swollen and painful. In order to relieve the pain and absorb more true energy to overcome the upcoming Five Elements Tribulation, he sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and his Nascent Soul instantly appeared above his head.

The Nascent Soul was only six inches in size, but its surface was as smooth as jade and its aura was restrained. It was also wearing a miniature purple armor that covered most of its body. Obviously, this armor was also a good item;

But at this moment, Yan Wuyan's Nascent Soul had a tense expression on his face. As soon as he appeared, he took out a talisman and slapped it on his body. Mysterious silver runes immediately flowed out of the talisman and covered the entire Nascent Soul. Then, the Nascent Soul opened its mouth and exhaled and inhaled, sucking in most of the spiritual tide of the five-colored rays of light like a tornado!

After sucking the entire valley empty, Yan Wuyan's Nascent Soul became colorful and crystal clear as if it was transparent, and it instantly grew three times bigger; the silver runes on its body became even more colorful, but even so, the Nascent Soul still did not stop absorbing spiritual energy, as if no amount of spiritual energy could fill its appetite!

At the same time, Yuanying raised his hands, and a bronze mask rolled out, quickly grew larger and split into five, and fell to the ground with "bang bang bang bang", and sucked spiritual energy like a black hole. As the spiritual energy was absorbed, the expressions engraved on the five identical and blurred bronze masks began to become clear, and their appearance was exactly the same as Yan Wuyan, but the expressions were "joy, anger, sorrow, fear, and worry", which looked quite strange.

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